1 About

1.1 Citation

If you wish to use any of the material from this report please cite as:

  • Ben Anderson (2019) NZ GREEN Grid Household Electricity Demand Data: EECA Data Processing (Part A) Report v1.0, Centre for Sustainability, University of Otago: Dunedin.

This work is (c) 2019 the authors. Usage right are specified in the License section (1.3).

1.2 Report circulation

  • Public – this report is intended for publication following EECA approval.

1.3 License

This work is made available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) License.

This means you are free to:

  • Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format
  • Adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially.

Under the following terms:

  • Attribution — You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.
  • ShareAlike — If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you must distribute your contributions under the same license as the original.
  • No additional restrictions — You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from doing anything the license permits.


  • You do not have to comply with the license for elements of the material in the public domain or where your use is permitted by an applicable exception or limitation.
  • No warranties are given. The license may not give you all of the permissions necessary for your intended use. For example, other rights such as publicity, privacy, or moral rights may limit how you use the material.

For the avoidance of doubt and explanation of terms please refer to the full license notice and legal code.

1.4 History

You may not be reading the most recent version of this report. Please check:

1.5 Support

This work was supported by:

  • The New Zealand Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority (EECA)

2 Introduction

This report uses the full New Zealand GREEN Grid household electricity demand study research data to:

  • test the feasibility of multi-year data analysis beyond the single year made possible by the public available data (Stephenson et al. 2017);
  • impute total dwelling load (W) per minute using the original circuit level data;
  • produce a smaller mean half-hourly power demand (W) per circuit (and total load) per dwelling dataset for further analysis;
  • extract half-hourly data for specified circuits.

This report describes the results of this work and directs the reader to relevant R code where necessary.

All code used to create this report is available from:

The archived and most recent version of the report is available from:

3 Data

The NZ GREEN Grid household electricity demand study recruited a sample of c 40 households in each of two regions of New Zealand (Stephenson et al. 2017). The first sample was recruited in early 2014 and the second in early 2015. Research data includes:

  • 1 minute electricity power (W) data was collected for each dwelling circuit using GridSpy monitors on each power circuit (and the incoming power). The power values represent mean(W) over the minute preceding the observation timestamp;
  • Dwelling & appliance surveys;
  • Occupant time-use diaries (focused on energy use).

The data collection was supported by the New Zealand Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) through the Renewable Energy and the Smart Grid (GREEN Grid) grant (Contract ID: UOCX1203).

4 Multi-year data availability

Whilst the GREEN Grid project collected data from 2014-01-06 to 2018-08-01, we do not have complete multi-year coverage of the 45 dwellings for whom data exists.

As Figure 4.1 shows data is available for most of the 24 dwellings in the Taranaki region from mid 2014 and for most of the 20 dwellings in Hawkes Bay from early 2015. In most cases the ‘right’ number of observations were received per half hour (30) when the dwellings were sending data. However not all dwellings sent data continuously with substantial attrition by 2017 (Figure 4.2).

Mean number of observations per circuit per half hour

Figure 4.1: Mean number of observations per circuit per half hour

Number of dwellings sending data per day

Figure 4.2: Number of dwellings sending data per day

For clarity, Figure 4.3 shows the mean daily number of dwellings present in the data in each year and season for each region. It is clear that 2015 provides the highest level of reporting dwellings, however Figure 4.3 also shows that it is possible to calculate seasonal summaries for several years.

Active dwellings by season

Figure 4.3: Active dwellings by season

However, it should be noted that:

  • not all dwellings contained the appliance circuits of interest;
  • two dwellings (rf_01 and rf_02) were test installs in researchers’ homes for whom no survey data exists;
  • one dwelling (rf_46) has ambiguous circuit labels and so should be ignored;
  • a number of dwellings have a very high proportion of -ve power values for some circuits which is probably due to PV installation (e.g. rf_14,rf_25,rf_26,rf_43) and so should be ignored if total dwelling load is required;
  • similarly some dwellings have a small number of -ve power values on non-PV circuits at some times, possibly due to brief incorrect fitting of the monitors.

As a result the effective number of dwellings available for any given analysis will always be lower than the numbers reported above and should be evaluated on a case by case basis.

5 Imputation of ‘total load’ per minute per dwelling

Whilst in theory the calculation of total load in any given minute should be a matter of merely summing all monitored circuits, in practice the task is not quite this simple. There are a number of reasons for this:

  • for some dwellings the hot water circuit is separately metered and thus monitored but for others it is part of the overall ‘incomer/mains’ demand;
  • photovoltaic panels were installed in several dwellings which produce negative power values and so would reduce apparent demand if naively aggregated;
  • several dwellings report either systematic or intermittent negative values yet do not have PV installations.

Our previously work has shown that with appropriate care it is possible to derive best effort estimates of total dwelling power load by summing a small number of particular circuits for each dwelling (Anderson 2019). However the issues described above mean that users should:

  • exclude dwellings with (link) IDs: rf_14,rf_25,rf_26 and rf_43 due to substantial unexplained negative values;
  • exclude other -ve values on a per-value basis. We recommend setting such values to NA (not 0);
  • include dwellings known to have PV only if analysis of demand during non-daylight hours is being undertaken or if net demand is of interest.

Separately, for reasons explained elsewhere we also recommend removing rf_46 from the data prior to analysis.

In all cases we recommend that users check the data carefully before analysis and document any filtering they apply.

We have therefore created a new dataset for each dwelling which comprises the estimated total load per minute for each dwelling for the entire time frame for which we have data (ref Figure 4.2). For ease of use this data is available as:

  • an additional set of observations added to the end of each clean data file with circuit label set to imputedTotalDemand_circuitsToSum_v1.1 indicating that the aggregation code used the circuitsToSum definition v1.1;
  • a single file containing only the estimated total load per minute per dwelling.

Note that we have not applied the exclusion rules described above. In order to ensure all data is available if required, these rules should only be applied just prior to analysis. The files are listed in Table 8.1 in the Data Annex Section 8.1. Whilst we can make these data files available, potential users should note that they are larger than the original data files. The single file containing only the estimated total load per minute per dwelling is especially large.

Table 5.1 shows basic statistics for the estimated 1 minute level load for each dwelling and illustrates some of the issues described above.

Table 5.1: Basic statistics for the estimated 1 minute level load (W) for each dwelling
linkID PV Inverter Location nObs meanW minW maxW sdW
rf_01 NA Test installs 851,716 1662.15 0.00 13560.50 1742.03
rf_02 NA Test installs 581,156 719.25 -330.38 10204.00 998.49
rf_06 Taranaki 1,883,074 941.95 -1436.21 10804.38 1128.38
rf_07 Taranaki 2,010,201 604.47 -263.00 9508.46 656.20
rf_08 Taranaki 1,548,193 1044.98 35.14 11973.94 1144.81
rf_09 Taranaki 527,883 648.63 -16.00 8586.00 757.80
rf_10 Taranaki 1,822,053 596.12 27.68 9860.26 772.91
rf_11 Taranaki 2,127,141 545.92 14.00 11855.49 885.84
rf_12 Taranaki 398,134 779.81 -406.00 10439.03 1217.16
rf_13 Taranaki 2,179,995 1455.69 92.46 11580.60 1188.63
rf_14 Taranaki 1,783,337 612.96 -1758.08 9894.88 739.48
rf_15b Taranaki 390,846 1255.16 -1062.00 10536.10 1202.39
rf_16 Taranaki 372,306 538.28 -262.00 8691.89 821.54
rf_17a Taranaki 959,929 526.92 -1084.72 9041.53 788.89
rf_17b Taranaki 272,150 351.03 32.17 6495.37 481.33
rf_18 Taranaki 540,446 1444.19 -1842.66 13079.07 1901.81
rf_19 yes Taranaki 2,109,122 -589.54 -12407.52 7363.92 2035.90
rf_20 Taranaki 543,382 813.60 -1273.19 9739.43 1083.75
rf_21 Taranaki 1,010,258 483.36 31.00 7990.10 607.06
rf_22 Taranaki 1,885,333 1291.44 47.92 11535.40 1342.73
rf_23 yes Taranaki 2,181,070 1078.65 -1871.83 11015.80 1126.36
rf_24 yes Taranaki 2,107,577 76.59 -7542.61 9929.11 1518.25
rf_25 Taranaki 706,148 859.16 0.00 11814.74 1071.90
rf_26 Taranaki 1,938,549 707.24 -482.36 9366.50 997.70
rf_27 Taranaki 908,658 1118.20 58.00 9569.40 1062.34
rf_28 yes Hawkes Bay 86,311 -135.48 -3366.52 7960.34 983.91
rf_29 Hawkes Bay 1,749,695 1606.68 76.85 12011.87 1400.14
rf_30 Hawkes Bay 743,770 743.41 30.00 8706.07 751.49
rf_31 Hawkes Bay 1,760,227 642.32 24.00 10547.60 864.45
rf_32 Hawkes Bay 541,109 677.75 0.00 8274.91 850.74
rf_33 Hawkes Bay 1,601,314 814.45 63.47 9654.25 966.47
rf_34 Hawkes Bay 730,613 1159.12 0.00 13043.50 1189.61
rf_35 Hawkes Bay 781,977 1339.89 -622.00 10373.54 1223.08
rf_36 Hawkes Bay 1,605,647 829.98 0.00 14826.00 1301.66
rf_37 Hawkes Bay 1,763,330 583.05 51.00 9365.54 1019.71
rf_38 Hawkes Bay 886,482 1058.81 -179.00 9455.19 1383.36
rf_39 Hawkes Bay 1,537,301 1920.08 -199.00 15593.20 1767.34
rf_40 Hawkes Bay 348,217 1191.50 24.00 12527.77 1326.90
rf_41 Hawkes Bay 1,372,961 1014.34 54.83 12857.00 1053.56
rf_42 Hawkes Bay 975,198 1230.27 33.61 12383.70 1563.55
rf_43 Hawkes Bay 296,190 626.90 0.00 6687.53 719.72
rf_44 Hawkes Bay 1,762,049 1079.67 32.00 12165.12 1573.37
rf_45 Hawkes Bay 819,601 771.95 23.90 10385.13 1237.62
rf_46 Hawkes Bay 1,939,634 1622.95 92.00 12979.28 1399.64
rf_47 Hawkes Bay 588,348 415.53 21.00 11171.30 673.20

6 Development of a half-hourly power demand dataset

In response to EECA’s request we have used the per-dwelling files listed in Table 8.1 and the code available from our github repo to produce an aggregated half-hourly power demand dataset for each dwelling.

These files contain:

  • r_dateTimeHalfHour (in UTC) in half hours;
  • number of observations, mean, min, max and standard deviation of power (W) for each half hour;
  • circuit label with total load labelled as imputedTotalDemand_circuitsToSum_v1.1;
  • dwelling linkID (for linkage to survey data).

Table 6.1 shows the first few rows of one of these files where:

  • linkID = dwelling identifier to link to survey data
  • circuit = circuit monitored
  • r_dateTimeHalfHour = date and time (half hour)
  • nObs = number of 1 minute power observations used in the calculations (usually 30)
  • meanPowerW = mean of 1 minute power observations (W)
  • sdPowerW = standard deviation of 1 minute power observations (W)
  • minPowerW = minimum 1 minute power value observed (W)
  • maxPowerW = maximum 1 minute power value power observed (W)
Table 6.1: Half hourly data format with example data
linkID circuit r_dateTimeHalfHour nObs meanPowerW sdPowerW minPowerW maxPowerW
rf_01 Heating$1633 2014-01-06 16:00:00 2 28.39 0.00 28.39 28.39
rf_01 Heating$1633 2014-03-07 15:30:00 4 28.27 0.24 27.91 28.39
rf_01 Heating$1633 2014-03-07 16:00:00 19 393.55 423.92 27.91 925.09
rf_01 Heating$1633 2014-03-07 16:30:00 30 909.96 7.65 897.09 921.28
rf_01 Heating$1633 2014-03-07 17:00:00 30 896.36 2.77 891.39 903.27
rf_01 Heating$1633 2014-03-07 17:30:00 30 905.08 17.19 885.21 936.97

The resulting files are listed in Table 8.2 in the Data Annex Section 8.2.

Further, these per-dwelling files have been used to attempt to create single data files containing all observations for the circuits or (partial) circuit labels set out in the following sections. Table 8.3 in Section 8.3 of the Data Annex shows the unique circuit labels available as a guide to what can be meaningfully extracted. The process of extraction uses partial string matching so, for example, the string Lighting would match to circuits with the following labels:

  • "Lighting"
  • "Lighting and spa"
  • "Lighting and garage"

but not:

  • "Outside Lights"

Note that the process may therefore match a number of circuits and in some cases circuits may contain other appliances. Analysis should therefore proceed with caution since some circuits may have been missed that were required and some extracted which were not. For the avoidance of doubt, the code used to extract these circuits should be checked against Table 8.3 in Section 8.3 of the Data Annex.

In each section we extract and save the relevant half-hourly observations and provide two plots:

  • a tile plot showing the data availability and mean power for the extracted circuits over the entire data collection;
  • a mean power demand profile plot by time of day and season as a sense-check on the patterns of demand for the extracted circuits.

6.1 Lighting

filter <- "Lighting"
dt <- halfHourlyPowerDT[circuitLabel %like% filter] # extraction

In this section we extract every record where:

  • the string “Lighting” is found in circuit

Table 6.2 shows summary statistics of the half-hourly mean values for all observations extracted by circuit label.

## # -> 937739 rows of data for 8 unique circuit labels from 23 dwellings covering the period 
## # -> 2014-06-06 16:30:00 to 2018-08-01 23:30:00 (NB: data may not be continuous)
Table 6.2: Summary statistics for extract
circuitLabel nObs nDwellings meanW minW maxW sdW
Lighting 789233 20 106.147 -127.277 3411.401 236.878
Lighting & 2 Towel Rail 51274 1 278.265 0.000 2101.948 184.507
Lighting (inc heat lamps) 32529 1 361.126 0.000 3528.905 538.110
Lighting 1/2 9153 1 -1.721 -68.609 14.600 5.983
Lighting 2/2 9153 1 7.884 0.000 166.436 19.275
Lighting1 19407 1 440.832 41.400 2187.108 312.316
Lighting2 19407 1 42.556 -127.277 415.553 68.866
Lighting_Imag 7583 1 9.507 -96.211 471.371 68.458
## Gziping /Users/ben/Data/NZ_GREENGrid/safe//gridSpy/halfHour/extracts/halfHourLighting.csv
## Gzipped /Users/ben/Data/NZ_GREENGrid/safe//gridSpy/halfHour/extracts/halfHourLighting.csv
Lighting data summary

Figure 6.1: Lighting data summary

Lighting data summary

Figure 6.2: Lighting data summary

We therefore have Lighting data for 27 dwellings.

6.2 Hot water

# more complex (we could de-capitalise first)
filter1 <- "Hot water" # or
filter2 <- "Hot Water"

dt <- halfHourlyPowerDT[circuitLabel %like% filter1 |
                                circuitLabel %like% filter2]

In this section we extract every record where:

  • the string “Hot water” is found in circuit
  • the string “Hot Water” is found in circuit

Table 6.3 shows the mean power (mean of the half-hourly mean values) for all observations extracted by circuit label.

## # -> 1447845 rows of data for 11 unique circuit labels from 34 dwellings covering the period 
## # -> 2014-01-06 16:00:00 to 2018-08-01 23:30:00 (NB: data may not be continuous)
Table 6.3: Summary statistics for extract
circuitLabel nObs nDwellings meanW minW maxW sdW
Hot Water 32452 2 305.402 0.000 2215.737 495.432
Hot Water (2 elements) 51274 1 394.893 0.000 3317.472 794.307
Hot Water - Controlled 995591 23 287.919 -525.423 3317.720 637.925
Hot Water - Controlled (HEMS) 72954 1 256.577 0.000 1459.965 430.793
Hot Water - Controlled1 19407 1 264.633 -0.570 2137.988 613.222
Hot Water - Controlled2 19407 1 2.893 -26.632 56.671 6.783
Hot Water - Controlled_Imag 7583 1 1.385 -32.408 89.840 4.947
Hot Water - Uncontrolled 136539 4 308.662 -208.233 3901.050 624.055
Hot Water Cpbd Heater- Cont 70927 1 76.914 0.000 1955.707 156.522
Hot water 28401 1 216.747 0.000 1874.646 470.285
Incomer 1 - Hot Water - Cont 13310 1 431.691 0.000 3057.669 763.904
## Gziping /Users/ben/Data/NZ_GREENGrid/safe//gridSpy/halfHour/extracts/halfHourHotWater.csv
## Gzipped /Users/ben/Data/NZ_GREENGrid/safe//gridSpy/halfHour/extracts/halfHourHotWater.csv
Hot water data summary

Figure 6.3: Hot water data summary

Hot water data summary

Figure 6.4: Hot water data summary

We therefore have Hot Water data for 37 dwellings.

6.3 Heat pumps

filter1 <- "Heat Pump"

dt <- halfHourlyPowerDT[circuitLabel %like% filter1]

In this section we extract every record where:

  • the string “Heat Pump” is found in circuit

Table 6.4 shows the mean power (mean of the half-hourly mean values) for all observations extracted by circuit label.

## # -> 1342357 rows of data for 17 unique circuit labels from 29 dwellings covering the period 
## # -> 2014-05-29 10:00:00 to 2018-08-01 23:30:00 (NB: data may not be continuous)
Table 6.4: Summary statistics for extract
circuitLabel nObs nDwellings meanW minW maxW sdW
Bedroom & Lounge Heat Pumps 70345 1 90.484 0.000 2555.719 194.524
Downstairs (inc 1 Heat Pump) 72683 1 7.251 -2343.788 2967.435 454.010
Heat Pump 644577 18 90.955 -58.367 4982.931 284.471
Heat Pump & 2 x Bathroom Heat 19625 1 119.058 0.000 3559.722 368.699
Heat Pump & Bedroom 2 17605 1 153.405 -26.877 3242.937 320.690
Heat Pump & Kitchen Appliances 58353 1 589.413 20.936 3760.920 482.378
Heat Pump & Lounge 70927 1 221.935 0.000 3314.134 370.098
Heat Pump & Misc 18124 1 176.614 -173.072 1701.146 225.030
Heat Pump & Washing Machine 33684 1 113.523 0.000 3120.887 268.412
Heat Pump (x2) & Lounge Power 11618 1 330.668 0.000 5340.914 710.990
Heat Pumps (2x) & Power 81989 1 116.971 -242.388 2959.364 291.750
Heat Pumps (2x) & Power1 19407 1 235.390 5.915 2959.364 284.451
Heat Pumps (2x) & Power2 19407 1 -66.280 -241.699 249.051 60.350
Heat Pumps (2x) & Power_Imag 7583 1 -105.076 -269.724 250.487 50.018
Kitchen Appliances & Heat Pump 53402 1 274.957 62.990 3180.312 266.882
Theatre Heat Pump 70345 1 3.030 -3.267 999.087 28.796
Upstairs Heat Pumps 72683 1 147.743 -46.290 2762.926 364.076
## Gziping /Users/ben/Data/NZ_GREENGrid/safe//gridSpy/halfHour/extracts/halfHourHeatPump.csv
## Gzipped /Users/ben/Data/NZ_GREENGrid/safe//gridSpy/halfHour/extracts/halfHourHeatPump.csv
Heat Pump data summary

Figure 6.5: Heat Pump data summary

Heat Pump data summary

Figure 6.6: Heat Pump data summary

We therefore have Heat Pump data for 34 dwellings.

6.4 Kitchen

Noting that this may include other areas of the dwelling…

filter1 <- "Kitchen"

dt <- halfHourlyPowerDT[circuitLabel %like% filter1]

In this section we extract every record where:

  • the string “Kitchen” is found in circuit

Table 6.5 and shows the mean power (mean of the half-hourly mean values) for all observations extracted by circuit label.

## # -> 1854832 rows of data for 23 unique circuit labels from 44 dwellings covering the period 
## # -> 2014-01-06 16:00:00 to 2018-08-01 23:30:00 (NB: data may not be continuous)
Table 6.5: Summary statistics for extract
circuitLabel nObs nDwellings meanW minW maxW sdW
Heat Pump & Kitchen Appliances 58353 1 589.413 20.936 3760.920 482.378
Hob & Kitchen Appliances 23570 1 349.554 0.000 2379.292 319.873
Kitchen 184740 3 88.059 0.000 2273.916 160.105
Kitchen & Bedrooms 81989 1 111.272 -45.302 2106.422 165.294
Kitchen & Bedrooms1 19407 1 117.717 0.000 1436.520 170.837
Kitchen & Bedrooms2 19407 1 39.627 -37.738 205.681 69.900
Kitchen & Bedrooms_Imag 7583 1 98.201 -41.499 204.522 79.882
Kitchen & Laundry 135563 2 326.218 0.000 4445.761 332.796
Kitchen Appliances 818490 22 117.330 -586.962 3484.788 205.900
Kitchen Appliances & Bedrooms 12416 1 39.718 0.000 2247.657 73.991
Kitchen Appliances & Garage 33684 1 46.272 -2.523 1952.114 178.958
Kitchen Appliances & Heat Pump 53402 1 274.957 62.990 3180.312 266.882
Kitchen Appliances & Laundry 138080 2 169.961 -41.100 3144.275 202.688
Kitchen Appliances & Lounge 13310 1 147.102 -1.686 2063.290 195.101
Kitchen Appliances & Ventilati 18032 1 438.888 -500.265 3044.483 323.134
Kitchen Power & Heat, Lounge 19625 1 142.513 13.810 2670.404 180.314
Kitchen power 28401 1 203.905 0.000 3048.565 296.531
Kitchen, Dining & Office 29556 1 112.220 0.000 2221.450 177.167
Kitchen, Laundry & Beds 1&3 30305 1 344.661 19.907 2555.615 316.372
Kitchen, Laundry & Ventilation 72954 1 240.922 41.791 3810.431 223.795
Laundry & Kitchen 24801 1 15.004 0.000 1073.849 34.050
Laundry & Kitchen Appliances 13040 1 259.593 -564.167 4637.651 401.028
Oven & Kitchen Appliances 18124 1 262.494 39.133 3397.599 278.561
## Gziping /Users/ben/Data/NZ_GREENGrid/safe//gridSpy/halfHour/extracts/halfHourKitchen.csv
## Gzipped /Users/ben/Data/NZ_GREENGrid/safe//gridSpy/halfHour/extracts/halfHourKitchen.csv
Kitchen data summary

Figure 6.7: Kitchen data summary

Kitchen data summary

Figure 6.8: Kitchen data summary

We therefore have Kitchen data for 48 dwellings.

6.5 Non-heat pump ‘Heat’

Noting that this circuit label may include other appliances…

# more complex
filter1 <- "Heat"
# and not "Heat Pump" 
dt <- halfHourlyPowerDT[circuitLabel %like% filter1 &
                      !circuitLabel %like% "Heat Pump"]

In this section we extract every record where:

  • the string “Heat” is found in circuit but excluding ‘Heat Pump’

Table 6.6 shows the mean power (mean of the half-hourly mean values) for all observations extracted by circuit label.

## # -> 138365 rows of data for 3 unique circuit labels from 4 dwellings covering the period 
## # -> 2014-01-06 16:00:00 to 2018-08-01 23:30:00 (NB: data may not be continuous)
Table 6.6: Summary statistics for extract
circuitLabel nObs nDwellings meanW minW maxW sdW
Heating 47813 2 635.647 0.00 7084.992 959.578
Hot Water Cpbd Heater- Cont 70927 1 76.914 0.00 1955.707 156.522
Kitchen Power & Heat, Lounge 19625 1 142.513 13.81 2670.404 180.314
## Gziping /Users/ben/Data/NZ_GREENGrid/safe//gridSpy/halfHour/extracts/halfHourNonHP_Heat.csv
## Gzipped /Users/ben/Data/NZ_GREENGrid/safe//gridSpy/halfHour/extracts/halfHourNonHP_Heat.csv
Heat data summary

Figure 6.9: Heat data summary

Heat data summary

Figure 6.10: Heat data summary

We therefore have non Heat Pump Heat data for 4 dwellings.

6.6 Refrigerator/Fridge

Noting that this circuit label may include other appliances…

filter1 <- "Fridge"

dt <- halfHourlyPowerDT[circuitLabel %like% filter1]

In this section we extract every record where:

  • the string “Fridge” is found in circuit

Table 6.7 shows the mean power (mean of the half-hourly mean values) for all observations extracted by circuit label.

## # -> 395576 rows of data for 9 unique circuit labels from 10 dwellings covering the period 
## # -> 2014-03-03 08:00:00 to 2018-08-01 23:30:00 (NB: data may not be continuous)
Table 6.7: Summary statistics for extract
circuitLabel nObs nDwellings meanW minW maxW sdW
Bed 2, 2nd Fridge 30311 1 80.180 0.000 926.520 159.651
Fridge 53096 2 81.083 0.000 1212.828 104.190
Laundry & 2nd Fridge Freezer 51639 1 146.050 0.000 3843.133 250.991
Laundry & Fridge Freezer 58798 1 55.961 0.000 1136.268 67.101
Laundry & Garage Fridge 27332 1 37.189 0.000 1716.550 82.971
Laundry, Fridge & Freezer 70291 1 97.865 -25.632 1286.748 55.324
Laundry, Fridge & Microwave 13310 1 63.840 -26.408 993.040 52.576
Laundry, Garage Fridge Freezer 26083 1 124.969 25.640 2389.454 92.344
Laundry, Sauna & 2nd Fridge 64716 1 66.285 -7.444 2557.823 75.937
## Gziping /Users/ben/Data/NZ_GREENGrid/safe//gridSpy/halfHour/extracts/halfHourFridge.csv
## Gzipped /Users/ben/Data/NZ_GREENGrid/safe//gridSpy/halfHour/extracts/halfHourFridge.csv
Fridge data summary

Figure 6.11: Fridge data summary

Fridge data summary

Figure 6.12: Fridge data summary

We therefore have Fridge data for 10 dwellings.

6.7 Freezer

Noting that this circuit label may include other appliances…

filter1 <- "Freezer"

dt <- halfHourlyPowerDT[circuitLabel %like% filter1]

In this section we extract every record where:

  • the string “Freezer” is found in circuit

Table 6.8 shows the mean power (mean of the half-hourly mean values) for all observations extracted by circuit label.

## # -> 263713 rows of data for 6 unique circuit labels from 6 dwellings covering the period 
## # -> 2014-05-29 10:00:00 to 2018-08-01 23:30:00 (NB: data may not be continuous)
Table 6.8: Summary statistics for extract
circuitLabel nObs nDwellings meanW minW maxW sdW
Laundry & 2nd Fridge Freezer 51639 1 146.050 0.000 3843.133 250.991
Laundry & Freezer 32529 1 131.294 0.000 1633.096 49.098
Laundry & Fridge Freezer 58798 1 55.961 0.000 1136.268 67.101
Laundry & Garage Freezer 24373 1 104.939 0.000 2209.190 135.381
Laundry, Fridge & Freezer 70291 1 97.865 -25.632 1286.748 55.324
Laundry, Garage Fridge Freezer 26083 1 124.969 25.640 2389.454 92.344
## Gziping /Users/ben/Data/NZ_GREENGrid/safe//gridSpy/halfHour/extracts/halfHourFreezer.csv
## Gzipped /Users/ben/Data/NZ_GREENGrid/safe//gridSpy/halfHour/extracts/halfHourFreezer.csv
Freezer data summary

Figure 6.13: Freezer data summary

Freezer data summary

Figure 6.14: Freezer data summary

We therefore have Freezer data for 6 dwellings.

6.8 Oven

Noting that this circuit label may include other appliances…

filter1 <- "Oven"

dt <- halfHourlyPowerDT[circuitLabel %like% filter1]

In this section we extract every record where:

  • the string “Oven” is found in circuit

Table 6.9 shows the mean power (mean of the half-hourly mean values) for all observations extracted by circuit label.

## # -> 1209258 rows of data for 13 unique circuit labels from 29 dwellings covering the period 
## # -> 2014-05-26 10:30:00 to 2018-08-01 23:30:00 (NB: data may not be continuous)
Table 6.9: Summary statistics for extract
circuitLabel nObs nDwellings meanW minW maxW sdW
Incomer 1 - Uncont inc Oven 12416 1 61.806 0.000 2251.039 163.328
Incomer 1 - inc Top Oven 9153 1 137.456 0.000 2831.723 242.022
Incomer 2 - Uncont - Inc Oven 17605 1 241.256 -26.040 3920.391 409.398
Incomer 2 - Uncont - inc Oven 32019 1 237.832 -376.067 4797.083 373.024
Incomer 2 - Uncont inc Oven 59477 1 102.715 -1372.399 2974.610 179.291
Incomer 2 - inc Bottom Oven 9153 1 216.215 36.218 2333.497 205.187
Oven 665749 15 37.479 -1067.563 3676.903 195.568
Oven & Hob 257423 4 57.702 -24.645 3919.073 257.646
Oven & Hobb 24801 1 26.524 0.000 2908.371 163.390
Oven & Kitchen Appliances 18124 1 262.494 39.133 3397.599 278.561
Oven & Oven Wall Appliances 30311 1 38.181 0.000 2495.701 225.925
Oven, Hob & Microwave 53402 1 37.418 0.000 3614.151 215.134
Wall Oven 19625 1 26.402 -2.423 2473.255 177.663
## Gziping /Users/ben/Data/NZ_GREENGrid/safe//gridSpy/halfHour/extracts/halfHourOven.csv
## Gzipped /Users/ben/Data/NZ_GREENGrid/safe//gridSpy/halfHour/extracts/halfHourOven.csv
Oven data summary

Figure 6.15: Oven data summary

Oven data summary

Figure 6.16: Oven data summary

We therefore have Oven data for 30 dwellings.

6.9 Photovoltaic panels

Noting that this circuit label may include other appliances…

filter1 <- "PV"

dt <- halfHourlyPowerDT[circuitLabel %like% filter1]

In this section we extract every record where:

  • the string “PV” is found in circuit

Table 6.10 shows the mean power (mean of the half-hourly mean values) for all observations extracted by circuit label.

## # -> 286820 rows of data for 5 unique circuit labels from 4 dwellings covering the period 
## # -> 2014-05-26 10:30:00 to 2018-08-01 23:30:00 (NB: data may not be continuous)
Table 6.10: Summary statistics for extract
circuitLabel nObs nDwellings meanW minW maxW sdW
PV 70291 1 -799.586 -4549.259 5.767 1235.375
PV & Garage 2885 1 -489.754 -3071.270 93.182 837.672
PV & Storage 72954 1 -93.942 -2044.631 2049.756 410.319
PV 1 70345 1 -594.141 -3966.106 38.187 939.053
PV 2 70345 1 -604.977 -4037.073 27.978 955.060
## Gziping /Users/ben/Data/NZ_GREENGrid/safe//gridSpy/halfHour/extracts/halfHourPV.csv
## Gzipped /Users/ben/Data/NZ_GREENGrid/safe//gridSpy/halfHour/extracts/halfHourPV.csv
## Scale for 'fill' is already present. Adding another scale for 'fill',
## which will replace the existing scale.
PV data summary

Figure 6.17: PV data summary

PV data summary

Figure 6.18: PV data summary

We therefore have PV data for 5 dwellings. It is interesting to note that most of the PV output for the dwelling with PV & Storage (rf_23) appears, on average, to be absorbed by its storage.

6.10 Total load

dt <- halfHourlyPowerDT[circuitLabel %like% "imputedTotalDemand"]

In this section we extract every record where:

  • the string “imputedTotalDemand” is found in circuit

Table 6.11 shows the mean power (mean of the half-hourly mean values) for all observations extracted by circuit label.

## # -> 1770614 rows of data for 1 unique circuit labels from 45 dwellings covering the period 
## # -> 2014-01-06 16:00:00 to 2018-08-01 23:30:00 (NB: data may not be continuous)
Table 6.11: Summary statistics for extract
circuitLabel nObs nDwellings meanW minW maxW sdW
imputedTotalDemand_circuitsToSum_v1.1 1770614 45 863.392 -7627.66 10981.59 1156.803
## Gziping /Users/ben/Data/NZ_GREENGrid/safe//gridSpy/halfHour/extracts/halfHourImputedTotalDemand.csv
## Gzipped /Users/ben/Data/NZ_GREENGrid/safe//gridSpy/halfHour/extracts/halfHourImputedTotalDemand.csv
Total load data summary

Figure 6.19: Total load data summary

Total load data summary

Figure 6.20: Total load data summary

We therefore have imputedTotalDemand data for 45 dwellings.

7 Summary

This report used the full New Zealand GREEN Grid household electricity demand study research data to:

  • test the feasibility of multi-year data analysis beyond the single year made possible by the public available data (Stephenson et al. 2017). We conclude that multi-year analysis is feasible but potentially limited due to sample attrition over time;
  • impute total dwelling load (W) per minute using the original circuit level data - completed;
  • produce a smaller mean half-hourly power demand (W) per circuit (and total load) per dwelling dataset for further analysis - completed;
  • extract half-hourly data for specified circuits - completed.

This report described the results of this work and directed the reader to relevant R code where necessary.

All code used to create this report is available from:

The archived and most recent version of the report is available from:

The half-hourly mean power demand data together with the circuit level extracts can be made available on request.

8 Data Annex

8.1 1 minute estimated total load files

Table 8.1: Size of clean 1 minute data files with estimated total load
file Mb (gzipped)
all_1min_data_withImputedTotal_circuitsToSum_v1.1.csv.gz 497.70
rf_01_all_1min_data_withImputedTotal_circuitsToSum_v1.1.csv.gz 35.43
rf_02_all_1min_data_withImputedTotal_circuitsToSum_v1.1.csv.gz 21.24
rf_06_all_1min_data_withImputedTotal_circuitsToSum_v1.1.csv.gz 78.65
rf_07_all_1min_data_withImputedTotal_circuitsToSum_v1.1.csv.gz 83.80
rf_08_all_1min_data_withImputedTotal_circuitsToSum_v1.1.csv.gz 63.28
rf_09_all_1min_data_withImputedTotal_circuitsToSum_v1.1.csv.gz 21.92
rf_10_all_1min_data_withImputedTotal_circuitsToSum_v1.1.csv.gz 69.41
rf_11_all_1min_data_withImputedTotal_circuitsToSum_v1.1.csv.gz 80.80
rf_12_all_1min_data_withImputedTotal_circuitsToSum_v1.1.csv.gz 15.83
rf_13_all_1min_data_withImputedTotal_circuitsToSum_v1.1.csv.gz 98.29
rf_14_all_1min_data_withImputedTotal_circuitsToSum_v1.1.csv.gz 68.16
rf_15b_all_1min_data_withImputedTotal_circuitsToSum_v1.1.csv.gz 16.53
rf_16_all_1min_data_withImputedTotal_circuitsToSum_v1.1.csv.gz 14.47
rf_17a_all_1min_data_withImputedTotal_circuitsToSum_v1.1.csv.gz 38.17
rf_17b_all_1min_data_withImputedTotal_circuitsToSum_v1.1.csv.gz 10.32
rf_18_all_1min_data_withImputedTotal_circuitsToSum_v1.1.csv.gz 23.23
rf_19_all_1min_data_withImputedTotal_circuitsToSum_v1.1.csv.gz 118.11
rf_20_all_1min_data_withImputedTotal_circuitsToSum_v1.1.csv.gz 22.37
rf_21_all_1min_data_withImputedTotal_circuitsToSum_v1.1.csv.gz 38.80
rf_22_all_1min_data_withImputedTotal_circuitsToSum_v1.1.csv.gz 78.65
rf_23_all_1min_data_withImputedTotal_circuitsToSum_v1.1.csv.gz 91.03
rf_24_all_1min_data_withImputedTotal_circuitsToSum_v1.1.csv.gz 86.61
rf_25_all_1min_data_withImputedTotal_circuitsToSum_v1.1.csv.gz 28.56
rf_26_all_1min_data_withImputedTotal_circuitsToSum_v1.1.csv.gz 76.03
rf_27_all_1min_data_withImputedTotal_circuitsToSum_v1.1.csv.gz 36.07
rf_28_all_1min_data_withImputedTotal_circuitsToSum_v1.1.csv.gz 3.49
rf_29_all_1min_data_withImputedTotal_circuitsToSum_v1.1.csv.gz 74.76
rf_30_all_1min_data_withImputedTotal_circuitsToSum_v1.1.csv.gz 29.38
rf_31_all_1min_data_withImputedTotal_circuitsToSum_v1.1.csv.gz 67.48
rf_32_all_1min_data_withImputedTotal_circuitsToSum_v1.1.csv.gz 20.82
rf_33_all_1min_data_withImputedTotal_circuitsToSum_v1.1.csv.gz 66.67
rf_34_all_1min_data_withImputedTotal_circuitsToSum_v1.1.csv.gz 30.87
rf_35_all_1min_data_withImputedTotal_circuitsToSum_v1.1.csv.gz 32.93
rf_36_all_1min_data_withImputedTotal_circuitsToSum_v1.1.csv.gz 57.78
rf_37_all_1min_data_withImputedTotal_circuitsToSum_v1.1.csv.gz 65.21
rf_38_all_1min_data_withImputedTotal_circuitsToSum_v1.1.csv.gz 35.26
rf_39_all_1min_data_withImputedTotal_circuitsToSum_v1.1.csv.gz 56.52
rf_40_all_1min_data_withImputedTotal_circuitsToSum_v1.1.csv.gz 14.53
rf_41_all_1min_data_withImputedTotal_circuitsToSum_v1.1.csv.gz 55.73
rf_42_all_1min_data_withImputedTotal_circuitsToSum_v1.1.csv.gz 38.96
rf_43_all_1min_data_withImputedTotal_circuitsToSum_v1.1.csv.gz 11.20
rf_44_all_1min_data_withImputedTotal_circuitsToSum_v1.1.csv.gz 67.23
rf_45_all_1min_data_withImputedTotal_circuitsToSum_v1.1.csv.gz 32.28
rf_46_all_1min_data_withImputedTotal_circuitsToSum_v1.1.csv.gz 160.69
rf_47_all_1min_data_withImputedTotal_circuitsToSum_v1.1.csv.gz 21.95

8.2 Half hour aggregate files

Table 8.2: Size of clean half hourly data files
file Mb (gzipped)
rf_01_allObs_halfHourly.csv.gz 3.67
rf_02_allObs_halfHourly.csv.gz 2.23
rf_06_allObs_halfHourly.csv.gz 7.59
rf_07_allObs_halfHourly.csv.gz 8.54
rf_08_allObs_halfHourly.csv.gz 5.66
rf_09_allObs_halfHourly.csv.gz 2.51
rf_10_allObs_halfHourly.csv.gz 7.13
rf_11_allObs_halfHourly.csv.gz 7.51
rf_12_allObs_halfHourly.csv.gz 1.69
rf_13_allObs_halfHourly.csv.gz 9.86
rf_14_allObs_halfHourly.csv.gz 7.34
rf_15b_allObs_halfHourly.csv.gz 1.57
rf_16_allObs_halfHourly.csv.gz 1.73
rf_17a_allObs_halfHourly.csv.gz 3.68
rf_17b_allObs_halfHourly.csv.gz 1.01
rf_18_allObs_halfHourly.csv.gz 2.19
rf_19_allObs_halfHourly.csv.gz 9.78
rf_20_allObs_halfHourly.csv.gz 2.34
rf_21_allObs_halfHourly.csv.gz 3.84
rf_22_allObs_halfHourly.csv.gz 8.32
rf_23_allObs_halfHourly.csv.gz 8.67
rf_24_allObs_halfHourly.csv.gz 7.70
rf_25_allObs_halfHourly.csv.gz 3.06
rf_26_allObs_halfHourly.csv.gz 7.48
rf_27_allObs_halfHourly.csv.gz 3.07
rf_28_allObs_halfHourly.csv.gz 0.36
rf_29_allObs_halfHourly.csv.gz 6.30
rf_30_allObs_halfHourly.csv.gz 2.80
rf_31_allObs_halfHourly.csv.gz 5.99
rf_32_allObs_halfHourly.csv.gz 1.82
rf_33_allObs_halfHourly.csv.gz 6.02
rf_34_allObs_halfHourly.csv.gz 3.20
rf_35_allObs_halfHourly.csv.gz 3.18
rf_36_allObs_halfHourly.csv.gz 4.93
rf_37_allObs_halfHourly.csv.gz 6.53
rf_38_allObs_halfHourly.csv.gz 3.68
rf_39_allObs_halfHourly.csv.gz 5.62
rf_40_allObs_halfHourly.csv.gz 1.51
rf_41_allObs_halfHourly.csv.gz 5.72
rf_42_allObs_halfHourly.csv.gz 3.97
rf_43_allObs_halfHourly.csv.gz 1.05
rf_44_allObs_halfHourly.csv.gz 6.00
rf_45_allObs_halfHourly.csv.gz 3.06
rf_46_allObs_halfHourly.csv.gz 18.03
rf_47_allObs_halfHourly.csv.gz 2.01

8.3 Circuit labels

8.3.1 All labels

Table 8.3 shows all circuit labels and reports the number of dwellings with those circuit labels and descriptive statistics for half hourly mean power. Note that they include all labels for all households even those which we recoomend are excluded from subsequent analysis (see Section 5). The table is ordered by the most frequent (Hot Water) but it should be noted that the labels were recorded by the installing engineers and so small variations in labels for similar appliances should be expected.

Table 8.3: Summary statistics by circuit label
circuitLabel nObs nDwellings meanW minW maxW
Hot Water - Controlled 995591 23 287.92 -525.42 3317.72
Kitchen Appliances 818490 22 117.33 -586.96 3484.79
Lighting 789233 20 106.15 -127.28 3411.40
Heat Pump 644577 18 90.96 -58.37 4982.93
Incomer - Uncontrolled 892855 17 758.33 -4316.04 9575.83
Oven 665749 15 37.48 -1067.56 3676.90
Incomer - All 384626 12 764.45 -2794.55 9557.46
Laundry 315368 9 33.60 -1.77 3301.48
Hot Water - Uncontrolled 136539 4 308.66 -208.23 3901.05
Incomer 2 - Uncontrolled 116619 4 405.57 -890.58 6400.35
Oven & Hob 257423 4 57.70 -24.64 3919.07
Hob 102091 3 20.52 -1820.11 2409.67
Incomer 1 - Uncontrolled 103309 3 253.86 -41.63 3485.95
Kitchen 184740 3 88.06 0.00 2273.92
Fridge 53096 2 81.08 0.00 1212.83
Heating 47813 2 635.65 0.00 7084.99
Hot Water 32452 2 305.40 0.00 2215.74
Incomer 1 - All 135061 2 -28.09 -3698.63 3598.30
Incomer 2 - All 135061 2 59.88 -3929.03 4736.62
Kitchen & Laundry 135563 2 326.22 0.00 4445.76
Kitchen Appliances & Laundry 138080 2 169.96 -41.10 3144.27
Laundry & Garage 69907 2 205.81 0.00 3457.72
Lights 47813 2 79.88 0.00 1102.66
Mains 47813 2 1279.85 25.47 10981.59
Bed 2, 2nd Fridge 30311 1 80.18 0.00 926.52
Bedroom & Lounge Heat Pumps 70345 1 90.48 0.00 2555.72
Bedrooms & Lounge 60754 1 130.09 -358.24 1319.59
Cooking Bath tile heat 19412 1 135.77 0.00 798.91
Downstairs (inc 1 Heat Pump) 72683 1 7.25 -2343.79 2967.44
Hallway & Washing Machine 12416 1 108.16 -4.55 990.37
Heat Pump & 2 x Bathroom Heat 19625 1 119.06 0.00 3559.72
Heat Pump & Bedroom 2 17605 1 153.41 -26.88 3242.94
Heat Pump & Kitchen Appliances 58353 1 589.41 20.94 3760.92
Heat Pump & Lounge 70927 1 221.94 0.00 3314.13
Heat Pump & Misc 18124 1 176.61 -173.07 1701.15
Heat Pump & Washing Machine 33684 1 113.52 0.00 3120.89
Heat Pump (x2) & Lounge Power 11618 1 330.67 0.00 5340.91
Heat Pumps (2x) & Power 81989 1 116.97 -242.39 2959.36
Heat Pumps (2x) & Power1 19407 1 235.39 5.92 2959.36
Heat Pumps (2x) & Power2 19407 1 -66.28 -241.70 249.05
Heat Pumps (2x) & Power_Imag 7583 1 -105.08 -269.72 250.49
Hob & Kitchen Appliances 23570 1 349.55 0.00 2379.29
Hot Water (2 elements) 51274 1 394.89 0.00 3317.47
Hot Water - Controlled (HEMS) 72954 1 256.58 0.00 1459.96
Hot Water - Controlled1 19407 1 264.63 -0.57 2137.99
Hot Water - Controlled2 19407 1 2.89 -26.63 56.67
Hot Water - Controlled_Imag 7583 1 1.39 -32.41 89.84
Hot Water Cpbd Heater- Cont 70927 1 76.91 0.00 1955.71
Hot water 28401 1 216.75 0.00 1874.65
Incomer - Uncontrolled1 19407 1 1602.82 188.32 8336.39
Incomer - Uncontrolled2 19407 1 308.79 -171.75 1291.09
Incomer - Uncontrolled_Imag 7583 1 164.22 -280.36 1306.43
Incomer -Uncontrolled 58798 1 295.56 68.56 3890.58
Incomer 1 13040 1 693.70 1.14 5209.02
Incomer 1 - Hot Water - Cont 13310 1 431.69 0.00 3057.67
Incomer 1 - Uncont - Inc Hob 17605 1 407.19 38.83 3396.08
Incomer 1 - Uncont - inc Hob 32019 1 200.58 21.23 4712.60
Incomer 1 - Uncont inc Oven 12416 1 61.81 0.00 2251.04
Incomer 1 - Uncont inc Stove 59477 1 280.64 0.00 4072.83
Incomer 1 - Uncontrolled 23570 1 462.20 0.00 4566.73
Incomer 1 - inc Top Oven 9153 1 137.46 0.00 2831.72
Incomer 2 13040 1 561.39 -660.50 5345.71
Incomer 2 - Uncont - Inc Oven 17605 1 241.26 -26.04 3920.39
Incomer 2 - Uncont - inc Oven 32019 1 237.83 -376.07 4797.08
Incomer 2 - Uncont inc Oven 59477 1 102.72 -1372.40 2974.61
Incomer 2 - Uncont inc Stove 12416 1 176.84 0.00 2164.48
Incomer 2 - Uncontrolled 23570 1 397.27 0.00 2478.95
Incomer 2 - inc Bottom Oven 9153 1 216.22 36.22 2333.50
Incomer 3 - Uncontrolled 13310 1 93.38 -32.41 1023.55
Incomer Voltage 48543 1 233.04 217.71 238.87
Kitchen & Bedrooms 81989 1 111.27 -45.30 2106.42
Kitchen & Bedrooms1 19407 1 117.72 0.00 1436.52
Kitchen & Bedrooms2 19407 1 39.63 -37.74 205.68
Kitchen & Bedrooms_Imag 7583 1 98.20 -41.50 204.52
Kitchen Appliances & Bedrooms 12416 1 39.72 0.00 2247.66
Kitchen Appliances & Garage 33684 1 46.27 -2.52 1952.11
Kitchen Appliances & Heat Pump 53402 1 274.96 62.99 3180.31
Kitchen Appliances & Lounge 13310 1 147.10 -1.69 2063.29
Kitchen Appliances & Ventilati 18032 1 438.89 -500.27 3044.48
Kitchen Power & Heat, Lounge 19625 1 142.51 13.81 2670.40
Kitchen power 28401 1 203.91 0.00 3048.56
Kitchen, Dining & Office 29556 1 112.22 0.00 2221.45
Kitchen, Laundry & Beds 1&3 30305 1 344.66 19.91 2555.61
Kitchen, Laundry & Ventilation 72954 1 240.92 41.79 3810.43
Laundry 58753 1 32.97 0.00 2336.73
Laundry & 2nd Fridge Freezer 51639 1 146.05 0.00 3843.13
Laundry & Bedrooms 81989 1 167.52 -60.26 3784.38
Laundry & Bedrooms1 19407 1 285.92 0.00 3784.38
Laundry & Bedrooms2 19407 1 105.46 -42.12 732.26
Laundry & Bedrooms_Imag 7583 1 4.99 -113.91 439.70
Laundry & Freezer 32529 1 131.29 0.00 1633.10
Laundry & Fridge Freezer 58798 1 55.96 0.00 1136.27
Laundry & Garage Freezer 24373 1 104.94 0.00 2209.19
Laundry & Garage Fridge 27332 1 37.19 0.00 1716.55
Laundry & Hob 18032 1 92.18 0.00 3457.23
Laundry & Kitchen 24801 1 15.00 0.00 1073.85
Laundry & Kitchen Appliances 13040 1 259.59 -564.17 4637.65
Laundry & Microwave 59477 1 172.13 0.00 3690.16
Laundry & Teenagers Bedroom 53402 1 49.29 0.00 1804.80
Laundry, Downstairs & Lounge 62810 1 237.56 0.00 2799.64
Laundry, Fridge & Freezer 70291 1 97.86 -25.63 1286.75
Laundry, Fridge & Microwave 13310 1 63.84 -26.41 993.04
Laundry, Garage & 2 Bedrooms 19625 1 9.69 -1.47 1773.14
Laundry, Garage & Guest Bed 9878 1 11.17 0.00 343.22
Laundry, Garage Fridge Freezer 26083 1 124.97 25.64 2389.45
Laundry, Lounge, Garage, Bed 29556 1 109.41 0.00 871.61
Laundry, Sauna & 2nd Fridge 64716 1 66.28 -7.44 2557.82
Lighting & 2 Towel Rail 51274 1 278.26 0.00 2101.95
Lighting (inc heat lamps) 32529 1 361.13 0.00 3528.91
Lighting 1/2 9153 1 -1.72 -68.61 14.60
Lighting 2/2 9153 1 7.88 0.00 166.44
Lighting1 19407 1 440.83 41.40 2187.11
Lighting2 19407 1 42.56 -127.28 415.55
Lighting_Imag 7583 1 9.51 -96.21 471.37
Lounge, Dining & Bedrooms 17605 1 169.90 0.00 3062.73
Lower Bedrooms & Bathrooms 33684 1 43.39 -2.13 1429.16
Microwave 67153 1 42.55 0.00 1788.20
Microwave & Breadmaker 12416 1 59.21 0.00 756.95
Oven & Hobb 24801 1 26.52 0.00 2908.37
Oven & Kitchen Appliances 18124 1 262.49 39.13 3397.60
Oven & Oven Wall Appliances 30311 1 38.18 0.00 2495.70
Oven, Hob & Microwave 53402 1 37.42 0.00 3614.15
PV 70291 1 -799.59 -4549.26 5.77
PV & Garage 2885 1 -489.75 -3071.27 93.18
PV & Storage 72954 1 -93.94 -2044.63 2049.76
PV 1 70345 1 -594.14 -3966.11 38.19
PV 2 70345 1 -604.98 -4037.07 27.98
Power Outlets 59477 1 37.49 -944.93 1939.86
Range 28401 1 39.21 0.00 3550.98
Spa 64716 1 405.01 0.00 3374.30
Spa (HEMS) 72954 1 267.85 0.00 2126.47
Spa - Uncontrolled 70927 1 29.10 0.00 3044.72
Theatre Heat Pump 70345 1 3.03 -3.27 999.09
Upstairs Heat Pumps 72683 1 147.74 -46.29 2762.93
Ventilation & Lounge Power 62880 1 396.93 30.17 4409.61
Wall Oven 19625 1 26.40 -2.42 2473.26
Washing Machine 53554 1 3.66 -0.79 454.51
Workshop 67153 1 18.54 -7.43 1759.16

8.3.2 All labels with derived coding

Table 8.4 shows all the coding of circuit labels used to define:

  • Hot Water
  • Heat pump or heating
  • Oven
  • Lighting
  • Other

These circuit codings are used in Part B and note that they may vary slightly from those used in earlier sections of this report. Note that they include all labels for all households even those which we recoomend are excluded from subsequent analysis (see Section 5).

We have deliberately used a conservative coding approach so that circuits with multiple appliances and/or which are non-specific power circuits have been coded as XX_Other since we are unable to allocate load to specific appliances or usages. For the avoidance of doubt, readers should review the function used to create these labels. The table reports the number of dwellings with those circuit labels and descriptive statistics for half hourly mean power. Clearly it would be possible to:

  • adjust the coding of the EECA circuit labels so that specific circuits are excluded/included from each category;
  • analyse the specific load patterns for specific ambiguous circuits to attempt to disaggregate different appliance loads.

The former is straight foward but the latter would require substantial research and it is unclear how robust the results would be.

Table 8.4: Summary statistics by EECA circuit label and original circuit label
eecaCircuit circuitLabel nObs nDwellings meanW minW maxW
Heat Pump or Heating Heat Pump 644577 18 90.96 -58.37 4982.93
Heat Pump or Heating Heating 47813 2 635.65 0.00 7084.99
Heat Pump or Heating Theatre Heat Pump 70345 1 3.03 -3.27 999.09
Heat Pump or Heating Upstairs Heat Pumps 72683 1 147.74 -46.29 2762.93
Hot water Hot Water 32452 2 305.40 0.00 2215.74
Hot water Hot Water (2 elements) 51274 1 394.89 0.00 3317.47
Hot water Hot Water - Controlled 995591 23 287.92 -525.42 3317.72
Hot water Hot Water - Controlled (HEMS) 72954 1 256.58 0.00 1459.96
Hot water Hot Water - Controlled1 19407 1 264.63 -0.57 2137.99
Hot water Hot Water - Controlled2 19407 1 2.89 -26.63 56.67
Hot water Hot Water - Controlled_Imag 7583 1 1.39 -32.41 89.84
Hot water Hot Water - Uncontrolled 136539 4 308.66 -208.23 3901.05
Hot water Hot Water Cpbd Heater- Cont 70927 1 76.91 0.00 1955.71
Hot water Hot water 28401 1 216.75 0.00 1874.65
Hot water Incomer 1 - Hot Water - Cont 13310 1 431.69 0.00 3057.67
Lighting Lighting 789233 20 106.15 -127.28 3411.40
Lighting Lighting & 2 Towel Rail 51274 1 278.26 0.00 2101.95
Lighting Lighting (inc heat lamps) 32529 1 361.13 0.00 3528.91
Lighting Lighting 1/2 9153 1 -1.72 -68.61 14.60
Lighting Lighting 2/2 9153 1 7.88 0.00 166.44
Lighting Lighting1 19407 1 440.83 41.40 2187.11
Lighting Lighting2 19407 1 42.56 -127.28 415.55
Lighting Lighting_Imag 7583 1 9.51 -96.21 471.37
Lighting Lights 47813 2 79.88 0.00 1102.66
Oven Oven 665749 15 37.48 -1067.56 3676.90
Oven Oven & Hob 257423 4 57.70 -24.64 3919.07
Oven Oven & Hobb 24801 1 26.52 0.00 2908.37
Oven Oven & Kitchen Appliances 18124 1 262.49 39.13 3397.60
Oven Oven & Oven Wall Appliances 30311 1 38.18 0.00 2495.70
Oven Oven, Hob & Microwave 53402 1 37.42 0.00 3614.15
Oven Range 28401 1 39.21 0.00 3550.98
Oven Wall Oven 19625 1 26.40 -2.42 2473.26
XX_Other Bed 2, 2nd Fridge 30311 1 80.18 0.00 926.52
XX_Other Bedroom & Lounge Heat Pumps 70345 1 90.48 0.00 2555.72
XX_Other Bedrooms & Lounge 60754 1 130.09 -358.24 1319.59
XX_Other Cooking Bath tile heat 19412 1 135.77 0.00 798.91
XX_Other Downstairs (inc 1 Heat Pump) 72683 1 7.25 -2343.79 2967.44
XX_Other Fridge 53096 2 81.08 0.00 1212.83
XX_Other Hallway & Washing Machine 12416 1 108.16 -4.55 990.37
XX_Other Heat Pump & 2 x Bathroom Heat 19625 1 119.06 0.00 3559.72
XX_Other Heat Pump & Bedroom 2 17605 1 153.41 -26.88 3242.94
XX_Other Heat Pump & Kitchen Appliances 58353 1 589.41 20.94 3760.92
XX_Other Heat Pump & Lounge 70927 1 221.94 0.00 3314.13
XX_Other Heat Pump & Misc 18124 1 176.61 -173.07 1701.15
XX_Other Heat Pump & Washing Machine 33684 1 113.52 0.00 3120.89
XX_Other Heat Pump (x2) & Lounge Power 11618 1 330.67 0.00 5340.91
XX_Other Heat Pumps (2x) & Power 81989 1 116.97 -242.39 2959.36
XX_Other Heat Pumps (2x) & Power1 19407 1 235.39 5.92 2959.36
XX_Other Heat Pumps (2x) & Power2 19407 1 -66.28 -241.70 249.05
XX_Other Heat Pumps (2x) & Power_Imag 7583 1 -105.08 -269.72 250.49
XX_Other Hob 102091 3 20.52 -1820.11 2409.67
XX_Other Hob & Kitchen Appliances 23570 1 349.55 0.00 2379.29
XX_Other Incomer - All 384626 12 764.45 -2794.55 9557.46
XX_Other Incomer - Uncontrolled 892855 17 758.33 -4316.04 9575.83
XX_Other Incomer - Uncontrolled1 19407 1 1602.82 188.32 8336.39
XX_Other Incomer - Uncontrolled2 19407 1 308.79 -171.75 1291.09
XX_Other Incomer - Uncontrolled_Imag 7583 1 164.22 -280.36 1306.43
XX_Other Incomer -Uncontrolled 58798 1 295.56 68.56 3890.58
XX_Other Incomer 1 13040 1 693.70 1.14 5209.02
XX_Other Incomer 1 - All 135061 2 -28.09 -3698.63 3598.30
XX_Other Incomer 1 - Uncont - Inc Hob 17605 1 407.19 38.83 3396.08
XX_Other Incomer 1 - Uncont - inc Hob 32019 1 200.58 21.23 4712.60
XX_Other Incomer 1 - Uncont inc Oven 12416 1 61.81 0.00 2251.04
XX_Other Incomer 1 - Uncont inc Stove 59477 1 280.64 0.00 4072.83
XX_Other Incomer 1 - Uncontrolled 103309 3 253.86 -41.63 3485.95
XX_Other Incomer 1 - Uncontrolled 23570 1 462.20 0.00 4566.73
XX_Other Incomer 1 - inc Top Oven 9153 1 137.46 0.00 2831.72
XX_Other Incomer 2 13040 1 561.39 -660.50 5345.71
XX_Other Incomer 2 - All 135061 2 59.88 -3929.03 4736.62
XX_Other Incomer 2 - Uncont - Inc Oven 17605 1 241.26 -26.04 3920.39
XX_Other Incomer 2 - Uncont - inc Oven 32019 1 237.83 -376.07 4797.08
XX_Other Incomer 2 - Uncont inc Oven 59477 1 102.72 -1372.40 2974.61
XX_Other Incomer 2 - Uncont inc Stove 12416 1 176.84 0.00 2164.48
XX_Other Incomer 2 - Uncontrolled 116619 4 405.57 -890.58 6400.35
XX_Other Incomer 2 - Uncontrolled 23570 1 397.27 0.00 2478.95
XX_Other Incomer 2 - inc Bottom Oven 9153 1 216.22 36.22 2333.50
XX_Other Incomer 3 - Uncontrolled 13310 1 93.38 -32.41 1023.55
XX_Other Incomer Voltage 48543 1 233.04 217.71 238.87
XX_Other Kitchen 184740 3 88.06 0.00 2273.92
XX_Other Kitchen & Bedrooms 81989 1 111.27 -45.30 2106.42
XX_Other Kitchen & Bedrooms1 19407 1 117.72 0.00 1436.52
XX_Other Kitchen & Bedrooms2 19407 1 39.63 -37.74 205.68
XX_Other Kitchen & Bedrooms_Imag 7583 1 98.20 -41.50 204.52
XX_Other Kitchen & Laundry 135563 2 326.22 0.00 4445.76
XX_Other Kitchen Appliances 818490 22 117.33 -586.96 3484.79
XX_Other Kitchen Appliances & Bedrooms 12416 1 39.72 0.00 2247.66
XX_Other Kitchen Appliances & Garage 33684 1 46.27 -2.52 1952.11
XX_Other Kitchen Appliances & Heat Pump 53402 1 274.96 62.99 3180.31
XX_Other Kitchen Appliances & Laundry 138080 2 169.96 -41.10 3144.27
XX_Other Kitchen Appliances & Lounge 13310 1 147.10 -1.69 2063.29
XX_Other Kitchen Appliances & Ventilati 18032 1 438.89 -500.27 3044.48
XX_Other Kitchen Power & Heat, Lounge 19625 1 142.51 13.81 2670.40
XX_Other Kitchen power 28401 1 203.91 0.00 3048.56
XX_Other Kitchen, Dining & Office 29556 1 112.22 0.00 2221.45
XX_Other Kitchen, Laundry & Beds 1&3 30305 1 344.66 19.91 2555.61
XX_Other Kitchen, Laundry & Ventilation 72954 1 240.92 41.79 3810.43
XX_Other Laundry 315368 9 33.60 -1.77 3301.48
XX_Other Laundry 58753 1 32.97 0.00 2336.73
XX_Other Laundry & 2nd Fridge Freezer 51639 1 146.05 0.00 3843.13
XX_Other Laundry & Bedrooms 81989 1 167.52 -60.26 3784.38
XX_Other Laundry & Bedrooms1 19407 1 285.92 0.00 3784.38
XX_Other Laundry & Bedrooms2 19407 1 105.46 -42.12 732.26
XX_Other Laundry & Bedrooms_Imag 7583 1 4.99 -113.91 439.70
XX_Other Laundry & Freezer 32529 1 131.29 0.00 1633.10
XX_Other Laundry & Fridge Freezer 58798 1 55.96 0.00 1136.27
XX_Other Laundry & Garage 69907 2 205.81 0.00 3457.72
XX_Other Laundry & Garage Freezer 24373 1 104.94 0.00 2209.19
XX_Other Laundry & Garage Fridge 27332 1 37.19 0.00 1716.55
XX_Other Laundry & Hob 18032 1 92.18 0.00 3457.23
XX_Other Laundry & Kitchen 24801 1 15.00 0.00 1073.85
XX_Other Laundry & Kitchen Appliances 13040 1 259.59 -564.17 4637.65
XX_Other Laundry & Microwave 59477 1 172.13 0.00 3690.16
XX_Other Laundry & Teenagers Bedroom 53402 1 49.29 0.00 1804.80
XX_Other Laundry, Downstairs & Lounge 62810 1 237.56 0.00 2799.64
XX_Other Laundry, Fridge & Freezer 70291 1 97.86 -25.63 1286.75
XX_Other Laundry, Fridge & Microwave 13310 1 63.84 -26.41 993.04
XX_Other Laundry, Garage & 2 Bedrooms 19625 1 9.69 -1.47 1773.14
XX_Other Laundry, Garage & Guest Bed 9878 1 11.17 0.00 343.22
XX_Other Laundry, Garage Fridge Freezer 26083 1 124.97 25.64 2389.45
XX_Other Laundry, Lounge, Garage, Bed 29556 1 109.41 0.00 871.61
XX_Other Laundry, Sauna & 2nd Fridge 64716 1 66.28 -7.44 2557.82
XX_Other Lounge, Dining & Bedrooms 17605 1 169.90 0.00 3062.73
XX_Other Lower Bedrooms & Bathrooms 33684 1 43.39 -2.13 1429.16
XX_Other Mains 47813 2 1279.85 25.47 10981.59
XX_Other Microwave 67153 1 42.55 0.00 1788.20
XX_Other Microwave & Breadmaker 12416 1 59.21 0.00 756.95
XX_Other PV 70291 1 -799.59 -4549.26 5.77
XX_Other PV & Garage 2885 1 -489.75 -3071.27 93.18
XX_Other PV & Storage 72954 1 -93.94 -2044.63 2049.76
XX_Other PV 1 70345 1 -594.14 -3966.11 38.19
XX_Other PV 2 70345 1 -604.98 -4037.07 27.98
XX_Other Power Outlets 59477 1 37.49 -944.93 1939.86
XX_Other Spa 64716 1 405.01 0.00 3374.30
XX_Other Spa (HEMS) 72954 1 267.85 0.00 2126.47
XX_Other Spa - Uncontrolled 70927 1 29.10 0.00 3044.72
XX_Other Ventilation & Lounge Power 62880 1 396.93 30.17 4409.61
XX_Other Washing Machine 53554 1 3.66 -0.79 454.51
XX_Other Workshop 67153 1 18.54 -7.43 1759.16

8.4 Half hourly total load summary

Descriptive statistics for aggregate half hourly power data for all dwellings and all circuits:

## Skim summary statistics
##  n obs: 13075606 
##  n variables: 11 
## ── Variable type:character ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
##      variable missing complete        n min max empty n_unique
##       circuit       0 13075606 13075606   7  37     0      298
##     circuitID 1770614 11304992 13075606   4   4     0      279
##  circuitLabel       0 13075606 13075606   2  37     0      139
##   eecaCircuit       0 13075606 13075606   4  20     0        6
##        linkID       0 13075606 13075606   5   6     0       45
## ── Variable type:integer ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
##  variable missing complete        n  mean   sd p0 p25 p50 p75 p100
##      nObs       0 13075606 13075606 30.01 1.21  1  30  30  30   64
##      hist
##  ▁▁▁▇▁▁▁▁
## ── Variable type:numeric ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
##    variable missing complete        n   mean      sd        p0 p25    p50
##   maxPowerW       0 13075606 13075606 618.38 1162.94  -6970.85   0 140.99
##  meanPowerW       0 13075606 13075606 298.23  711.19  -7627.66   0  76.85
##   minPowerW       0 13075606 13075606 124.16  560.72 -12407.52   0  15.33
##    sdPowerW     705 13074901 13075606 163     322.71      0      0  32.94
##     p75     p100     hist
##  598.49 30822.4  ▁▇▁▁▁▁▁▁
##  329.2  10981.59 ▁▁▁▇▁▁▁▁
##  149.99  9600.58 ▁▁▁▁▇▁▁▁
##  102.45  5627.37 ▇▁▁▁▁▁▁▁
## ── Variable type:POSIXct ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
##            variable missing complete        n        min        max
##  r_dateTimeHalfHour       0 13075606 13075606 2014-01-06 2018-08-01
##      median n_unique
##  2016-03-29    77345

8.5 Per dwelling summaries of half-hourly power data

The following tables show descriptive statistics for the meanPowerW values for each circuit by dwelling.

## #-> Dwelling: rf_01
Table 8.5: rf_01: Mean of half-hourly mean power (W) by circuit type
circuit meanPowerW minPowerW maxPowerW nObs
Heating$1633 960.23691 0.000 7084.992 28401
Hot water$1636 216.74744 0.000 1874.646 28401
Kitchen power$1632 203.90506 0.000 3048.565 28401
Lights$1635 118.29809 0.000 1102.658 28401
Mains$1634 1661.72822 90.722 10981.588 28401
Range$1637 39.21129 0.000 3550.979 28401
imputedTotalDemand_circuitsToSum_v1.1 1662.01730 90.722 10981.588 28401
All 694.59204 0.000 10981.588 198807
## #-> Dwelling: rf_02
Table 8.5: rf_02: Mean of half-hourly mean power (W) by circuit type
circuit meanPowerW minPowerW maxPowerW nObs
Cooking Bath tile heat$1573 135.77070 0.000 798.9143 19412
Fridge$1572 18.98057 0.000 126.3063 19412
Heating$1576 160.75117 0.000 3360.7323 19412
Hot Water$1574 234.30121 0.000 2215.7370 19412
Lights$1577 23.67056 0.000 559.3363 19412
Mains$1575 721.14730 25.467 7427.8692 19412
imputedTotalDemand_circuitsToSum_v1.1 721.25805 25.467 7427.8692 19412
All 287.98280 0.000 7427.8692 135884
## #-> Dwelling: rf_06
Table 8.5: rf_06: Mean of half-hourly mean power (W) by circuit type
circuit meanPowerW minPowerW maxPowerW nObs
Hot Water - Controlled$2248 413.58656 0.00000 2055.397 62810
Incomer - Uncontrolled$2249 528.37421 -1293.19033 5881.824 62810
Kitchen$2246 101.85379 0.00000 1723.618 62810
Laundry, Downstairs & Lounge$2245 237.56314 0.00000 2799.643 62810
Lighting$2244 117.43964 0.00000 2160.544 62810
Oven & Hob$2247 19.62877 -24.64467 3919.073 62810
imputedTotalDemand_circuitsToSum_v1.1 942.01325 -1284.93400 7143.127 62810
All 337.20848 -1293.19033 7143.127 439670
## #-> Dwelling: rf_07
Table 8.5: rf_07: Mean of half-hourly mean power (W) by circuit type
circuit meanPowerW minPowerW maxPowerW nObs
Incomer 1 - Uncontrolled$2726 254.97346 -41.633333 2999.776 67153
Incomer 2 - Uncontrolled$2725 349.55311 0.000000 5118.139 67153
Kitchen Appliances & Laundry$2722 201.91405 -41.100000 2440.366 67153
Microwave$2721 42.54906 0.000000 1788.205 67153
Oven$2724 104.30133 0.000000 3399.987 67153
Workshop$2723 18.54298 -7.428571 1759.159 67153
imputedTotalDemand_circuitsToSum_v1.1 604.56831 20.433333 5912.322 67153
All 225.20033 -41.633333 5912.322 470071
## #-> Dwelling: rf_08
Table 8.5: rf_08: Mean of half-hourly mean power (W) by circuit type
circuit meanPowerW minPowerW maxPowerW nObs
Heat Pump$2092 67.12562 0.000 2036.822 51639
Hot Water - Controlled$2094 272.31189 0.000 2366.140 51639
Incomer - Uncontrolled$2093 772.53902 244.899 6425.929 51639
Kitchen$2089 136.33455 0.000 2273.916 51639
Laundry & 2nd Fridge Freezer$2090 146.05024 0.000 3843.133 51639
Oven & Hob$2091 48.22041 0.000 3480.848 51639
imputedTotalDemand_circuitsToSum_v1.1 1044.94407 244.899 7882.448 51639
All 355.36083 0.000 7882.448 361473
## #-> Dwelling: rf_09
Table 8.5: rf_09: Mean of half-hourly mean power (W) by circuit type
circuit meanPowerW minPowerW maxPowerW nObs
Heat Pump & Bedroom 2$2731 153.40526 -26.87667 3242.937 17605
Incomer 1 - Uncont - Inc Hob$2729 407.19026 38.83267 3396.080 17605
Incomer 2 - Uncont - Inc Oven$2730 241.25607 -26.04000 3920.391 17605
Kitchen Appliances$2727 110.67502 24.50100 1271.055 17605
Laundry$2732 16.05779 0.00000 1479.713 17605
Lounge, Dining & Bedrooms$2728 169.89889 0.00000 3062.734 17605
imputedTotalDemand_circuitsToSum_v1.1 648.58905 13.81733 5490.639 17605
All 249.58176 -26.87667 5490.639 123235
## #-> Dwelling: rf_10
Table 8.5: rf_10: Mean of half-hourly mean power (W) by circuit type
circuit meanPowerW minPowerW maxPowerW nObs
Bedrooms & Lounge$2602 130.08729 -358.24333 1319.592 60754
Heat Pump$2598 48.31930 0.00000 2510.320 60754
Incomer - All$2599 596.13591 89.53033 6202.287 60754
Kitchen Appliances$2601 107.85218 0.00000 2090.831 60754
Laundry & Garage$2597 223.85985 21.78100 3457.719 60754
Oven$2600 28.88877 0.00000 2444.982 60754
imputedTotalDemand_circuitsToSum_v1.1 596.16782 89.53033 6202.287 60754
All 247.33016 -358.24333 6202.287 425278
## #-> Dwelling: rf_11
Table 8.5: rf_11: Mean of half-hourly mean power (W) by circuit type
circuit meanPowerW minPowerW maxPowerW nObs
Heat Pump & Lounge$2590 221.93527 0.0000000 3314.134 70927
Hob$2589 20.28093 -0.7333333 2354.543 70927
Hot Water Cpbd Heater- Cont$2586 76.91429 0.0000000 1955.707 70927
Incomer - Uncontrolled$2585 439.90404 22.5333333 5982.562 70927
Kitchen Appliances & Laundry$2588 139.70756 0.0000000 3144.275 70927
Spa - Uncontrolled$2587 29.10379 0.0000000 3044.716 70927
imputedTotalDemand_circuitsToSum_v1.1 545.94273 22.5333333 8698.006 70927
All 210.54123 -0.7333333 8698.006 496489
## #-> Dwelling: rf_12
Table 8.5: rf_12: Mean of half-hourly mean power (W) by circuit type
circuit meanPowerW minPowerW maxPowerW nObs
Incomer 1 - Hot Water - Cont$2626 431.69058 0.00000 3057.669 13310
Incomer 2 - Uncontrolled$2625 255.26592 16.27286 4005.747 13310
Incomer 3 - Uncontrolled$2627 93.38327 -32.41120 1023.548 13310
Kitchen Appliances & Lounge$2630 147.10153 -1.68640 2063.290 13310
Laundry, Fridge & Microwave$2628 63.83951 -26.40826 993.040 13310
Oven$2629 93.47560 0.00000 3676.903 13310
imputedTotalDemand_circuitsToSum_v1.1 780.43025 48.00048 6001.540 13310
All 266.45524 -32.41120 6001.540 93170
## #-> Dwelling: rf_13
Table 8.5: rf_13: Mean of half-hourly mean power (W) by circuit type
circuit meanPowerW minPowerW maxPowerW nObs
Downstairs (inc 1 Heat Pump)$2212 7.250718 -2343.7876667 2967.435 72683
Hot Water - Controlled$2208 198.864226 0.0000000 2311.007 72683
Incomer - Uncontrolled$2209 1455.687777 141.7340000 9575.828 72683
Kitchen & Laundry$2213 436.178197 76.6173333 4445.761 72683
Oven & Hob$2210 107.570635 -0.5226667 3689.630 72683
Upstairs Heat Pumps$2211 147.743324 -46.2900000 2762.926 72683
imputedTotalDemand_circuitsToSum_v1.1 1455.798986 141.7340000 9575.828 72683
All 544.156266 -2343.7876667 9575.828 508781
## #-> Dwelling: rf_14
Table 8.5: rf_14: Mean of half-hourly mean power (W) by circuit type
circuit meanPowerW minPowerW maxPowerW nObs
Hot Water - Controlled$2719 229.63362 -525.4233 963.0263 59477
Incomer 1 - Uncont inc Stove$2718 280.63840 0.0000 4072.8347 59477
Incomer 2 - Uncont inc Oven$2717 102.71532 -1372.3987 2974.6097 59477
Kitchen Appliances$2715 75.55101 -586.9623 2694.3280 59477
Laundry & Microwave$2720 172.13112 0.0000 3690.1560 59477
Power Outlets$2716 37.49355 -944.9340 1939.8627 59477
imputedTotalDemand_circuitsToSum_v1.1 613.05153 -1120.3857 6565.6810 59477
All 215.88779 -1372.3987 6565.6810 416339
## #-> Dwelling: rf_15b
Table 8.5: rf_15b: Mean of half-hourly mean power (W) by circuit type
circuit meanPowerW minPowerW maxPowerW nObs
Hob$3954 18.63477 -134.600000 1831.218 13040
Hot Water$3952 411.24684 0.000000 1998.152 13040
Incomer 1$3956 693.70182 1.139333 5209.020 13040
Incomer 2$3955 561.38914 -660.500000 5345.709 13040
Laundry & Kitchen Appliances$3951 259.59320 -564.166667 4637.651 13040
Oven$3953 31.02041 0.000000 1648.313 13040
imputedTotalDemand_circuitsToSum_v1.1 1255.17370 -586.433333 7318.499 13040
All 461.53712 -660.500000 7318.499 91280
## #-> Dwelling: rf_16
Table 8.5: rf_16: Mean of half-hourly mean power (W) by circuit type
circuit meanPowerW minPowerW maxPowerW nObs
Hallway & Washing Machine$2683 108.15574 -4.552 990.3657 12416
Hot Water - Controlled$2679 299.68561 0.000 2327.8963 12416
Incomer 1 - Uncont inc Oven$2681 61.80580 0.000 2251.0390 12416
Incomer 2 - Uncont inc Stove$2680 176.84312 0.000 2164.4770 12416
Kitchen Appliances & Bedrooms$2684 39.71844 0.000 2247.6567 12416
Microwave & Breadmaker$2682 59.20784 0.000 756.9517 12416
imputedTotalDemand_circuitsToSum_v1.1 538.38054 23.855 4486.0077 12416
All 183.39958 -4.552 4486.0077 86912
## #-> Dwelling: rf_17a
Table 8.5: rf_17a: Mean of half-hourly mean power (W) by circuit type
circuit meanPowerW minPowerW maxPowerW nObs
Heat Pump$2148 25.98453 0.0000000 3489.125 32019
Hot Water - Controlled$2150 88.39686 -0.0333333 2056.734 32019
Incomer 1 - Uncont - inc Hob$2152 200.58446 21.2280000 4712.595 32019
Incomer 2 - Uncont - inc Oven$2151 237.83215 -376.0673333 4797.083 32019
Kitchen Appliances$2147 98.30310 -379.2153333 1748.831 32019
Laundry$2149 24.14114 0.0000000 2147.561 32019
imputedTotalDemand_circuitsToSum_v1.1 526.84766 -332.6076667 7611.202 32019
All 171.72713 -379.2153333 7611.202 224133
## #-> Dwelling: rf_17b
Table 8.5: rf_17b: Mean of half-hourly mean power (W) by circuit type
circuit meanPowerW minPowerW maxPowerW nObs
Incomer 1 - inc Top Oven$5620 137.456088 0.00000 2831.7230 9153
Incomer 2 - inc Bottom Oven$5621 216.215229 36.21833 2333.4967 9153
Kitchen Appliances$5625 22.879507 0.00000 622.9377 9153
Laundry & Garage$5624 85.968666 0.00000 2039.3000 9153
Lighting 1/2$5623 -1.721405 -68.60867 14.6000 9153
Lighting 2/2$5622 7.883909 0.00000 166.4357 9153
imputedTotalDemand_circuitsToSum_v1.1 353.671318 42.60500 3819.8710 9153
All 117.479045 -68.60867 3819.8710 64071
## #-> Dwelling: rf_18
Table 8.5: rf_18: Mean of half-hourly mean power (W) by circuit type
circuit meanPowerW minPowerW maxPowerW nObs
Hot Water - Controlled$2129 348.40618 -74.2000 2107.445 18032
Incomer 1 - Uncontrolled$2128 237.97939 0.0000 3485.951 18032
Incomer 2 - Uncontrolled$2130 857.55685 -890.5782 6400.352 18032
Kitchen Appliances & Ventilati$2131 438.88811 -500.2655 3044.483 18032
Laundry & Hob$2133 92.18203 0.0000 3457.229 18032
Oven$2132 35.22306 -1067.5630 2143.595 18032
imputedTotalDemand_circuitsToSum_v1.1 1444.10304 -373.0617 10051.113 18032
All 493.47695 -1067.5630 10051.113 126224
## #-> Dwelling: rf_19
Table 8.5: rf_19: Mean of half-hourly mean power (W) by circuit type
circuit meanPowerW minPowerW maxPowerW nObs
Bedroom & Lounge Heat Pumps$2741 90.484303 0.0000000 2555.71900 70345
Incomer 1 - All$2738 -294.341880 -3698.6333333 2592.05167 70345
Incomer 2 - All$2737 -295.580872 -3929.0263333 4736.61867 70345
Kitchen Appliances$2735 13.511263 -0.0333333 1504.76733 70345
Laundry$2734 19.983934 0.0000000 3288.41833 70345
Oven$2736 0.350688 -107.1110000 1698.06167 70345
PV 1$2739 -594.140589 -3966.1063333 38.18667 70345
PV 2$2733 -604.976512 -4037.0730000 27.97800 70345
Theatre Heat Pump$2740 3.030213 -3.2666667 999.08700 70345
imputedTotalDemand_circuitsToSum_v1.1 -589.892404 -7627.6596667 5541.25500 70345
All -225.157186 -7627.6596667 5541.25500 703450
## #-> Dwelling: rf_20
Table 8.5: rf_20: Mean of half-hourly mean power (W) by circuit type
circuit meanPowerW minPowerW maxPowerW nObs
Heat Pump & Misc$2107 176.61447 -173.07200 1701.146 18124
Hob$2109 22.80259 -1820.11200 2409.673 18124
Hot Water - Controlled$2110 274.15836 0.00000 3163.168 18124
Incomer 1 - Uncontrolled$2112 265.53331 38.48700 3408.817 18124
Incomer 2 - Uncontrolled$2111 273.81090 -319.71800 2726.963 18124
Oven & Kitchen Appliances$2108 262.49413 39.13333 3397.599 18124
imputedTotalDemand_circuitsToSum_v1.1 813.60345 -79.40167 7239.907 18124
All 298.43103 -1820.11200 7239.907 126868
## #-> Dwelling: rf_21
Table 8.5: rf_21: Mean of half-hourly mean power (W) by circuit type
circuit meanPowerW minPowerW maxPowerW nObs
Fridge$2752 116.87211 0.000000 1212.828 33684
Heat Pump & Washing Machine$2750 113.52252 0.000000 3120.887 33684
Incomer - All$2748 483.35836 56.122000 5653.114 33684
Kitchen Appliances & Garage$2753 46.27248 -2.523333 1952.114 33684
Lower Bedrooms & Bathrooms$2751 43.39302 -2.128333 1429.159 33684
Oven$2749 26.93497 0.000000 2183.971 33684
imputedTotalDemand_circuitsToSum_v1.1 483.39078 56.122000 5653.114 33684
All 187.67775 -2.523333 5653.114 235788
## #-> Dwelling: rf_22
Table 8.5: rf_22: Mean of half-hourly mean power (W) by circuit type
circuit meanPowerW minPowerW maxPowerW nObs
Hot Water - Controlled$2236 355.44151 0.00000 2050.544 62880
Incomer - Uncontrolled$2237 936.13531 49.62267 6899.700 62880
Kitchen & Laundry$2234 199.11520 0.00000 2924.924 62880
Lighting$2232 300.74459 0.00000 3411.401 62880
Oven$2235 31.56112 -431.90800 2339.331 62880
Ventilation & Lounge Power$2233 396.92523 30.17100 4409.606 62880
imputedTotalDemand_circuitsToSum_v1.1 1291.67898 61.51000 8019.169 62880
All 501.65742 -431.90800 8019.169 440160
## #-> Dwelling: rf_23
Table 8.5: rf_23: Mean of half-hourly mean power (W) by circuit type
circuit meanPowerW minPowerW maxPowerW nObs
Hot Water - Controlled (HEMS)$2081 256.57706 0.000000 1459.965 72954
Incomer - Uncontrolled$2082 822.73648 -1632.683667 5942.441 72954
Kitchen, Laundry & Ventilation$2084 240.92187 41.791000 3810.431 72954
Oven$2085 38.78318 -1.840667 3301.906 72954
PV & Storage$2083 -93.94161 -2044.630667 2049.756 72954
Spa (HEMS)$2080 267.84766 0.000000 2126.470 72954
imputedTotalDemand_circuitsToSum_v1.1 1079.42044 -1632.683667 6676.896 72954
All 373.19215 -2044.630667 6676.896 510678
## #-> Dwelling: rf_24
Table 8.5: rf_24: Mean of half-hourly mean power (W) by circuit type
circuit meanPowerW minPowerW maxPowerW nObs
Hot Water - Controlled$2102 464.29361 -0.1333333 3196.599000 70291
Incomer - Uncontrolled$2101 -387.51502 -4316.0373333 3881.325333 70291
Kitchen$2104 40.26808 0.0000000 1838.259167 70291
Laundry, Fridge & Freezer$2105 97.86490 -25.6320000 1286.747667 70291
Oven & Hob$2103 47.12180 0.0000000 3357.078333 70291
PV$2106 -799.58591 -4549.2590000 5.766667 70291
imputedTotalDemand_circuitsToSum_v1.1 76.80190 -4316.0373333 6319.660667 70291
All -65.82152 -4549.2590000 6319.660667 492037
## #-> Dwelling: rf_25
Table 8.5: rf_25: Mean of half-hourly mean power (W) by circuit type
circuit meanPowerW minPowerW maxPowerW nObs
Heat Pump$2758 88.88346 -0.0333333 1734.691 23570
Hob & Kitchen Appliances$2759 349.55367 0.0000000 2379.292 23570
Hot Water - Controlled$2761 258.40103 0.0000000 2853.940 23570
Incomer 1 - Uncontrolled $2763 462.20069 0.0000000 4566.728 23570
Incomer 2 - Uncontrolled $2762 397.27281 0.0000000 2478.952 23570
Oven$2760 52.59379 0.0000000 1777.121 23570
imputedTotalDemand_circuitsToSum_v1.1 859.53641 19.0990000 5062.934 23570
All 352.63455 -0.0333333 5062.934 164990
## #-> Dwelling: rf_26
Table 8.5: rf_26: Mean of half-hourly mean power (W) by circuit type
circuit meanPowerW minPowerW maxPowerW nObs
Incomer 1 - All$2703 261.31962 -65.777778 3598.296 64716
Incomer 2 - All$2704 446.25035 -544.655333 4118.930 64716
Kitchen Appliances$2706 51.22483 -3.982778 2322.703 64716
Laundry, Sauna & 2nd Fridge$2707 66.28460 -7.444444 2557.823 64716
Oven$2705 14.74533 0.000000 2590.046 64716
Spa$2708 405.01332 0.000000 3374.302 64716
imputedTotalDemand_circuitsToSum_v1.1 707.63965 -413.799333 6058.264 64716
All 278.92539 -544.655333 6058.264 453012
## #-> Dwelling: rf_27
Table 8.5: rf_27: Mean of half-hourly mean power (W) by circuit type
circuit meanPowerW minPowerW maxPowerW nObs
Bed 2, 2nd Fridge$2828 80.17973 0.00000 926.5203 30311
Heat Pump$2826 138.45418 0.00000 2457.0843 30311
Hot Water - Controlled$2825 278.22393 0.00000 1625.1450 30311
Incomer - Uncontrolled$2824 839.96004 135.34800 6587.1657 30311
Kitchen, Laundry & Beds 1&3$2829 344.66051 19.90727 2555.6150 30305
Oven & Oven Wall Appliances$2827 38.18063 0.00000 2495.7013 30311
imputedTotalDemand_circuitsToSum_v1.1 1118.44838 138.38567 6806.3293 30311
All 405.44563 0.00000 6806.3293 212171
## #-> Dwelling: rf_28
Table 8.5: rf_28: Mean of half-hourly mean power (W) by circuit type
circuit meanPowerW minPowerW maxPowerW nObs
Heat Pump$4219 51.89516 0.000000 2463.9630 2885
Incomer - All$4221 -135.60611 -2794.550333 4676.1890 2885
Kitchen Appliances$4216 69.36095 -3.636364 1428.4331 2885
Laundry$4217 27.77702 0.000000 333.0917 2885
Lighting$4218 32.79797 0.000000 226.4063 2885
PV & Garage$4220 -489.75448 -3071.270333 93.1820 2885
imputedTotalDemand_circuitsToSum_v1.1 -135.49572 -2794.550333 4676.1890 2885
All -82.71789 -3071.270333 4676.1890 20195
## #-> Dwelling: rf_29
Table 8.5: rf_29: Mean of half-hourly mean power (W) by circuit type
circuit meanPowerW minPowerW maxPowerW nObs
Heat Pump & Kitchen Appliances$4186 589.412574 20.936333 3760.9203 58353
Hot Water - Controlled$4184 341.670120 0.000000 3242.0953 58353
Incomer - Uncontrolled$4181 1264.919408 136.152000 6046.0460 58353
Laundry$4185 3.608593 -1.773684 184.7330 58353
Lighting$4183 87.796359 0.000000 740.6183 58353
Oven$4182 26.900768 0.000000 3484.1950 58353
imputedTotalDemand_circuitsToSum_v1.1 1606.679050 136.152000 8395.3977 58353
All 560.140982 -1.773684 8395.3977 408471
## #-> Dwelling: rf_30
Table 8.5: rf_30: Mean of half-hourly mean power (W) by circuit type
circuit meanPowerW minPowerW maxPowerW nObs
Hot Water - Controlled$4238 190.47906 -1.314333 1473.254 24801
Incomer - All$4239 743.47460 115.755333 5173.553 24801
Kitchen Appliances$4234 286.83927 50.316000 2617.753 24801
Laundry & Kitchen$4235 15.00388 0.000000 1073.849 24801
Lighting$4236 114.88548 -0.367000 1440.129 24801
Oven & Hobb$4237 26.52416 0.000000 2908.371 24801
imputedTotalDemand_circuitsToSum_v1.1 743.53834 115.755333 5173.553 24801
All 302.96354 -1.314333 5173.553 173607
## #-> Dwelling: rf_31
Table 8.5: rf_31: Mean of half-hourly mean power (W) by circuit type
circuit meanPowerW minPowerW maxPowerW nObs
Heat Pump$4204 127.50115 0.000 2462.601 58693
Hot Water - Controlled$4200 59.07654 0.000 1917.637 58693
Incomer - All$4199 642.27825 39.786 7101.946 58693
Kitchen Appliances$4201 134.31615 0.000 3227.045 58693
Laundry$4202 17.87071 0.000 2096.166 58693
Lighting$4203 74.20908 0.000 1299.301 58693
imputedTotalDemand_circuitsToSum_v1.1 642.31835 39.786 7101.946 58693
All 242.51003 0.000 7101.946 410851
## #-> Dwelling: rf_32
Table 8.5: rf_32: Mean of half-hourly mean power (W) by circuit type
circuit meanPowerW minPowerW maxPowerW nObs
Heat Pump$4196 67.805397 0 2470.511 18044
Hot Water - Controlled$4198 283.857462 0 1480.453 18044
Incomer - All$4193 677.663999 0 7882.022 18044
Kitchen Appliances$4195 113.946538 0 2454.631 18044
Laundry$4194 5.242116 0 1700.831 18044
Lighting$4197 22.238769 0 751.784 18044
imputedTotalDemand_circuitsToSum_v1.1 677.714009 0 7882.022 18044
All 264.066899 0 7882.022 126308
## #-> Dwelling: rf_33
Table 8.5: rf_33: Mean of half-hourly mean power (W) by circuit type
circuit meanPowerW minPowerW maxPowerW nObs
Hot Water - Controlled$4144 288.82120 0.0000 2147.5373 53402
Incomer - Uncontrolled$4143 525.68346 143.7633 5115.2227 53402
Kitchen Appliances & Heat Pump$4140 274.95683 62.9900 3180.3123 53402
Laundry & Teenagers Bedroom$4139 49.28783 0.0000 1804.7990 53402
Lighting$4142 24.97706 0.0000 731.3517 53402
Oven, Hob & Microwave$4141 37.41828 0.0000 3614.1510 53402
imputedTotalDemand_circuitsToSum_v1.1 814.59252 143.7633 7016.9233 53402
All 287.96246 0.0000 7016.9233 373814
## #-> Dwelling: rf_34
Table 8.5: rf_34: Mean of half-hourly mean power (W) by circuit type
circuit meanPowerW minPowerW maxPowerW nObs
Heat Pump$4223 196.46816 0 4982.931 24373
Hot Water - Uncontrolled$4224 329.87038 0 3901.050 24373
Incomer - All$4225 1159.39702 0 9469.695 24373
Kitchen Appliances$4226 178.94462 0 2362.236 24373
Laundry & Garage Freezer$4227 104.93907 0 2209.190 24373
Lighting$4222 96.63415 0 1078.365 24373
imputedTotalDemand_circuitsToSum_v1.1 1159.42800 0 9469.695 24373
All 460.81163 0 9469.695 170611
## #-> Dwelling: rf_35
Table 8.5: rf_35: Mean of half-hourly mean power (W) by circuit type
circuit meanPowerW minPowerW maxPowerW nObs
Heat Pump$4124 58.91764 0.0000 1329.501 26083
Hot Water - Uncontrolled$4125 238.36225 -208.2333 2967.400 26083
Incomer - Uncontrolled$4126 1101.61843 118.8083 5252.648 26083
Kitchen Appliances$4121 91.91850 0.0000 1670.461 26083
Laundry, Garage Fridge Freezer$4122 124.96889 25.6400 2389.454 26083
Lighting$4123 74.64069 0.0000 869.856 26083
imputedTotalDemand_circuitsToSum_v1.1 1340.13736 118.8083 7202.184 26083
All 432.93768 -208.2333 7202.184 182581
## #-> Dwelling: rf_36
Table 8.5: rf_36: Mean of half-hourly mean power (W) by circuit type
circuit meanPowerW minPowerW maxPowerW nObs
Heat Pump$4150 104.85081 0.0000000 2566.7637 53554
Hot Water - Uncontrolled$4147 296.36297 -2.2786667 3137.1947 53554
Incomer - All$4148 830.22911 20.0350000 9557.4647 53554
Kitchen Appliances$4145 34.22702 -9.3226667 2367.1767 53554
Lighting$4149 49.72965 -0.7756667 677.3097 53554
Washing Machine$4146 3.65723 -0.7916667 454.5093 53554
imputedTotalDemand_circuitsToSum_v1.1 830.31644 20.0350000 9557.4647 53554
All 307.05332 -9.3226667 9557.4647 374878
## #-> Dwelling: rf_37
Table 8.5: rf_37: Mean of half-hourly mean power (W) by circuit type
circuit meanPowerW minPowerW maxPowerW nObs
Heat Pump$4134 49.77442 -58.36700 2224.3923 58798
Hot Water - Controlled$4135 287.49362 0.00000 3152.7550 58798
Incomer -Uncontrolled$4136 295.55923 68.55933 3890.5817 58798
Kitchen Appliances$4137 143.82354 22.11000 1505.9013 58798
Laundry & Fridge Freezer$4138 55.96077 0.00000 1136.2677 58798
Lighting$4133 15.30444 0.00000 520.4113 58798
imputedTotalDemand_circuitsToSum_v1.1 583.08016 68.55933 5955.6347 58798
All 204.42803 -58.36700 5955.6347 411586
## #-> Dwelling: rf_38
Table 8.5: rf_38: Mean of half-hourly mean power (W) by circuit type
circuit meanPowerW minPowerW maxPowerW nObs
Heat Pump$4175 247.92379 -7.850667 2451.6447 29556
Hot Water - Controlled$4178 486.39840 -1.962667 3058.4537 29556
Incomer - Uncontrolled$4177 572.46656 53.086000 4309.8773 29556
Kitchen, Dining & Office$4179 112.21982 0.000000 2221.4497 29556
Laundry, Lounge, Garage, Bed$4180 109.40846 0.000000 871.6080 29556
Lighting$4176 53.77341 0.000000 728.8043 29556
imputedTotalDemand_circuitsToSum_v1.1 1058.87731 53.868000 6621.2760 29556
All 377.29539 -7.850667 6621.2760 206892
## #-> Dwelling: rf_39
Table 8.5: rf_39: Mean of half-hourly mean power (W) by circuit type
circuit meanPowerW minPowerW maxPowerW nObs
Hot Water (2 elements)$4247 394.89283 0.00000 3317.472 51274
Incomer - Uncontrolled$4248 1525.25154 142.28900 8563.603 51274
Kitchen Appliances$4244 189.19106 -40.22077 2656.270 51274
Lighting & 2 Towel Rail$4245 278.26497 0.00000 2101.948 51274
Oven$4246 51.44574 0.00000 3053.337 51274
imputedTotalDemand_circuitsToSum_v1.1 1920.30385 142.28900 10760.555 51274
All 726.55833 -40.22077 10760.555 307644
## #-> Dwelling: rf_40
Table 8.5: rf_40: Mean of half-hourly mean power (W) by circuit type
circuit meanPowerW minPowerW maxPowerW nObs
Heat Pump (x2) & Lounge Power$4166 330.6677 0.0000000 5340.9140 11618
Hot Water - Controlled$4167 336.3902 0.0000000 1991.9203 11618
Incomer - Uncontrolled$4168 855.0246 46.7286364 7003.3600 11618
Kitchen Appliances$4163 137.8220 -13.1000000 1936.0547 11618
Laundry$4164 20.8082 -0.0833333 2218.3740 11618
Lighting$4165 144.2461 0.0000000 792.7483 11618
imputedTotalDemand_circuitsToSum_v1.1 1191.5785 46.7286364 7855.8450 11618
All 430.9339 -13.1000000 7855.8450 81326
## #-> Dwelling: rf_41
Table 8.5: rf_41: Mean of half-hourly mean power (W) by circuit type
circuit meanPowerW minPowerW maxPowerW nObs
Heat Pump$4190 51.09836 0.00000 3579.525 45806
Incomer - All$4192 1014.27562 100.08300 7580.263 45806
Kitchen Appliances$4187 292.54651 32.34867 3484.788 45806
Laundry$4188 140.99570 16.19667 3301.477 45806
Lighting$4189 149.18336 0.00000 1783.119 45806
Oven$4191 35.11759 0.00000 2443.117 45806
imputedTotalDemand_circuitsToSum_v1.1 1014.47194 100.08300 7580.263 45806
All 385.38416 0.00000 7580.263 320642
## #-> Dwelling: rf_42
Table 8.5: rf_42: Mean of half-hourly mean power (W) by circuit type
circuit meanPowerW minPowerW maxPowerW nObs
Heat Pump$4130 44.57885 0.000 2394.087 32529
Hot Water - Uncontrolled$4131 369.39064 0.000 3082.225 32529
Incomer - All$4132 1230.59328 78.113 9511.441 32529
Kitchen Appliances$4127 161.60835 0.000 2225.846 32529
Laundry & Freezer$4128 131.29429 0.000 1633.096 32529
Lighting (inc heat lamps)$4129 361.12577 0.000 3528.905 32529
imputedTotalDemand_circuitsToSum_v1.1 1230.65249 78.113 9511.441 32529
All 504.17767 0.000 9511.441 227703
## #-> Dwelling: rf_43
Table 8.5: rf_43: Mean of half-hourly mean power (W) by circuit type
circuit meanPowerW minPowerW maxPowerW nObs
Heat Pump$4211 195.49477 0.00 1717.945 9878
Incomer - All$4213 626.78328 16.40 4220.100 9878
Kitchen Appliances$4210 134.94147 0.00 2657.540 9878
Laundry, Garage & Guest Bed$4215 11.16818 0.00 343.220 9878
Lighting$4212 101.58944 0.00 1003.771 9878
Oven$4214 15.43599 -4.37 2011.064 9878
imputedTotalDemand_circuitsToSum_v1.1 626.83708 16.40 4220.100 9878
All 244.60717 -4.37 4220.100 69146
## #-> Dwelling: rf_44
Table 8.5: rf_44: Mean of half-hourly mean power (W) by circuit type
circuit meanPowerW minPowerW maxPowerW nObs
Heat Pump$4154 97.91995 0.000 2088.850 58753
Hot Water - Controlled$4155 477.59648 0.000 3317.720 58753
Incomer - Uncontrolled$4156 602.17780 77.376 6656.751 58753
Kitchen Appliances$4151 124.22989 0.000 2312.836 58753
Laundry $4152 32.96517 0.000 2336.731 58753
Lighting$4153 94.66398 0.000 1485.102 58753
imputedTotalDemand_circuitsToSum_v1.1 1079.81394 77.376 9833.222 58753
All 358.48103 0.000 9833.222 411271
## #-> Dwelling: rf_45
Table 8.5: rf_45: Mean of half-hourly mean power (W) by circuit type
circuit meanPowerW minPowerW maxPowerW nObs
Heat Pump$4160 94.24142 0.000 2654.288 27332
Hot Water - Controlled$4158 316.89667 0.000 3096.385 27332
Incomer - Uncontrolled$4157 455.17969 30.576 4620.431 27332
Kitchen Appliances$4161 92.33676 0.000 1757.619 27332
Laundry & Garage Fridge$4162 37.18851 0.000 1716.550 27332
Lighting$4159 82.99439 0.000 1686.921 27332
imputedTotalDemand_circuitsToSum_v1.1 772.12751 30.576 7298.491 27332
All 264.42357 0.000 7298.491 191324
## #-> Dwelling: rf_46
Table 8.5: rf_46: Mean of half-hourly mean power (W) by circuit type
circuit meanPowerW minPowerW maxPowerW nObs
Heat Pumps (2x) & Power$4232 250.567902 5.9150000 2959.36400 45290
Heat Pumps (2x) & Power$4399 -47.900913 -242.3875862 452.67700 36699
Heat Pumps (2x) & Power1$4232 235.389913 5.9150000 2959.36400 19407
Heat Pumps (2x) & Power2$4399 -66.279776 -241.6986667 249.05133 19407
Heat Pumps (2x) & Power_Imag$4399 -105.075756 -269.7236667 250.48667 7583
Hot Water - Controlled$4231 232.173040 -2.4533333 2136.31467 45290
Hot Water - Controlled$4400 2.360899 -31.1823333 52.38333 36699
Hot Water - Controlled1$4231 264.633198 -0.5696667 2137.98800 19407
Hot Water - Controlled2$4400 2.892765 -26.6316667 56.67100 19407
Hot Water - Controlled_Imag$4400 1.385089 -32.4076667 89.83967 7583
Incomer - Uncontrolled$4230 1286.215901 136.3493333 8336.38900 45290
Incomer - Uncontrolled$4401 221.695045 -234.9800000 1400.39000 36699
Incomer - Uncontrolled1$4230 1602.818895 188.3213333 8336.38900 19407
Incomer - Uncontrolled2$4401 308.790044 -171.7506667 1291.09467 19407
Incomer - Uncontrolled_Imag$4401 164.224745 -280.3576667 1306.42600 7583
Incomer Voltage$4405 233.044650 217.7060000 238.86733 48543
Kitchen & Bedrooms$4229 163.253834 0.0000000 2106.42233 45290
Kitchen & Bedrooms$4402 47.121095 -45.3023333 334.21533 36699
Kitchen & Bedrooms1$4229 117.717179 0.0000000 1436.52000 19407
Kitchen & Bedrooms2$4402 39.627458 -37.7376667 205.68133 19407
Kitchen & Bedrooms_Imag$4402 98.201280 -41.4986667 204.52167 7583
Laundry & Bedrooms$4228 228.305912 0.0000000 3784.37833 45290
Laundry & Bedrooms$4403 92.507158 -60.2600000 798.75467 36699
Laundry & Bedrooms1$4228 285.920723 0.0000000 3784.37833 19407
Laundry & Bedrooms2$4403 105.456512 -42.1250000 732.26300 19407
Laundry & Bedrooms_Imag$4403 4.987965 -113.9056667 439.69933 7583
Lighting$4233 331.123502 0.0000000 2187.10800 45290
Lighting$4404 29.693003 -127.2770000 496.45367 36699
Lighting1$4233 440.831532 41.4000000 2187.10800 19407
Lighting2$4404 42.555726 -127.2770000 415.55300 19407
Lighting_Imag$4404 9.506655 -96.2106667 471.37133 7583
imputedTotalDemand_circuitsToSum_v1.1 1504.213795 136.3493333 10156.21067 49551
All 320.458233 -280.3576667 10156.21067 868410
## #-> Dwelling: rf_47
Table 8.5: rf_47: Mean of half-hourly mean power (W) by circuit type
circuit meanPowerW minPowerW maxPowerW nObs
Heat Pump & 2 x Bathroom Heat$4171 119.058261 0.000000 3559.722 19625
Incomer - All$4170 415.505533 67.949333 6192.582 19625
Kitchen Power & Heat, Lounge$4174 142.513254 13.809667 2670.404 19625
Laundry, Garage & 2 Bedrooms$4173 9.693883 -1.472000 1773.141 19625
Lighting$4172 22.702200 0.000000 1089.850 19625
Wall Oven$4169 26.401845 -2.422667 2473.255 19625
imputedTotalDemand_circuitsToSum_v1.1 415.526033 67.949333 6192.582 19625
All 164.485858 -2.422667 6192.582 137375

9 Runtime

Analysis completed in 577.74 seconds ( 9.63 minutes) using knitr in RStudio with R version 3.5.2 (2018-12-20) running on x86_64-apple-darwin15.6.0.

10 R environment

10.1 R packages used

  • base R (R Core Team 2016)
  • bookdown (Xie 2016a)
  • data.table (Dowle et al. 2015)
  • ggplot2 (Wickham 2009)
  • kableExtra (Zhu 2018)
  • knitr (Xie 2016b)
  • lubridate (Grolemund and Wickham 2011)
  • rmarkdown (Allaire et al. 2018)

10.2 Session info

## R version 3.5.2 (2018-12-20)
## Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin15.6.0 (64-bit)
## Running under: macOS High Sierra 10.13.6
## Matrix products: default
## BLAS: /System/Library/Frameworks/Accelerate.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/vecLib.framework/Versions/A/libBLAS.dylib
## LAPACK: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.5/Resources/lib/libRlapack.dylib
## locale:
## [1] en_NZ.UTF-8/en_NZ.UTF-8/en_NZ.UTF-8/C/en_NZ.UTF-8/en_NZ.UTF-8
## attached base packages:
## [1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     
## other attached packages:
##  [1] drake_7.6.2              kableExtra_1.1.0        
##  [3] ggplot2_3.2.1            skimr_1.0.7             
##  [5] bookdown_0.14            rmarkdown_1.16          
##  [7] GREENGridEECA_0.0.0.9000 GREENGridData_1.0       
##  [9] lubridate_1.7.4          here_0.1                
## [11] data.table_1.12.2       
## loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
##  [1] Rcpp_1.0.2        txtq_0.1.6        tidyr_1.0.0      
##  [4] prettyunits_1.0.2 assertthat_0.2.1  zeallot_0.1.0    
##  [7] rprojroot_1.3-2   digest_0.6.21     packrat_0.5.0    
## [10] R6_2.4.0          cellranger_1.1.0  plyr_1.8.4       
## [13] backports_1.1.5   evaluate_0.14     httr_1.4.1       
## [16] highr_0.8         pillar_1.4.2      rlang_0.4.0      
## [19] progress_1.2.2    lazyeval_0.2.2    readxl_1.3.1     
## [22] rstudioapi_0.10   R.utils_2.9.0     R.oo_1.22.0      
## [25] labeling_0.3      webshot_0.5.1     readr_1.3.1      
## [28] stringr_1.4.0     igraph_1.2.4.1    munsell_0.5.0    
## [31] compiler_3.5.2    xfun_0.10         pkgconfig_2.0.3  
## [34] htmltools_0.4.0   tidyselect_0.2.5  tibble_2.1.3     
## [37] viridisLite_0.3.0 crayon_1.3.4      dplyr_0.8.3      
## [40] withr_2.1.2       R.methodsS3_1.7.1 grid_3.5.2       
## [43] lifecycle_0.1.0   gtable_0.3.0      magrittr_1.5     
## [46] storr_1.2.1       scales_1.0.0      cli_1.1.0        
## [49] stringi_1.4.3     reshape2_1.4.3    xml2_1.2.2       
## [52] filelock_1.0.2    vctrs_0.2.0       tools_3.5.2      
## [55] forcats_0.4.0     glue_1.3.1        purrr_0.3.2      
## [58] hms_0.5.1         yaml_2.2.0        colorspace_1.4-1 
## [61] base64url_1.4     rvest_0.3.4       knitr_1.25


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Wickham, Hadley. 2009. Ggplot2: Elegant Graphics for Data Analysis. Springer-Verlag New York. http://ggplot2.org.

Xie, Yihui. 2016a. Bookdown: Authoring Books and Technical Documents with R Markdown. Boca Raton, Florida: Chapman; Hall/CRC. https://github.com/rstudio/bookdown.

———. 2016b. Knitr: A General-Purpose Package for Dynamic Report Generation in R. https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=knitr.

Zhu, Hao. 2018. KableExtra: Construct Complex Table with ’Kable’ and Pipe Syntax. https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=kableExtra.