1 About

1.1 Report circulation:

  • Public – this report is intended to accompany the data release.

1.2 License

This work is made available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) License.

This means you are free to:

  • Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format
  • Adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially.

Under the following terms:

  • Attribution — You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.
  • ShareAlike — If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you must distribute your contributions under the same license as the original.
  • No additional restrictions — You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from doing anything the license permits.


  • You do not have to comply with the license for elements of the material in the public domain or where your use is permitted by an applicable exception or limitation.
  • No warranties are given. The license may not give you all of the permissions necessary for your intended use. For example, other rights such as publicity, privacy, or moral rights may limit how you use the material. #YMMV

For the avoidance of doubt and explanation of terms please refer to the full license notice and legal code.

1.3 Citation

If you wish to use any of the material from this report please cite as:

  • Anderson, B., Eyers, D., Ford, R., Giraldo Ocampo, D., Peniamina, R., Stephenson, J., Suomalainen, K., Wilcocks, L. and Jack, M. (2019) NZ GREEN Grid Household Electricity Demand Study Household attributes (version 1.0), Centre for Sustainability, University of Otago: Dunedin.

This work is (c) 2019 the University of Southampton.

1.4 History

You may not be reading the most recent version of this report. Please check:

1.5 Support

This work was supported by:

2 Introduction

The NZ GREEN Grid household electricity demand study recruited a sample of c 25 households in each of two regions of New Zealand (Stephenson et al. 2017). The first sample was recruited in early 2014 and the second in early 2015. Research data includes:

  • 1 minute electricity power (W) data was collected for each dwelling circuit using GridSpy monitors on each power circuit (and the incoming power). The power values represent mean(W) over the minute preceeding the observation timestamp;
  • Dwelling & appliance surveys;
  • Occupant time-use diaries (focused on energy use).

NB: Version 1 of the data package does not include the time-use diaries.

The purpose of this report is to:

  • create a household attribute file that can be linked to the project power monitoring data;
  • describe the household attribute data.

The resulting cleaned data has no identifying information such as names, addresses, email addresses, telephone numbers and is therefore safe to share across all partners.

The data contains a unique household id (linkID) which can be used to link it to the NZ GREEN Grid time use diaries and dwelling/appliance surveys.

3 Load data

3.1 Household master dataset

Table 3.1 shows the number of households in each area.

## New names:
## * `` -> ...19
Table 3.1: Sample location (master file)
Location Freq
Hawkes Bay 20
Taranaki 24
NA 0

In total we have 44 households in two sample areas.

3.2 Appliance data

Household appliance ownership was recorded during recruitment using a detailed survey. However this data is not readily available for all households at present. Table 3.2 shows the number of households in each area for whom summary appliance data exists.

Table 3.2: Sample (appliance summary file, NA indicates no data)
Yes NA
Hawkes Bay 19 1
Taranaki 12 12
NA 0 0

The appliances recorded in this summary are shown in Table 3.3. Note that some of this information is also recorded in the household survey data.

Table 3.3: Appliances recorded
Fridge / Freezer 1
Fridge / Freezer 2
Fridge / Freezer 3
Washing Machine
Clothes Dryer
Hot water cylinder
Other Appliance
Electric heater
Heated towel rails
Heat pump number
PV Inverter
Energy Storage
Other Generation Device

3.3 Household survey data

The Energy Cultures 2 survey (Wooliscroft 2015) was used to collect data on household energy and transport attitudes/behaviours and usages. The long form of the survey was used for some households and the short form for others.

Table 3.4 shows the number of households in each region who responded to each survey.

Table 3.4: Survey responses (NA indicates no survey)
Location hasLongSurvey hasShortSurvey n Households
Hawkes Bay NA NA 2
Hawkes Bay NA Yes 13
Hawkes Bay Yes NA 5
Taranaki Yes NA 24

4 Final household attribute data description

Table ?? reports the final household attribute variables and their internal distributions. The question labels are found in Table 9.1 below.

Skim summary statistics
n obs: 44
n variables: 116

Variable type: character
variable missing complete n min max empty n_unique
Clothes Dryer 23 21 44 3 3 0 1
Dishwasher 15 29 44 3 3 0 1
Electric heater 30 14 44 3 3 0 1
Energy Storage 43 1 44 3 3 0 1
Fridge / Freezer 1 13 31 44 3 3 0 1
Fridge / Freezer 2 24 20 44 3 3 0 1
Fridge / Freezer 3 38 6 44 3 3 0 1
hasApplianceSummary 13 31 44 3 3 0 1
hasLongSurvey 15 29 44 3 3 0 1
hasShortSurvey 31 13 44 3 3 0 1
Heated towel rails 23 21 44 3 3 0 1
hhID 0 44 44 5 5 0 42
Hot water cylinder 16 28 44 3 3 0 1
linkID 0 44 44 5 6 0 44
Location 0 44 44 8 10 0 2
Microwave 14 30 44 3 3 0 1
notes 39 5 44 10 113 0 5
Other Appliance 30 14 44 3 42 0 8
Oven 14 30 44 3 3 0 1
PV Inverter 40 4 44 3 3 0 1
Q20_coded 2 42 44 5 31 0 8
Q49_coded 2 42 44 3 19 0 4
source 0 44 44 16 16 0 1
StartDate 2 42 44 16 16 0 42
Washing Machine 13 31 44 3 3 0 1
Variable type: Date
variable missing complete n min max median n_unique
r_stopDate 41 3 44 2015-01-15 2016-04-02 2016-03-28 3
Variable type: logical
variable missing complete n mean count
Other Generation Device 44 0 44 NaN 44
Q19_10 44 0 44 NaN 44
Q19_10.1 44 0 44 NaN 44
Q19_17 44 0 44 NaN 44
Q19_2 44 0 44 NaN 44
Q19_5 44 0 44 NaN 44
Q19_9 44 0 44 NaN 44
Variable type: numeric
variable missing complete n mean sd p0 p25 p50 p75 p100 hist
Heat pump number 19 25 44 1.16 0.55 1 1 1 1 3 ▇▁▁▁▁▁▁▁
nAdults 1 43 44 1.93 0.51 1 2 2 2 3 ▂▁▁▇▁▁▁▁
nChildren0_12 2 42 44 1.02 1.02 0 0 1 2 3 ▇▁▅▁▁▅▁▂
nTeenagers13_18 2 42 44 0.26 0.54 0 0 0 0 2 ▇▁▁▂▁▁▁▁
Q10#1_1_1_TEXT 15 29 44 3.38 0.9 2 3 3 4 6 ▂▇▁▆▁▁▁▁
Q10#1_1_2_TEXT 16 28 44 1.57 1.4 0 0.75 1.5 2 6 ▆▆▇▂▁▁▁▁
Q10#1_2_1_TEXT 15 29 44 1.38 0.49 1 1 1 2 2 ▇▁▁▁▁▁▁▅
Q10#1_2_2_TEXT 16 28 44 1.32 0.67 1 1 1 1.25 4 ▇▁▂▁▁▁▁▁
Q10#1_3_1_TEXT 15 29 44 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 ▁▁▁▇▁▁▁▁
Q10#1_3_2_TEXT 18 26 44 0.92 0.27 0 1 1 1 1 ▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▇
Q10#1_4_1_TEXT 15 29 44 0.14 0.35 0 0 0 0 1 ▇▁▁▁▁▁▁▁
Q10#1_4_2_TEXT 26 18 44 0.11 0.32 0 0 0 0 1 ▇▁▁▁▁▁▁▁
Q10#1_5_1_TEXT 15 29 44 0.34 0.48 0 0 0 1 1 ▇▁▁▁▁▁▁▅
Q10#1_5_2_TEXT 24 20 44 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ▁▁▁▇▁▁▁▁
Q10#1_6_1_TEXT 15 29 44 1.62 0.62 1 1 2 2 3 ▇▁▁▇▁▁▁▁
Q10#1_6_2_TEXT 23 21 44 0.43 0.87 0 0 0 0 3 ▇▁▁▁▁▁▁▁
Q10#1_7_1_TEXT 15 29 44 0.69 0.54 0 0 1 1 2 ▅▁▁▇▁▁▁▁
Q10#1_7_2_TEXT 26 18 44 0.056 0.24 0 0 0 0 1 ▇▁▁▁▁▁▁▁
Q10#1_8_1_TEXT 15 29 44 0.83 0.38 0 1 1 1 1 ▂▁▁▁▁▁▁▇
Q10#1_8_2_TEXT 25 19 44 0.053 0.23 0 0 0 0 1 ▇▁▁▁▁▁▁▁
Q11_1 15 29 44 7.76 1.83 4 7 8 9 10 ▂▁▂▅▁▅▇▃
Q14_1 15 29 44 5.28 5.03 0 1 3.5 7 20 ▇▆▅▂▁▁▁▁
Q15_1 15 29 44 14.03 9.76 3 7 10 20 44 ▇▇▃▃▁▂▁▁
Q16 15 29 44 1.45 0.51 1 1 1 2 2 ▇▁▁▁▁▁▁▆
Q17_1 28 16 44 20.31 1.58 18 19 20 21 24 ▃▆▇▇▁▃▁▂
Q18_1 15 29 44 20.69 1.58 18 20 20 22 23 ▂▂▁▇▃▁▅▅
Q19_1 17 27 44 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 ▁▁▁▇▁▁▁▁
Q19_12 33 11 44 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 ▁▁▁▇▁▁▁▁
Q19_13 41 3 44 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 ▁▁▁▇▁▁▁▁
Q19_14 43 1 44 1 NA 1 1 1 1 1 ▁▁▁▇▁▁▁▁
Q19_15 40 4 44 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 ▁▁▁▇▁▁▁▁
Q19_16 40 4 44 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 ▁▁▁▇▁▁▁▁
Q19_3 28 16 44 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 ▁▁▁▇▁▁▁▁
Q19_4 35 9 44 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 ▁▁▁▇▁▁▁▁
Q19_6 28 16 44 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 ▁▁▁▇▁▁▁▁
Q19_7 38 6 44 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 ▁▁▁▇▁▁▁▁
Q19_8 43 1 44 1 NA 1 1 1 1 1 ▁▁▁▇▁▁▁▁
Q20 2 42 44 4.07 4.45 1 1 1 6 17 ▇▁▃▁▁▁▁▁
Q30_1 36 8 44 19 2.07 16 18 18 21 22 ▂▁▇▁▁▁▃▂
Q33_1 28 16 44 57.06 4.57 50 54 56.5 60 65 ▃▂▇▃▂▇▁▃
Q4 2 42 44 14.45 3.83 1 15 15 16 17 ▁▁▁▁▁▁▇▆
Q40_1 15 29 44 1.31 0.54 1 1 1 2 3 ▇▁▁▂▁▁▁▁
Q40_10 15 29 44 2.55 0.74 1 2 3 3 3 ▂▁▁▂▁▁▁▇
Q40_11 15 29 44 2 0.93 1 1 2 3 3 ▇▁▁▃▁▁▁▇
Q40_12 15 29 44 1.97 1.02 1 1 1 3 3 ▇▁▁▁▁▁▁▇
Q40_13 15 29 44 2.86 0.52 1 3 3 3 3 ▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▇
Q40_14 15 29 44 2.28 0.84 1 2 3 3 3 ▃▁▁▃▁▁▁▇
Q40_15 15 29 44 2.1 0.9 1 1 2 3 3 ▆▁▁▃▁▁▁▇
Q40_16 15 29 44 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 ▁▁▁▇▁▁▁▁
Q40_17 15 29 44 1.76 0.99 1 1 1 3 3 ▇▁▁▁▁▁▁▅
Q40_18 15 29 44 2.24 0.99 1 1 3 3 3 ▅▁▁▁▁▁▁▇
Q40_19 15 29 44 3 0 3 3 3 3 3 ▁▁▁▇▁▁▁▁
Q40_2 15 29 44 2.79 0.62 1 3 3 3 3 ▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▇
Q40_20 15 29 44 2.93 0.37 1 3 3 3 3 ▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▇
Q40_21 15 29 44 1.93 0.96 1 1 2 3 3 ▇▁▁▂▁▁▁▇
Q40_3 15 29 44 1.93 1 1 1 1 3 3 ▇▁▁▁▁▁▁▇
Q40_38 15 29 44 1.24 0.64 1 1 1 1 3 ▇▁▁▁▁▁▁▁
Q40_4 15 29 44 3 0 3 3 3 3 3 ▁▁▁▇▁▁▁▁
Q40_5 15 29 44 2.31 0.85 1 2 3 3 3 ▃▁▁▃▁▁▁▇
Q40_6 15 29 44 1.9 1.01 1 1 1 3 3 ▇▁▁▁▁▁▁▆
Q40_7 15 29 44 2.55 0.83 1 3 3 3 3 ▂▁▁▁▁▁▁▇
Q40_9 15 29 44 2.14 0.95 1 1 3 3 3 ▆▁▁▂▁▁▁▇
Q49 2 42 44 2.93 0.81 1 3 3 3 4 ▁▁▂▁▁▇▁▃
Q5 15 29 44 9.66 0.77 8 10 10 10 10 ▂▁▁▁▁▁▁▇
Q53_1 2 42 44 157.24 78.38 50 100.5 140 197.5 429 ▆▇▇▃▂▁▁▁
Q53_2 25 19 44 31.11 23.06 0 9.5 40 50 60 ▇▁▅▂▁▃▇▅
Q53_3 37 7 44 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ▁▁▁▇▁▁▁▁
Q53_4 34 10 44 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ▁▁▁▇▁▁▁▁
Q53_5 28 16 44 224.38 178.13 0 75 226 352.5 500 ▇▃▂▂▆▂▁▇
Q53_6 36 8 44 16.62 47.02 0 0 0 0 133 ▇▁▁▁▁▁▁▁
Q53_7 36 8 44 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ▁▁▁▇▁▁▁▁
Q54_1 2 42 44 213.62 100.9 60 146.25 200 258.75 485 ▃▇▇▆▃▂▁▂
Q54_2 24 20 44 56.55 51.54 0 19.75 50 80.75 180 ▇▂▇▃▂▁▁▂
Q54_3 37 7 44 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ▁▁▁▇▁▁▁▁
Q54_4 28 16 44 87.38 115.96 0 18.75 56.5 100.75 451 ▇▆▁▁▁▁▁▁
Q54_5 29 15 44 241.8 172.44 0 115 252 385 500 ▆▃▂▂▆▂▁▇
Q54_6 35 9 44 15.56 46.67 0 0 0 0 140 ▇▁▁▁▁▁▁▁
Q54_7 37 7 44 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ▁▁▁▇▁▁▁▁
Q55 2 42 44 12.88 4.55 4 10 12.5 16 26 ▂▃▇▅▃▅▁▁
Q57 2 42 44 3.17 1.34 1 2 3 4 6 ▃▇▁▇▇▁▃▂
Q58#2_1 2 42 44 42.07 9.29 28 34.25 41.5 49 64 ▆▇▃▅▇▂▁▂
Q7 2 42 44 2 1.1 1 1 2 3 4 ▇▁▅▁▁▃▁▂
Variable type: POSIXct
variable missing complete n min max median n_unique
surveyStartDate 2 42 44 2014-05-14 2015-02-10 2014-06-19 42

5 Household attribute frequency tables

This section reports tables of the key household attributes by sample location. Note that NA usually means not known.

5.1 Main heat source

Table 5.1: Main heat source by location
Hawkes Bay Taranaki NA Sum
Enclosed wood burner 2 9 0 11
Heat pump 15 9 0 24
HRV or other ventilation system 0 2 0 2
Open fire 0 1 0 1
Other 0 1 0 1
Portable electric heaters 0 1 0 1
Portable gas heater 1 0 0 1
Underfloor gas heating 0 1 0 1
NA 2 0 0 2
Sum 20 24 0 44
Table 5.1: Main heat source by location
Hawkes Bay Taranaki NA
Enclosed wood burner 0.10 0.3750000 NaN
Heat pump 0.75 0.3750000 NaN
HRV or other ventilation system 0.00 0.0833333 NaN
Open fire 0.00 0.0416667 NaN
Other 0.00 0.0416667 NaN
Portable electric heaters 0.00 0.0416667 NaN
Portable gas heater 0.05 0.0000000 NaN
Underfloor gas heating 0.00 0.0416667 NaN
NA 0.10 0.0000000 NaN

5.2 Majority of light bulbs

Table 5.2: Majority of light bulbs by location
Hawkes Bay Taranaki NA Sum
Energy saving - cfl 11 13 0 24
Halogen 2 1 0 3
Incandescent 3 6 0 9
LED 2 4 0 6
NA 2 0 0 2
Sum 20 24 0 44
Table 5.2: Majority of light bulbs by location (%)
Hawkes Bay Taranaki NA
Energy saving - cfl 0.55 0.5416667 NaN
Halogen 0.10 0.0416667 NaN
Incandescent 0.15 0.2500000 NaN
LED 0.10 0.1666667 NaN
NA 0.10 0.0000000 NaN

5.3 Number of adults

Table 5.3: Number of adults in household by location
Hawkes Bay Taranaki NA
1 1 6 0
2 15 17 0
3 4 0 0
NA 0 1 0

5.4 Number of teenagers

Table 5.4: Number of teenagers in household by location
Hawkes Bay Taranaki NA
0 14 19 0
1 4 3 0
2 2 0 0
NA 0 2 0

5.5 Number of children

Table 5.5: Number of children in household by location
Hawkes Bay Taranaki NA
0 6 11 0
1 4 7 0
2 7 3 0
3 3 1 0
NA 0 2 0

5.6 Notes variable

The notes column may have been set for any number of reasons and means the monitoring data for a given household should be used with caution.

Table 5.6: Notes by location
linkID notes Location
rf_15a Disconnected 15/01/2015 Taranaki
rf_15b Re-used 15. Then disconnected 02/04/2016 Taranaki
rf_17a Unusual & specialist energy tech configuration. Disconnected 28/03/2016. Taranaki
rf_17b Re-used 17 Taranaki
rf_46 very large number of circuits including voltage and reactive (imaginary) power and possible typos or relabelling? Hawkes Bay

6 Summary

The following table (6.1) shows the key columns of the household attributes file. The data can be linked to the gridSpy data using linkID. linkID is used to flag the two re-used GridSpy units. As an example, unit rf_15 was re-used in a different household. We have therefore created linkID so that the correct household data (rf_15a or rf_15b) can be linked to the GridSpy data (coded rf_15) at the correct date.

Note also that data exists in the GridSpy power demand data for whom no household data exists (e.g. rf_01 & rf_02).

Table 6.1: Household data: key columns (NA set to ‘.’ in string variables for clarity)
hhID linkID Location nAdults nChildren0_12 r_stopDate Electric heater Heat pump number Other Appliance PV Inverter Energy Storage Other Generation Device notes
rf_06 rf_06 Taranaki 2 0 NA . NA . . . NA .
rf_07 rf_07 Taranaki 2 2 NA . NA . . . NA .
rf_08 rf_08 Taranaki 2 0 NA . NA . . . NA .
rf_09 rf_09 Taranaki 2 1 NA . NA . . . NA .
rf_10 rf_10 Taranaki 2 1 NA . 1 . . . NA .
rf_11 rf_11 Taranaki 2 NA NA . 1 spa . . NA .
rf_12 rf_12 Taranaki 1 0 NA . NA . . . NA .
rf_13 rf_13 Taranaki 2 1 NA . 3 . . . NA .
rf_14 rf_14 Taranaki 1 1 NA yes NA . . . NA .
rf_15 rf_15a Taranaki 1 0 2015-01-15 . NA . . . NA Disconnected 15/01/2015
rf_15 rf_15b Taranaki 2 0 2016-04-02 . NA . . . NA Re-used 15. Then disconnected 02/04/2016
rf_16 rf_16 Taranaki 2 0 NA . NA . . . NA .
rf_17 rf_17a Taranaki 2 3 2016-03-28 . NA . . . NA Unusual & specialist energy tech configuration. Disconnected 28/03/2016.
rf_17 rf_17b Taranaki NA NA NA . NA . . . NA Re-used 17
rf_18 rf_18 Taranaki 2 1 NA . NA . . . NA .
rf_19 rf_19 Taranaki 1 0 NA . 3 water bed 300 W element yes . NA .
rf_20 rf_20 Taranaki 2 2 NA . NA . . . NA .
rf_21 rf_21 Taranaki 2 0 NA yes 1 . . . NA .
rf_22 rf_22 Taranaki 2 0 NA yes NA . . . NA .
rf_23 rf_23 Taranaki 1 0 NA . NA spa yes yes NA .
rf_24 rf_24 Taranaki 2 2 NA . NA . yes . NA .
rf_25 rf_25 Taranaki 1 1 NA yes 1 . . . NA .
rf_26 rf_26 Taranaki 2 0 NA yes NA sauna/spa . . NA .
rf_27 rf_27 Taranaki 2 1 NA yes 1 . . . NA .
rf_28 rf_28 Hawkes Bay 2 2 NA yes 1 food waste disposer yes . NA .
rf_29 rf_29 Hawkes Bay 2 1 NA yes 1 . . . NA .
rf_30 rf_30 Hawkes Bay 2 0 NA . NA spa . . NA .
rf_31 rf_31 Hawkes Bay 3 2 NA . 1 . . . NA .
rf_32 rf_32 Hawkes Bay 2 2 NA yes 1 . . . NA .
rf_33 rf_33 Hawkes Bay 2 1 NA yes 1 home water cooler, home ventilation system . . NA .
rf_34 rf_34 Hawkes Bay 3 0 NA . 1 food waste disposer . . NA .
rf_35 rf_35 Hawkes Bay 2 2 NA . 1 food waste disposal . . NA .
rf_36 rf_36 Hawkes Bay 1 0 NA yes 1 spa . . NA .
rf_37 rf_37 Hawkes Bay 2 2 NA yes 1 . . . NA .
rf_38 rf_38 Hawkes Bay 2 2 NA . 1 ventilation system . . NA .
rf_39 rf_39 Hawkes Bay 3 0 NA . 1 food waste disposer . . NA .
rf_40 rf_40 Hawkes Bay 2 0 NA yes 1 spa . . NA .
rf_41 rf_41 Hawkes Bay 2 3 NA yes 1 swimming pool, food waste disposal . . NA .
rf_42 rf_42 Hawkes Bay 2 3 NA . 1 . . . NA .
rf_43 rf_43 Hawkes Bay 2 1 NA . NA . . . NA .
rf_44 rf_44 Hawkes Bay 2 2 NA . 1 . . . NA .
rf_45 rf_45 Hawkes Bay 2 3 NA . 1 . . . NA .
rf_46 rf_46 Hawkes Bay 2 1 NA . 1 . . . NA very large number of circuits including voltage and reactive (imaginary) power and possible typos or relabelling?
rf_47 rf_47 Hawkes Bay 3 0 NA . 1 . . . NA .

7 Runtime

Analysis completed in 65.84 seconds ( 1.1 minutes) using knitr in RStudio with R version 3.5.2 (2018-12-20) running on x86_64-apple-darwin15.6.0.

8 R environment

8.1 R packages used

  • base R (R Core Team 2016)
  • bookdown (Xie 2016a)
  • GREENGridData (Anderson and Eyers 2018) which depends on:
    • data.table (Dowle et al. 2015)
    • dplyr (Wickham and Francois 2016)
    • hms (Müller 2018)
    • lubridate (Grolemund and Wickham 2011)
    • progress (Csárdi and FitzJohn 2016)
    • readr (Wickham, Hester, and Francois 2016)
    • readxl (Wickham and Bryan 2017)
    • reshape2 (Wickham 2007)
  • kableExtra (Zhu 2018)
  • knitr (Xie 2016b)
  • rmarkdown (Allaire et al. 2018)
  • skimr (Arino de la Rubia et al. 2017)

8.2 Session info

## R version 3.5.2 (2018-12-20)
## Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin15.6.0 (64-bit)
## Running under: macOS High Sierra 10.13.6
## Matrix products: default
## BLAS: /System/Library/Frameworks/Accelerate.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/vecLib.framework/Versions/A/libBLAS.dylib
## LAPACK: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.5/Resources/lib/libRlapack.dylib
## locale:
## [1] en_NZ.UTF-8/en_NZ.UTF-8/en_NZ.UTF-8/C/en_NZ.UTF-8/en_NZ.UTF-8
## attached base packages:
## [1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     
## other attached packages:
##  [1] skimr_1.0.7       readxl_1.3.1      kableExtra_1.1.0 
##  [4] lubridate_1.7.4   readr_1.3.1       ggplot2_3.2.1    
##  [7] data.table_1.12.2 bookdown_0.13     rmarkdown_1.15   
## [10] here_0.1          GREENGridData_1.0
## loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
##  [1] progress_1.2.2    tidyselect_0.2.5  xfun_0.9         
##  [4] purrr_0.3.2       reshape2_1.4.3    colorspace_1.4-1 
##  [7] vctrs_0.2.0       htmltools_0.3.6   viridisLite_0.3.0
## [10] yaml_2.2.0        rlang_0.4.0       pillar_1.4.2     
## [13] glue_1.3.1        withr_2.1.2       lifecycle_0.1.0  
## [16] plyr_1.8.4        stringr_1.4.0     munsell_0.5.0    
## [19] gtable_0.3.0      cellranger_1.1.0  rvest_0.3.4      
## [22] evaluate_0.14     labeling_0.3      knitr_1.24       
## [25] highr_0.8         Rcpp_1.0.2        scales_1.0.0     
## [28] backports_1.1.4   webshot_0.5.1     hms_0.5.1        
## [31] packrat_0.5.0     digest_0.6.20     stringi_1.4.3    
## [34] dplyr_0.8.3       grid_3.5.2        rprojroot_1.3-2  
## [37] tools_3.5.2       magrittr_1.5      lazyeval_0.2.2   
## [40] tibble_2.1.3      tidyr_1.0.0       crayon_1.3.4     
## [43] pkgconfig_2.0.2   zeallot_0.1.0     xml2_1.2.2       
## [46] prettyunits_1.0.2 assertthat_0.2.1  httr_1.4.1       
## [49] rstudioapi_0.10   R6_2.4.0          compiler_3.5.2

9 Energy Cultures 2 Long Survey Questions

Table 9.1 lists the full Energy Cultures 2 survey (Wooliscroft 2015). As you will see only a subset of these variables are currently available in the GREEN Grid safe data package released via ReShare. Requests to add further variables should be made via a GitHub repository issue.

Table 9.1: GREEN Grid/Energy Cultures 2 Survey labels (long)
question questionLabel source included in reshare data? in processed data?
Clothes Dryer NA Appliance audit Yes Yes
Dishwasher NA Appliance audit Yes Yes
Electric heater NA Appliance audit Yes Yes
Energy Storage NA Appliance audit Yes Yes
Fridge / Freezer 1 NA Appliance audit Yes Yes
Fridge / Freezer 2 NA Appliance audit Yes Yes
Fridge / Freezer 3 NA Appliance audit Yes Yes
Heat pump number NA Appliance audit Yes Yes
Heated towel rails NA Appliance audit Yes Yes
Hot water cylinder NA Appliance audit Yes Yes
Microwave NA Appliance audit Yes Yes
Other Appliance NA Appliance audit Yes Yes
Other Generation Device NA Appliance audit Yes Yes
Oven NA Appliance audit Yes Yes
PV Inverter NA Appliance audit Yes Yes
Washing Machine NA Appliance audit Yes Yes
Q10#1_1_1_TEXT How many rooms does your dwelling have and which do you heat / regularly? – (please write the number of rooms in the boxes / provided) : Number of-Bedrooms-Rooms Household survey Yes Yes
Q10#1_1_2_TEXT How many rooms does your dwelling have and which do you heat / regularly? – (please write the number of rooms in the boxes / provided) : Number of-Bedrooms-Rooms heated regularly Household survey Yes Yes
Q10#1_2_1_TEXT How many rooms does your dwelling have and which do you heat / regularly? – (please write the number of rooms in the boxes / provided) : Number of-Lounges or living rooms-Rooms Household survey Yes Yes
Q10#1_2_2_TEXT How many rooms does your dwelling have and which do you heat / regularly? – (please write the number of rooms in the boxes / provided) : Number of-Lounges or living rooms-Rooms heated regularly Household survey Yes Yes
Q10#1_3_1_TEXT How many rooms does your dwelling have and which do you heat / regularly? – (please write the number of rooms in the boxes / provided) : Number of-Dining rooms or kitchen/dining rooms-Rooms Household survey Yes Yes
Q10#1_3_2_TEXT How many rooms does your dwelling have and which do you heat / regularly? – (please write the number of rooms in the boxes / provided) : Number of-Dining rooms or kitchen/dining rooms-Rooms heated regularly Household survey Yes Yes
Q10#1_4_1_TEXT How many rooms does your dwelling have and which do you heat / regularly? – (please write the number of rooms in the boxes / provided) : Number of-Separate Kitchens-Rooms Household survey Yes Yes
Q10#1_4_2_TEXT How many rooms does your dwelling have and which do you heat / regularly? – (please write the number of rooms in the boxes / provided) : Number of-Separate Kitchens-Rooms heated regularly Household survey Yes Yes
Q10#1_5_1_TEXT How many rooms does your dwelling have and which do you heat / regularly? – (please write the number of rooms in the boxes / provided) : Number of-Studies or offices-Rooms Household survey Yes Yes
Q10#1_5_2_TEXT How many rooms does your dwelling have and which do you heat / regularly? – (please write the number of rooms in the boxes / provided) : Number of-Studies or offices-Rooms heated regularly Household survey Yes Yes
Q10#1_6_1_TEXT How many rooms does your dwelling have and which do you heat / regularly? – (please write the number of rooms in the boxes / provided) : Number of-Bathrooms-Rooms Household survey Yes Yes
Q10#1_6_2_TEXT How many rooms does your dwelling have and which do you heat / regularly? – (please write the number of rooms in the boxes / provided) : Number of-Bathrooms-Rooms heated regularly Household survey Yes Yes
Q10#1_7_1_TEXT How many rooms does your dwelling have and which do you heat / regularly? – (please write the number of rooms in the boxes / provided) : Number of-Separate toilets-Rooms Household survey Yes Yes
Q10#1_7_2_TEXT How many rooms does your dwelling have and which do you heat / regularly? – (please write the number of rooms in the boxes / provided) : Number of-Separate toilets-Rooms heated regularly Household survey Yes Yes
Q10#1_8_1_TEXT How many rooms does your dwelling have and which do you heat / regularly? – (please write the number of rooms in the boxes / provided) : Number of-Laundries-Rooms Household survey Yes Yes
Q10#1_8_2_TEXT How many rooms does your dwelling have and which do you heat / regularly? – (please write the number of rooms in the boxes / provided) : Number of-Laundries-Rooms heated regularly Household survey Yes Yes
Q11_1 How many hours of direct sunshine would your house get on a clear / winter’s day in June-July?-Hours Household survey Yes Yes
Q14_1 How long have you lived in your current house? (in years) -Years Household survey Yes Yes
Q15_1 How much longer do you plan to live in your house?-Years Household survey Yes Yes
Q16 Can you apply a temperature setting to your main living area (e.g. / with a thermostat for heat pump or central heating)? Household survey Yes Yes
Q17_1 What temperature do you set your main living area at in degrees / Celsius?-Degrees Celsius Household survey Yes Yes
Q18_1 What temperature would you like your main living area to be, in / degrees Celsius?-Degrees Celsius Household survey Yes Yes
Q19_1 Which of the following methods do you have available for heating / your house? -Heat pump Household survey Yes Yes
Q19_10 Which of the following methods do you have available for heating / your house? -Central heating – electric Household survey Yes Yes
Q19_10.1 NA Household survey Yes Yes
Q19_12 Which of the following methods do you have available for heating / your house? -HRV or other ventilation system Household survey Yes Yes
Q19_13 Which of the following methods do you have available for heating / your house? -Underfloor electric heating Household survey Yes Yes
Q19_14 Which of the following methods do you have available for heating / your house? -Underfloor gas heating Household survey Yes Yes
Q19_15 Which of the following methods do you have available for heating / your house? -Open fire Household survey Yes Yes
Q19_16 Which of the following methods do you have available for heating / your house? -Other Household survey Yes Yes
Q19_17 Which of the following methods do you have available for heating / your house? -Central heating pellet burner Household survey Yes Yes
Q19_2 Which of the following methods do you have available for heating / your house? -Electric night-store Household survey Yes Yes
Q19_3 Which of the following methods do you have available for heating / your house? -Portable electric heaters Household survey Yes Yes
Q19_4 Which of the following methods do you have available for heating / your house? -Electric heaters fixed in place Household survey Yes Yes
Q19_5 Which of the following methods do you have available for heating / your house? -Enclosed coal burner Household survey Yes Yes
Q19_6 Which of the following methods do you have available for heating / your house? -Enclosed wood burner Household survey Yes Yes
Q19_7 Which of the following methods do you have available for heating / your house? -Portable gas heater Household survey Yes Yes
Q19_8 Which of the following methods do you have available for heating / your house? -Gas heaters fixed in place Household survey Yes Yes
Q19_9 Which of the following methods do you have available for heating / your house? -Central heating – gas (flued) Household survey Yes Yes
Q20 Which of the following is your main method of heating? Household survey Yes Yes
Q20_coded NA Household survey Yes Yes
Q30_1 What temperature do you set your heat pump to for cooling, in / degrees Celcius?-Degrees Celsius Household survey Yes Yes
Q33_1 If known, what temperature do you set your hot water to? / (degrees Celsius)-Degrees Celsius Household survey Yes Yes
Q4 Your age is: Household survey Yes Yes
Q40_1 Please indicate which of the following appliances you own and / use:-Dehumidifier Household survey Yes Yes
Q40_10 Please indicate which of the following appliances you own and / use:-DVD/Bluray player Household survey Yes Yes
Q40_11 Please indicate which of the following appliances you own and / use:-Games console Household survey Yes Yes
Q40_12 Please indicate which of the following appliances you own and / use:-Home computer – Desktop Household survey Yes Yes
Q40_13 Please indicate which of the following appliances you own and / use:-Laptop computer Household survey Yes Yes
Q40_14 Please indicate which of the following appliances you own and / use:-Heated towel rail Household survey Yes Yes
Q40_15 Please indicate which of the following appliances you own and / use:-Electric blanket Household survey Yes Yes
Q40_16 Please indicate which of the following appliances you own and / use:-Heated swimming pool Household survey Yes Yes
Q40_17 Please indicate which of the following appliances you own and / use:-Front load washing machine Household survey Yes Yes
Q40_18 Please indicate which of the following appliances you own and / use:-Top load washing machine Household survey Yes Yes
Q40_19 Please indicate which of the following appliances you own and / use:-Toaster Household survey Yes Yes
Q40_2 Please indicate which of the following appliances you own and / use:-Dishwasher Household survey Yes Yes
Q40_20 Please indicate which of the following appliances you own and / use:-Microwave Household survey Yes Yes
Q40_21 Please indicate which of the following appliances you own and / use:-Second fridge/garage fridge Household survey Yes Yes
Q40_3 Please indicate which of the following appliances you own and / use:-Separate deep-freezer Household survey Yes Yes
Q40_38 Please indicate which of the following appliances you own and / use:-Spa pool Household survey Yes Yes
Q40_4 Please indicate which of the following appliances you own and / use:-Fridge/freezer Household survey Yes Yes
Q40_5 Please indicate which of the following appliances you own and / use:-Clothes dryer Household survey Yes Yes
Q40_6 Please indicate which of the following appliances you own and / use:-Plasma screen TV Household survey Yes Yes
Q40_7 Please indicate which of the following appliances you own and / use:-LCD or LED Screen TV Household survey Yes Yes
Q40_9 Please indicate which of the following appliances you own and / use:-Video recorder or Digital recorder (hard disc) Household survey Yes Yes
Q49 What type are the majority of your light bulbs? Household survey Yes Yes
Q49_coded NA Household survey Yes Yes
Q5 The region that you live in is: Household survey Yes Yes
Q53_1 What are your households approximate monthly energy bills in the / SUMMER? (dollars)-Electricity Household survey Yes Yes
Q53_2 What are your households approximate monthly energy bills in the / SUMMER? (dollars)-Gas Household survey Yes Yes
Q53_3 What are your households approximate monthly energy bills in the / SUMMER? (dollars)-Coal Household survey Yes Yes
Q53_4 What are your households approximate monthly energy bills in the / SUMMER? (dollars)-Wood Household survey Yes Yes
Q53_5 What are your households approximate monthly energy bills in the / SUMMER? (dollars)-Petrol Household survey Yes Yes
Q53_6 What are your households approximate monthly energy bills in the / SUMMER? (dollars)-Diesel Household survey Yes Yes
Q53_7 What are your households approximate monthly energy bills in the / SUMMER? (dollars)-Other Household survey Yes Yes
Q54_1 What are your household approximate monthly energy bills in the / WINTER? (dollars) -Electricity Household survey Yes Yes
Q54_2 What are your household approximate monthly energy bills in the / WINTER? (dollars) -Gas Household survey Yes Yes
Q54_3 What are your household approximate monthly energy bills in the / WINTER? (dollars) -Coal Household survey Yes Yes
Q54_4 What are your household approximate monthly energy bills in the / WINTER? (dollars) -Wood Household survey Yes Yes
Q54_5 What are your household approximate monthly energy bills in the / WINTER? (dollars) -Petrol Household survey Yes Yes
Q54_6 What are your household approximate monthly energy bills in the / WINTER? (dollars) -Diesel Household survey Yes Yes
Q54_7 What are your household approximate monthly energy bills in the / WINTER? (dollars) -Other Household survey Yes Yes
Q55 What is your approximate combined household income before / tax? Household survey Yes Yes
Q57 How many people live in your household? Household survey Yes Yes
Q58#2_1 About you and your household members : Year of birth-You Household survey Yes Yes
Q7 When was your house built? Household survey Yes Yes
surveyStartDate NA Household survey Yes Yes
Location NA Meta-data Yes Yes
StartDate StartDate Meta-data Yes Yes
hasLongSurvey NA Meta-data Yes Yes
hasShortSurvey NA Meta-data Yes Yes
hhID NA Meta-data Yes Yes
nAdults NA Meta-data Yes Yes
nChildren0_12 NA Meta-data Yes Yes
nTeenagers13_18 NA Meta-data Yes Yes
notes NA Meta-data Yes Yes
r_stopDate NA Meta-data Yes Yes
source NA Meta-data Yes Yes
Q19_11 Which of the following methods do you have available for heating / your house? -DVS or other heat transfer system Household survey Yes NA
linkID linkID Meta-data Yes NA
Q1 The Centre for Sustainability (CSAFE) at the University of Otago, / is researching New Zealanders’… Household survey No NA
Q103_1 How concerned, if at all, are you that in the next 5-10 years…-… electricity and gas will become unaffordable for you? Household survey No NA
Q103_2 How concerned, if at all, are you that in the next 5-10 years…-… petrol and diesel will become unaffordable for you? Household survey No NA
Q103_3 How concerned, if at all, are you that in the next 5-10 years…-… there will be frequent power cuts? Household survey No NA
Q103_4 How concerned, if at all, are you that in the next 5-10 years…-… NZ will become too dependent on energy from other countries? Household survey No NA
Q103_5 How concerned, if at all, are you that in the next 5-10 years…-… there will be a national petrol and/or diesel shortage? Household survey No NA
Q104 Please select which of the following statements best matches your / opinion about New Zealand’s overall energy use. Household survey No NA
Q105 To what extent, if any, do you think New Zealand’s electricity / market is fair? Household survey No NA
Q106 How much do you trust your electricity supplier? Household survey No NA
Q107 To what extent do you agree or disagree that we in New Zealand need / to radically change how we produce and use energy by 2050? / Household survey No NA
Q108 We might change how we PRODUCE energy (what energy sources we use), / and how we USE energy (how much energy we use and for what). Please / indicate which best describes your opinion. Household survey No NA
Q109 Which one of these, if any, do you think should be mainly / responsible for ensuring that appropriate changes are made to the / New Zealand energy system over the next 40 years? Household survey No NA
Q113 What is the address of your house? (This information is used solely / to identify suitable subjects… Household survey No NA
Q114 What is the best way to contact you? (email address or phone / number) Household survey No NA
Q12 Do you rent or own the dwelling you live in? Household survey No NA
Q13 Please specify your other situation Household survey No NA
Q139 How positive or negative do you feel about driving an electric car? Household survey No NA
Q140 Please indicate how willing you would be, if at all, to drive an / electric car in the future. Household survey No NA
Q141 … what if your friends, family and neighbours drove electric / cars? How willing would you be, if at all, to drive an electric car / in the future if this was the case? Household survey No NA
Q142 … what if the performance of an electric car was the same as a / petrol car (e.g. speed, range, availability of charging points)? / How willing would you be, if at all, to drive an electric car in / th… Household survey No NA
Q143 … what if the cost of buying and running an electric car was / significantly less than the cost of a petrol car? How willing would / you be, if at all, to drive an electric car in the future if this… Household survey No NA
Q144 How positive or negative do you feel about photovoltaic panels on / the roof of your dwelling? Household survey No NA
Q145 Please indicate how willing you would be, if at all, to / photovoltaic panels in the future. Household survey No NA
Q146 … what if the cost of buying and running photovoltaic panels was / significantly less than the cost of a power from the national grid / ? How willing would you be, if at all, to install photovoltaic… Household survey No NA
Q147 Thank you for taking part in this research. Your answers are / important to understanding New Zealand’s energy use and future. Household survey No NA
Q2 By clicking on this link, I confirm that I agree to participate in / this research. Household survey No NA
Q21 Do you use any heat transfer ducts to spread the heat between / rooms? Household survey No NA
Q22 Have you changed your main method of heating in the past year? Household survey No NA
Q23 What was your main method of heating previously? Household survey No NA
Q24 Why did you change your main method of heating? Household survey No NA
Q25 How satisfactory is your main method heating? (please choose one) Household survey No NA
Q26 Why are you unhappy with your main method of heating? Household survey No NA
Q27 What alternative heating method would you consider purchasing? Household survey No NA
Q28_1_1 What times during the day do you typically have heating on in your / house (select as many as appropriate for both the week and the / weekend/holidays)?-During the week (Monday- Friday)-7am-9am Household survey No NA
Q28_1_2 What times during the day do you typically have heating on in your / house (select as many as appropriate for both the week and the / weekend/holidays)?-During the week (Monday- Friday)-9am-12pm Household survey No NA
Q28_1_3 What times during the day do you typically have heating on in your / house (select as many as appropriate for both the week and the / weekend/holidays)?-During the week (Monday- Friday)-12pm-3pm Household survey No NA
Q28_1_4 What times during the day do you typically have heating on in your / house (select as many as appropriate for both the week and the / weekend/holidays)?-During the week (Monday- Friday)-3pm-6pm Household survey No NA
Q28_1_5 What times during the day do you typically have heating on in your / house (select as many as appropriate for both the week and the / weekend/holidays)?-During the week (Monday- Friday)-6pm-9pm Household survey No NA
Q28_1_6 What times during the day do you typically have heating on in your / house (select as many as appropriate for both the week and the / weekend/holidays)?-During the week (Monday- Friday)-9pm-7am Household survey No NA
Q28_2_1 What times during the day do you typically have heating on in your / house (select as many as appropriate for both the week and the / weekend/holidays)?-During the weekend and holidays-7am-9am Household survey No NA
Q28_2_2 What times during the day do you typically have heating on in your / house (select as many as appropriate for both the week and the / weekend/holidays)?-During the weekend and holidays-9am-12pm Household survey No NA
Q28_2_3 What times during the day do you typically have heating on in your / house (select as many as appropriate for both the week and the / weekend/holidays)?-During the weekend and holidays-12pm-3pm Household survey No NA
Q28_2_4 What times during the day do you typically have heating on in your / house (select as many as appropriate for both the week and the / weekend/holidays)?-During the weekend and holidays-3pm-6pm Household survey No NA
Q28_2_5 What times during the day do you typically have heating on in your / house (select as many as appropriate for both the week and the / weekend/holidays)?-During the weekend and holidays-6pm-9pm Household survey No NA
Q28_2_6 What times during the day do you typically have heating on in your / house (select as many as appropriate for both the week and the / weekend/holidays)?-During the weekend and holidays-9pm-7am Household survey No NA
Q29 Do you also use your heat pump for cooling? Household survey No NA
Q3 Before proceeding to the survey I need to check that you would be / representative of the population. That is there aren’t too many / people from one area, age or gender. Are you: Household survey No NA
Q31_1_1 When do you typically use your heat pump for cooling (please tick / all appropriate for both week days and weekends/holidays)?-Week days-7am-9am Household survey No NA
Q31_1_2 When do you typically use your heat pump for cooling (please tick / all appropriate for both week days and weekends/holidays)?-Week days-9am-12pm Household survey No NA
Q31_1_3 When do you typically use your heat pump for cooling (please tick / all appropriate for both week days and weekends/holidays)?-Week days-12pm-3pm Household survey No NA
Q31_1_4 When do you typically use your heat pump for cooling (please tick / all appropriate for both week days and weekends/holidays)?-Week days-3pm-6pm Household survey No NA
Q31_1_5 When do you typically use your heat pump for cooling (please tick / all appropriate for both week days and weekends/holidays)?-Week days-6pm-9pm Household survey No NA
Q31_1_6 When do you typically use your heat pump for cooling (please tick / all appropriate for both week days and weekends/holidays)?-Week days-9pm-7am Household survey No NA
Q31_2_1 When do you typically use your heat pump for cooling (please tick / all appropriate for both week days and weekends/holidays)?-Week ends/holidays-7am-9am Household survey No NA
Q31_2_2 When do you typically use your heat pump for cooling (please tick / all appropriate for both week days and weekends/holidays)?-Week ends/holidays-9am-12pm Household survey No NA
Q31_2_3 When do you typically use your heat pump for cooling (please tick / all appropriate for both week days and weekends/holidays)?-Week ends/holidays-12pm-3pm Household survey No NA
Q31_2_4 When do you typically use your heat pump for cooling (please tick / all appropriate for both week days and weekends/holidays)?-Week ends/holidays-3pm-6pm Household survey No NA
Q31_2_5 When do you typically use your heat pump for cooling (please tick / all appropriate for both week days and weekends/holidays)?-Week ends/holidays-6pm-9pm Household survey No NA
Q31_2_6 When do you typically use your heat pump for cooling (please tick / all appropriate for both week days and weekends/holidays)?-Week ends/holidays-9pm-7am Household survey No NA
Q32_1 Which of the following methods do you use for heating your water?-Cylinder - Solar Household survey No NA
Q32_2 Which of the following methods do you use for heating your water?-Cylinder - Electric Household survey No NA
Q32_3 Which of the following methods do you use for heating your water?-Cylinder - Gas Household survey No NA
Q32_4 Which of the following methods do you use for heating your water?-Cylinder - Wood (wetback) Household survey No NA
Q32_5 Which of the following methods do you use for heating your water?-Cylinder - Heatpump Household survey No NA
Q32_6 Which of the following methods do you use for heating your water?-Instant - Gas Household survey No NA
Q32_7 Which of the following methods do you use for heating your water?-Combination (e.g. solar with instant gas or electric backup) Household survey No NA
Q32_8 Which of the following methods do you use for heating your water?-Other Household survey No NA
Q34_1 What facilities does your household have and use? -Shower Household survey No NA
Q34_2 What facilities does your household have and use? -Bath Household survey No NA
Q35_1_TEXT Typically how many baths does your household have each morning?-Week days Household survey No NA
Q35_2_TEXT Typically how many baths does your household have each morning?-Week ends/holidays Household survey No NA
Q36_1_TEXT Typically how many showers does your household have each morning?-Week days Household survey No NA
Q36_2_TEXT Typically how many showers does your household have each morning?-Week ends/holidays Household survey No NA
Q37_1_TEXT Typically how many baths does your household have each evening?-Week days Household survey No NA
Q37_2_TEXT Typically how many baths does your household have each evening?-Week ends/holidays Household survey No NA
Q38_1_TEXT Typically how many showers does your household have each evening?-Week days Household survey No NA
Q38_2_TEXT Typically how many showers does your household have each evening?-Week ends/holidays Household survey No NA
Q39 Has your cylinder been fitted with any extra insulation wrapping? / (for example a woollen or fibreglass wrap) Household survey No NA
Q41_x1 Do any of the appliances that you have include a delay function / that you use? -Dehumidifier Household survey No NA
Q41_x10 Do any of the appliances that you have include a delay function / that you use? -DVD/Bluray player Household survey No NA
Q41_x11 Do any of the appliances that you have include a delay function / that you use? -Games console Household survey No NA
Q41_x12 Do any of the appliances that you have include a delay function / that you use? -Home computer – Desktop Household survey No NA
Q41_x13 Do any of the appliances that you have include a delay function / that you use? -Laptop computer Household survey No NA
Q41_x14 Do any of the appliances that you have include a delay function / that you use? -Heated towel rail Household survey No NA
Q41_x15 Do any of the appliances that you have include a delay function / that you use? -Electric blanket Household survey No NA
Q41_x16 Do any of the appliances that you have include a delay function / that you use? -Heated swimming pool Household survey No NA
Q41_x17 Do any of the appliances that you have include a delay function / that you use? -Front load washing machine Household survey No NA
Q41_x18 Do any of the appliances that you have include a delay function / that you use? -Top load washing machine Household survey No NA
Q41_x19 Do any of the appliances that you have include a delay function / that you use? -Toaster Household survey No NA
Q41_x2 Do any of the appliances that you have include a delay function / that you use? -Dishwasher Household survey No NA
Q41_x20 Do any of the appliances that you have include a delay function / that you use? -Microwave Household survey No NA
Q41_x21 Do any of the appliances that you have include a delay function / that you use? -Second fridge/garage fridge Household survey No NA
Q41_x3 Do any of the appliances that you have include a delay function / that you use? -Separate deep-freezer Household survey No NA
Q41_x38 Do any of the appliances that you have include a delay function / that you use? -Spa pool Household survey No NA
Q41_x4 Do any of the appliances that you have include a delay function / that you use? -Fridge/freezer Household survey No NA
Q41_x5 Do any of the appliances that you have include a delay function / that you use? -Clothes dryer Household survey No NA
Q41_x6 Do any of the appliances that you have include a delay function / that you use? -Plasma screen TV Household survey No NA
Q41_x7 Do any of the appliances that you have include a delay function / that you use? -LCD or LED Screen TV Household survey No NA
Q41_x9 Do any of the appliances that you have include a delay function / that you use? -Video recorder or Digital recorder (hard disc) Household survey No NA
Q42_1 How many televisions are there in your household?-  Household survey No NA
Q43 What setting do you usually set your washing machine to? Household survey No NA
Q44_1 What temperature do you usually wash with?-Degrees Celsius Household survey No NA
Q45_1_1 When do you typically use your washing machine? Please answer for / week days and weekends/holidays.-Weekdays-7am-9am Household survey No NA
Q45_1_2 When do you typically use your washing machine? Please answer for / week days and weekends/holidays.-Weekdays-9am-12pm Household survey No NA
Q45_1_3 When do you typically use your washing machine? Please answer for / week days and weekends/holidays.-Weekdays-12pm-3pm Household survey No NA
Q45_1_4 When do you typically use your washing machine? Please answer for / week days and weekends/holidays.-Weekdays-3pm-6pm Household survey No NA
Q45_1_5 When do you typically use your washing machine? Please answer for / week days and weekends/holidays.-Weekdays-6pm-9pm Household survey No NA
Q45_1_6 When do you typically use your washing machine? Please answer for / week days and weekends/holidays.-Weekdays-9pm-7am Household survey No NA
Q45_1_7 When do you typically use your washing machine? Please answer for / week days and weekends/holidays.-Weekdays-At any time of day Household survey No NA
Q45_2_1 When do you typically use your washing machine? Please answer for / week days and weekends/holidays.-Week ends/holidays-7am-9am Household survey No NA
Q45_2_2 When do you typically use your washing machine? Please answer for / week days and weekends/holidays.-Week ends/holidays-9am-12pm Household survey No NA
Q45_2_3 When do you typically use your washing machine? Please answer for / week days and weekends/holidays.-Week ends/holidays-12pm-3pm Household survey No NA
Q45_2_4 When do you typically use your washing machine? Please answer for / week days and weekends/holidays.-Week ends/holidays-3pm-6pm Household survey No NA
Q45_2_5 When do you typically use your washing machine? Please answer for / week days and weekends/holidays.-Week ends/holidays-6pm-9pm Household survey No NA
Q45_2_6 When do you typically use your washing machine? Please answer for / week days and weekends/holidays.-Week ends/holidays-9pm-7am Household survey No NA
Q45_2_7 When do you typically use your washing machine? Please answer for / week days and weekends/holidays.-Week ends/holidays-At any time of day Household survey No NA
Q46_1_1 When do you typically use your dish washer? Please answer for week / days and weekends/holidays. -Week days-7am-9am Household survey No NA
Q46_1_2 When do you typically use your dish washer? Please answer for week / days and weekends/holidays. -Week days-9am-12pm Household survey No NA
Q46_1_3 When do you typically use your dish washer? Please answer for week / days and weekends/holidays. -Week days-12pm-3pm Household survey No NA
Q46_1_4 When do you typically use your dish washer? Please answer for week / days and weekends/holidays. -Week days-3pm-6pm Household survey No NA
Q46_1_5 When do you typically use your dish washer? Please answer for week / days and weekends/holidays. -Week days-6pm-9pm Household survey No NA
Q46_1_6 When do you typically use your dish washer? Please answer for week / days and weekends/holidays. -Week days-9pm-7am Household survey No NA
Q46_1_7 When do you typically use your dish washer? Please answer for week / days and weekends/holidays. -Week days-At any time of day Household survey No NA
Q46_2_1 When do you typically use your dish washer? Please answer for week / days and weekends/holidays. -Week ends/holidays-7am-9am Household survey No NA
Q46_2_2 When do you typically use your dish washer? Please answer for week / days and weekends/holidays. -Week ends/holidays-9am-12pm Household survey No NA
Q46_2_3 When do you typically use your dish washer? Please answer for week / days and weekends/holidays. -Week ends/holidays-12pm-3pm Household survey No NA
Q46_2_4 When do you typically use your dish washer? Please answer for week / days and weekends/holidays. -Week ends/holidays-3pm-6pm Household survey No NA
Q46_2_5 When do you typically use your dish washer? Please answer for week / days and weekends/holidays. -Week ends/holidays-6pm-9pm Household survey No NA
Q46_2_6 When do you typically use your dish washer? Please answer for week / days and weekends/holidays. -Week ends/holidays-9pm-7am Household survey No NA
Q46_2_7 When do you typically use your dish washer? Please answer for week / days and weekends/holidays. -Week ends/holidays-At any time of day Household survey No NA
Q47_1 Which dishwasher settings do you typically use?-Quick/Eco wash Household survey No NA
Q47_2 Which dishwasher settings do you typically use?-Normal wash Household survey No NA
Q47_3 Which dishwasher settings do you typically use?-Heavy/pot wash Household survey No NA
Q48_1 How often do you cook the following?-Breakfast (hot) Household survey No NA
Q48_2 How often do you cook the following?-Lunch (cooked) Household survey No NA
Q48_3 How often do you cook the following?-Dinner (cooked) Household survey No NA
Q48_4 How often do you cook the following?-Baking Household survey No NA
Q50 When do you use your heated towel rail? Household survey No NA
Q51_1_1 When is your heated towel rail typically on (please select as many / as appropriate for both week days and weekend/holidays)?-Week days-7am-9am Household survey No NA
Q51_1_2 When is your heated towel rail typically on (please select as many / as appropriate for both week days and weekend/holidays)?-Week days-9am-12pm Household survey No NA
Q51_1_3 When is your heated towel rail typically on (please select as many / as appropriate for both week days and weekend/holidays)?-Week days-12pm-3pm Household survey No NA
Q51_1_4 When is your heated towel rail typically on (please select as many / as appropriate for both week days and weekend/holidays)?-Week days-3pm-6pm Household survey No NA
Q51_1_5 When is your heated towel rail typically on (please select as many / as appropriate for both week days and weekend/holidays)?-Week days-6pm-9pm Household survey No NA
Q51_1_6 When is your heated towel rail typically on (please select as many / as appropriate for both week days and weekend/holidays)?-Week days-9pm-7am Household survey No NA
Q51_2_1 When is your heated towel rail typically on (please select as many / as appropriate for both week days and weekend/holidays)?-Weekend/holidays-7am-9am Household survey No NA
Q51_2_2 When is your heated towel rail typically on (please select as many / as appropriate for both week days and weekend/holidays)?-Weekend/holidays-9am-12pm Household survey No NA
Q51_2_3 When is your heated towel rail typically on (please select as many / as appropriate for both week days and weekend/holidays)?-Weekend/holidays-12pm-3pm Household survey No NA
Q51_2_4 When is your heated towel rail typically on (please select as many / as appropriate for both week days and weekend/holidays)?-Weekend/holidays-3pm-6pm Household survey No NA
Q51_2_5 When is your heated towel rail typically on (please select as many / as appropriate for both week days and weekend/holidays)?-Weekend/holidays-6pm-9pm Household survey No NA
Q51_2_6 When is your heated towel rail typically on (please select as many / as appropriate for both week days and weekend/holidays)?-Weekend/holidays-9pm-7am Household survey No NA
Q52 What is the main reason you use your heated towel rail? Household survey No NA
Q56 Have you ever gone without heating/power because you felt unable to / pay for it? Household survey No NA
Q58#1_1 About you and your household members : Gender-You Household survey No NA
Q58#3_1 About you and your household members : Employment status-You Household survey No NA
Q58#4_1 About you and your household members : Highest educational qualification-You Household survey No NA
Q59#1_2 About you and your household members : Gender-The second member of your household Household survey No NA
Q59#2_2 About you and your household members : Year of birth-The second member of your household Household survey No NA
Q59#3_2 About you and your household members : Employment status-The second member of your household Household survey No NA
Q59#4_2 About you and your household members : Highest educational qualification-The second member of your household Household survey No NA
Q6 What type of dwelling do you live in?  (please select the / option which applies to you) Household survey No NA
Q60#1_3 About you and your household members : Gender-The third member of your household Household survey No NA
Q60#2_3 About you and your household members : Year of birth-The third member of your household Household survey No NA
Q60#3_3 About you and your household members : Employment status-The third member of your household Household survey No NA
Q60#4_3 About you and your household members : Highest educational qualification-The third member of your household Household survey No NA
Q61#1_4 About you and your household members : Gender-The fourth member of your household Household survey No NA
Q61#2_4 About you and your household members : Year of birth-The fourth member of your household Household survey No NA
Q61#3_4 About you and your household members : Employment status-The fourth member of your household Household survey No NA
Q61#4_4 About you and your household members : Highest educational qualification-The fourth member of your household Household survey No NA
Q62#1_5 About you and your household members : Gender-The fifth member of your household Household survey No NA
Q62#2_5 About you and your household members : Year of birth-The fifth member of your household Household survey No NA
Q62#3_5 About you and your household members : Employment status-The fifth member of your household Household survey No NA
Q62#4_5 About you and your household members : Highest educational qualification-The fifth member of your household Household survey No NA
Q63#1_6 About you and your household members : Gender-The sixth member of your household Household survey No NA
Q63#2_6 About you and your household members : Year of birth-The sixth member of your household Household survey No NA
Q63#3_6 About you and your household members : Employment status-The sixth member of your household Household survey No NA
Q63#4_6 About you and your household members : Highest educational qualification-The sixth member of your household Household survey No NA
Q64#1_1 About you and your household members : Gender-The seventh member of your household Household survey No NA
Q64#2_1 About you and your household members : Year of birth-The seventh member of your household Household survey No NA
Q64#3_1 About you and your household members : Employment status-The seventh member of your household Household survey No NA
Q64#4_1 About you and your household members : Highest educational qualification-The seventh member of your household Household survey No NA
Q65#1_1 About you and your household members : Gender-The eighth member of your household Household survey No NA
Q65#2_1 About you and your household members : Year of birth-The eighth member of your household Household survey No NA
Q65#3_1 About you and your household members : Employment status-The eighth member of your household Household survey No NA
Q65#4_1 About you and your household members : Highest educational qualification-The eighth member of your household Household survey No NA
Q66#1_1 About you and your household members : Gender-The ninth member of your household Household survey No NA
Q66#2_1 About you and your household members : Year of birth-The ninth member of your household Household survey No NA
Q66#3_1 About you and your household members : Employment status-The ninth member of your household Household survey No NA
Q66#4_1 About you and your household members : Highest educational qualification-The ninth member of your household Household survey No NA
Q67#1_1 About you and your household members : Gender-The tenth member of your household Household survey No NA
Q67#2_1 About you and your household members : Year of birth-The tenth member of your household Household survey No NA
Q67#3_1 About you and your household members : Employment status-The tenth member of your household Household survey No NA
Q67#4_1 About you and your household members : Highest educational qualification-The tenth member of your household Household survey No NA
Q68#1_1 About you and your household members : Gender-The eleventh member of your household Household survey No NA
Q68#2_1 About you and your household members : Year of birth-The eleventh member of your household Household survey No NA
Q68#3_1 About you and your household members : Employment status-The eleventh member of your household Household survey No NA
Q68#4_1 About you and your household members : Highest educational qualification-The eleventh member of your household Household survey No NA
Q69#1_1 About you and your household members : Gender-The twelfth member of your household Household survey No NA
Q69#2_1 About you and your household members : Year of birth-The twelfth member of your household Household survey No NA
Q69#3_1 About you and your household members : Employment status-The twelfth member of your household Household survey No NA
Q69#4_1 About you and your household members : Highest educational qualification-The twelfth member of your household Household survey No NA
Q70 What is your ethnicity? Household survey No NA
Q71_1 Below are five statements that you may agree or disagree with. / Using the 1 - 7 scale below, indicate your agreement with each item / by placing the appropriate number on the line preceding that item….-In most ways my life is close to my ideal Household survey No NA
Q71_2 Below are five statements that you may agree or disagree with. / Using the 1 - 7 scale below, indicate your agreement with each item / by placing the appropriate number on the line preceding that item….-The conditions of my life are excellent Household survey No NA
Q71_3 Below are five statements that you may agree or disagree with. / Using the 1 - 7 scale below, indicate your agreement with each item / by placing the appropriate number on the line preceding that item….-I am satisfied with my life Household survey No NA
Q71_4 Below are five statements that you may agree or disagree with. / Using the 1 - 7 scale below, indicate your agreement with each item / by placing the appropriate number on the line preceding that item….-So far I have gotten the important things I want in life Household survey No NA
Q71_5 Below are five statements that you may agree or disagree with. / Using the 1 - 7 scale below, indicate your agreement with each item / by placing the appropriate number on the line preceding that item….-f I could live my life over, I would change almost nothing Household survey No NA
Q72_1 Below are eight / statements with which you may agree or disagree. Using the 1–7 / scale below, indicate your agreement with each item by indicating / that response for each statement-I lead a purposeful and meaningful life Household survey No NA
Q72_2 Below are eight / statements with which you may agree or disagree. Using the 1–7 / scale below, indicate your agreement with each item by indicating / that response for each statement-My social relationships are supportive and rewarding Household survey No NA
Q72_3 Below are eight / statements with which you may agree or disagree. Using the 1–7 / scale below, indicate your agreement with each item by indicating / that response for each statement-I am engaged and interested in my daily activities Household survey No NA
Q72_4 Below are eight / statements with which you may agree or disagree. Using the 1–7 / scale below, indicate your agreement with each item by indicating / that response for each statement-I actively contribute to the happiness and well-being of others Household survey No NA
Q72_5 Below are eight / statements with which you may agree or disagree. Using the 1–7 / scale below, indicate your agreement with each item by indicating / that response for each statement-I am competent and capable in the activities that are important to me Household survey No NA
Q72_6 Below are eight / statements with which you may agree or disagree. Using the 1–7 / scale below, indicate your agreement with each item by indicating / that response for each statement-I am a good person and live a good life Household survey No NA
Q72_7 Below are eight / statements with which you may agree or disagree. Using the 1–7 / scale below, indicate your agreement with each item by indicating / that response for each statement-I am optimistic about my future Household survey No NA
Q72_8 Below are eight / statements with which you may agree or disagree. Using the 1–7 / scale below, indicate your agreement with each item by indicating / that response for each statement-People respect me Household survey No NA
Q73_1 The following is a list of possible energy-saving / behaviours.  Please indicate which behaviours you do always / or almost always:-Turning off appliances at the wall Household survey No NA
Q73_10 The following is a list of possible energy-saving / behaviours.  Please indicate which behaviours you do always / or almost always:-Doing dishes by hand Household survey No NA
Q73_11 The following is a list of possible energy-saving / behaviours.  Please indicate which behaviours you do always / or almost always:-Pulling curtains at night Household survey No NA
Q73_12 The following is a list of possible energy-saving / behaviours.  Please indicate which behaviours you do always / or almost always:-Wash laundry on cold Household survey No NA
Q73_13 The following is a list of possible energy-saving / behaviours.  Please indicate which behaviours you do always / or almost always:-Open a few windows and doors at least once a day to air the house Household survey No NA
Q73_14 The following is a list of possible energy-saving / behaviours.  Please indicate which behaviours you do always / or almost always:-Clean windows regularly Household survey No NA
Q73_15 The following is a list of possible energy-saving / behaviours.  Please indicate which behaviours you do always / or almost always:-Prune trees to keep windows unshaded Household survey No NA
Q73_16 The following is a list of possible energy-saving / behaviours.  Please indicate which behaviours you do always / or almost always:-Monitor the temperature in living room(s) Household survey No NA
Q73_17 The following is a list of possible energy-saving / behaviours.  Please indicate which behaviours you do always / or almost always:-Cover pots when cooking Household survey No NA
Q73_2 The following is a list of possible energy-saving / behaviours.  Please indicate which behaviours you do always / or almost always:-Rinsing the dishes with cold water Household survey No NA
Q73_3 The following is a list of possible energy-saving / behaviours.  Please indicate which behaviours you do always / or almost always:-Reduce heating in unoccupied rooms Household survey No NA
Q73_4 The following is a list of possible energy-saving / behaviours.  Please indicate which behaviours you do always / or almost always:-Switching off lights in unused rooms Household survey No NA
Q73_5 The following is a list of possible energy-saving / behaviours.  Please indicate which behaviours you do always / or almost always:-Wait for a full load before using the washing machine Household survey No NA
Q73_6 The following is a list of possible energy-saving / behaviours.  Please indicate which behaviours you do always / or almost always:-Put on more clothing before turning up heating Household survey No NA
Q73_7 The following is a list of possible energy-saving / behaviours.  Please indicate which behaviours you do always / or almost always:-Keep household heating low to save energy (below 18°C) Household survey No NA
Q73_8 The following is a list of possible energy-saving / behaviours.  Please indicate which behaviours you do always / or almost always:-Line drying of laundry Household survey No NA
Q73_9 The following is a list of possible energy-saving / behaviours.  Please indicate which behaviours you do always / or almost always:-Taking shorter showers Household survey No NA
Q74_x1 Please indicate which behaviours you intend to do always or almost / always in the next 12 months:-Turning off appliances at the wall Household survey No NA
Q74_x10 Please indicate which behaviours you intend to do always or almost / always in the next 12 months:-Doing dishes by hand Household survey No NA
Q74_x11 Please indicate which behaviours you intend to do always or almost / always in the next 12 months:-Pulling curtains at night Household survey No NA
Q74_x12 Please indicate which behaviours you intend to do always or almost / always in the next 12 months:-Wash laundry on cold Household survey No NA
Q74_x13 Please indicate which behaviours you intend to do always or almost / always in the next 12 months:-Open a few windows and doors at least once a day to air the house Household survey No NA
Q74_x14 Please indicate which behaviours you intend to do always or almost / always in the next 12 months:-Clean windows regularly Household survey No NA
Q74_x15 Please indicate which behaviours you intend to do always or almost / always in the next 12 months:-Prune trees to keep windows unshaded Household survey No NA
Q74_x16 Please indicate which behaviours you intend to do always or almost / always in the next 12 months:-Monitor the temperature in living room(s) Household survey No NA
Q74_x17 Please indicate which behaviours you intend to do always or almost / always in the next 12 months:-Cover pots when cooking Household survey No NA
Q74_x2 Please indicate which behaviours you intend to do always or almost / always in the next 12 months:-Rinsing the dishes with cold water Household survey No NA
Q74_x3 Please indicate which behaviours you intend to do always or almost / always in the next 12 months:-Reduce heating in unoccupied rooms Household survey No NA
Q74_x4 Please indicate which behaviours you intend to do always or almost / always in the next 12 months:-Switching off lights in unused rooms Household survey No NA
Q74_x5 Please indicate which behaviours you intend to do always or almost / always in the next 12 months:-Wait for a full load before using the washing machine Household survey No NA
Q74_x6 Please indicate which behaviours you intend to do always or almost / always in the next 12 months:-Put on more clothing before turning up heating Household survey No NA
Q74_x7 Please indicate which behaviours you intend to do always or almost / always in the next 12 months:-Keep household heating low to save energy (below 18°C) Household survey No NA
Q74_x8 Please indicate which behaviours you intend to do always or almost / always in the next 12 months:-Line drying of laundry Household survey No NA
Q74_x9 Please indicate which behaviours you intend to do always or almost / always in the next 12 months:-Taking shorter showers Household survey No NA
Q75_1 The following is a list of possible energy saving changes that can / be done to a house. Please indicate which items are currently in / your house-Double glazing Household survey No NA
Q75_10 The following is a list of possible energy saving changes that can / be done to a house. Please indicate which items are currently in / your house-Heat pump Household survey No NA
Q75_11 The following is a list of possible energy saving changes that can / be done to a house. Please indicate which items are currently in / your house-Heat pump hot water cylinder Household survey No NA
Q75_12 The following is a list of possible energy saving changes that can / be done to a house. Please indicate which items are currently in / your house-Timers on heaters Household survey No NA
Q75_13 The following is a list of possible energy saving changes that can / be done to a house. Please indicate which items are currently in / your house-Externally vented drier Household survey No NA
Q75_14 The following is a list of possible energy saving changes that can / be done to a house. Please indicate which items are currently in / your house-Externally vented cooking rangehood Household survey No NA
Q75_15 The following is a list of possible energy saving changes that can / be done to a house. Please indicate which items are currently in / your house-Low flow shower head Household survey No NA
Q75_16 The following is a list of possible energy saving changes that can / be done to a house. Please indicate which items are currently in / your house-Washing line outside Household survey No NA
Q75_17 The following is a list of possible energy saving changes that can / be done to a house. Please indicate which items are currently in / your house-Energy efficient light bulbs in all main rooms Household survey No NA
Q75_18 The following is a list of possible energy saving changes that can / be done to a house. Please indicate which items are currently in / your house-Thermally lined/heavy curtains installed Household survey No NA
Q75_19 The following is a list of possible energy saving changes that can / be done to a house. Please indicate which items are currently in / your house-Wrap installed on hot water cylinder Household survey No NA
Q75_2 The following is a list of possible energy saving changes that can / be done to a house. Please indicate which items are currently in / your house-Ceiling insulation Household survey No NA
Q75_20 The following is a list of possible energy saving changes that can / be done to a house. Please indicate which items are currently in / your house-Lagging (insulation) on hot water pipes Household survey No NA
Q75_21 The following is a list of possible energy saving changes that can / be done to a house. Please indicate which items are currently in / your house-Heat transfer system between rooms Household survey No NA
Q75_3 The following is a list of possible energy saving changes that can / be done to a house. Please indicate which items are currently in / your house-Underfloor insulation Household survey No NA
Q75_4 The following is a list of possible energy saving changes that can / be done to a house. Please indicate which items are currently in / your house-Wall insulation Household survey No NA
Q75_5 The following is a list of possible energy saving changes that can / be done to a house. Please indicate which items are currently in / your house-Floor coverings (carpet/rugs) Household survey No NA
Q75_6 The following is a list of possible energy saving changes that can / be done to a house. Please indicate which items are currently in / your house-Solar hot water panels Household survey No NA
Q75_7 The following is a list of possible energy saving changes that can / be done to a house. Please indicate which items are currently in / your house-Solar electricity panels Household survey No NA
Q75_8 The following is a list of possible energy saving changes that can / be done to a house. Please indicate which items are currently in / your house-Micro windfarm Household survey No NA
Q75_9 The following is a list of possible energy saving changes that can / be done to a house. Please indicate which items are currently in / your house-Water proof membrane between ground and house Household survey No NA
Q76_x1 Which of the following energy saving modifications do you intend to / undertake in the next 12 months? -Double glazing Household survey No NA
Q76_x10 Which of the following energy saving modifications do you intend to / undertake in the next 12 months? -Heat pump Household survey No NA
Q76_x11 Which of the following energy saving modifications do you intend to / undertake in the next 12 months? -Heat pump hot water cylinder Household survey No NA
Q76_x12 Which of the following energy saving modifications do you intend to / undertake in the next 12 months? -Timers on heaters Household survey No NA
Q76_x13 Which of the following energy saving modifications do you intend to / undertake in the next 12 months? -Externally vented drier Household survey No NA
Q76_x14 Which of the following energy saving modifications do you intend to / undertake in the next 12 months? -Externally vented cooking rangehood Household survey No NA
Q76_x15 Which of the following energy saving modifications do you intend to / undertake in the next 12 months? -Low flow shower head Household survey No NA
Q76_x16 Which of the following energy saving modifications do you intend to / undertake in the next 12 months? -Washing line outside Household survey No NA
Q76_x17 Which of the following energy saving modifications do you intend to / undertake in the next 12 months? -Energy efficient light bulbs in all main rooms Household survey No NA
Q76_x18 Which of the following energy saving modifications do you intend to / undertake in the next 12 months? -Thermally lined/heavy curtains installed Household survey No NA
Q76_x19 Which of the following energy saving modifications do you intend to / undertake in the next 12 months? -Wrap installed on hot water cylinder Household survey No NA
Q76_x2 Which of the following energy saving modifications do you intend to / undertake in the next 12 months? -Ceiling insulation Household survey No NA
Q76_x20 Which of the following energy saving modifications do you intend to / undertake in the next 12 months? -Lagging (insulation) on hot water pipes Household survey No NA
Q76_x21 Which of the following energy saving modifications do you intend to / undertake in the next 12 months? -Heat transfer system between rooms Household survey No NA
Q76_x3 Which of the following energy saving modifications do you intend to / undertake in the next 12 months? -Underfloor insulation Household survey No NA
Q76_x4 Which of the following energy saving modifications do you intend to / undertake in the next 12 months? -Wall insulation Household survey No NA
Q76_x5 Which of the following energy saving modifications do you intend to / undertake in the next 12 months? -Floor coverings (carpet/rugs) Household survey No NA
Q76_x6 Which of the following energy saving modifications do you intend to / undertake in the next 12 months? -Solar hot water panels Household survey No NA
Q76_x7 Which of the following energy saving modifications do you intend to / undertake in the next 12 months? -Solar electricity panels Household survey No NA
Q76_x8 Which of the following energy saving modifications do you intend to / undertake in the next 12 months? -Micro windfarm Household survey No NA
Q76_x9 Which of the following energy saving modifications do you intend to / undertake in the next 12 months? -Water proof membrane between ground and house Household survey No NA
Q77_xx1 Which of the following energy saving modifications do you intend to / undertake in the next 5 years?-Double glazing Household survey No NA
Q77_xx10 Which of the following energy saving modifications do you intend to / undertake in the next 5 years?-Heat pump Household survey No NA
Q77_xx11 Which of the following energy saving modifications do you intend to / undertake in the next 5 years?-Heat pump hot water cylinder Household survey No NA
Q77_xx12 Which of the following energy saving modifications do you intend to / undertake in the next 5 years?-Timers on heaters Household survey No NA
Q77_xx13 Which of the following energy saving modifications do you intend to / undertake in the next 5 years?-Externally vented drier Household survey No NA
Q77_xx14 Which of the following energy saving modifications do you intend to / undertake in the next 5 years?-Externally vented cooking rangehood Household survey No NA
Q77_xx15 Which of the following energy saving modifications do you intend to / undertake in the next 5 years?-Low flow shower head Household survey No NA
Q77_xx16 Which of the following energy saving modifications do you intend to / undertake in the next 5 years?-Washing line outside Household survey No NA
Q77_xx17 Which of the following energy saving modifications do you intend to / undertake in the next 5 years?-Energy efficient light bulbs in all main rooms Household survey No NA
Q77_xx18 Which of the following energy saving modifications do you intend to / undertake in the next 5 years?-Thermally lined/heavy curtains installed Household survey No NA
Q77_xx19 Which of the following energy saving modifications do you intend to / undertake in the next 5 years?-Wrap installed on hot water cylinder Household survey No NA
Q77_xx2 Which of the following energy saving modifications do you intend to / undertake in the next 5 years?-Ceiling insulation Household survey No NA
Q77_xx20 Which of the following energy saving modifications do you intend to / undertake in the next 5 years?-Lagging (insulation) on hot water pipes Household survey No NA
Q77_xx21 Which of the following energy saving modifications do you intend to / undertake in the next 5 years?-Heat transfer system between rooms Household survey No NA
Q77_xx3 Which of the following energy saving modifications do you intend to / undertake in the next 5 years?-Underfloor insulation Household survey No NA
Q77_xx4 Which of the following energy saving modifications do you intend to / undertake in the next 5 years?-Wall insulation Household survey No NA
Q77_xx5 Which of the following energy saving modifications do you intend to / undertake in the next 5 years?-Floor coverings (carpet/rugs) Household survey No NA
Q77_xx6 Which of the following energy saving modifications do you intend to / undertake in the next 5 years?-Solar hot water panels Household survey No NA
Q77_xx7 Which of the following energy saving modifications do you intend to / undertake in the next 5 years?-Solar electricity panels Household survey No NA
Q77_xx8 Which of the following energy saving modifications do you intend to / undertake in the next 5 years?-Micro windfarm Household survey No NA
Q77_xx9 Which of the following energy saving modifications do you intend to / undertake in the next 5 years?-Water proof membrane between ground and house Household survey No NA
Q78 Have you made a change recently to help your household use energy / more efficiently? (Within the last year) Household survey No NA
Q79_1 Who helped you make decisions about the most recent energy-related / change to your house? (tick all that apply)- Family member Household survey No NA
Q79_10 Who helped you make decisions about the most recent energy-related / change to your house? (tick all that apply)-No one helped me Household survey No NA
Q79_12 Who helped you make decisions about the most recent energy-related / change to your house? (tick all that apply)-Internet sources Household survey No NA
Q79_2 Who helped you make decisions about the most recent energy-related / change to your house? (tick all that apply)- Friend Household survey No NA
Q79_3 Who helped you make decisions about the most recent energy-related / change to your house? (tick all that apply)-Work colleague Household survey No NA
Q79_4 Who helped you make decisions about the most recent energy-related / change to your house? (tick all that apply)-Neighbour Household survey No NA
Q79_5 Who helped you make decisions about the most recent energy-related / change to your house? (tick all that apply)-Another member of the community Household survey No NA
Q79_6 Who helped you make decisions about the most recent energy-related / change to your house? (tick all that apply)-Builder/plumber Household survey No NA
Q79_7 Who helped you make decisions about the most recent energy-related / change to your house? (tick all that apply)-Building inspector Household survey No NA
Q79_8 Who helped you make decisions about the most recent energy-related / change to your house? (tick all that apply)-Television and/or print campaigns Household survey No NA
Q79_9 Who helped you make decisions about the most recent energy-related / change to your house? (tick all that apply)-Other Household survey No NA
Q8 How are your external walls constructed? Household survey No NA
Q80 Please specify the other who helped you make decisions about your / most recent energy-related change to your house Household survey No NA
Q81_1 Do you agree or disagree with the following statements?-I only buy appliances with high energy efficiency ratings even if they cost more Household survey No NA
Q81_2 Do you agree or disagree with the following statements?-I don’t think very much about ways of saving energy in my own home Household survey No NA
Q81_3 Do you agree or disagree with the following statements?-I don’t pay much attention to what my energy bill is each month Household survey No NA
Q81_4 Do you agree or disagree with the following statements?-I find it hard to find information about energy efficiency around the home Household survey No NA
Q81_5 Do you agree or disagree with the following statements?-It’s difficult to know what information to trust in regards to energy efficiency Household survey No NA
Q81_6 Do you agree or disagree with the following statements?-Making choices about energy efficiency in the home is complex Household survey No NA
Q81_7 Do you agree or disagree with the following statements?-I am confident I can invest the time and effort to make changes towards being energy efficient Household survey No NA
Q81_8 Do you agree or disagree with the following statements?-I know where to find the right information about being energy efficient Household survey No NA
Q82 Which of the following statements best describes your overall / attitude to energy usage Household survey No NA
Q83 Which of the remaining statements best describes your overall / attitude to energy usage Household survey No NA
Q84 Does anyone in your household suffer from an illness that requires / use of energy? Household survey No NA
Q85_1 Please indicate below what extra health energy use is required for: / (tick all that apply)-Washing Household survey No NA
Q85_2 Please indicate below what extra health energy use is required for: / (tick all that apply)-Heating Household survey No NA
Q85_3 Please indicate below what extra health energy use is required for: / (tick all that apply)-Drying Household survey No NA
Q85_4 Please indicate below what extra health energy use is required for: / (tick all that apply)-Operating health or medical appliances Household survey No NA
Q85_5 Please indicate below what extra health energy use is required for: / (tick all that apply)-Other Household survey No NA
Q86 Please specify the other extra health energy use required. Household survey No NA
Q87 Is your workplace concerned about energy consumption? Household survey No NA
Q88_1 Please indicate the degree to which you agree or disagree with all / of the following statements:-We are approaching the limit of the number of people the Earth can support. Household survey No NA
Q88_10 Please indicate the degree to which you agree or disagree with all / of the following statements:-The so-called “ecological crisis” facing humankind has been greatly exaggerated. Household survey No NA
Q88_11 Please indicate the degree to which you agree or disagree with all / of the following statements:-The Earth is like a spaceship with very limited room and resources. Household survey No NA
Q88_12 Please indicate the degree to which you agree or disagree with all / of the following statements:-Humans were meant to rule over the rest of nature. Household survey No NA
Q88_13 Please indicate the degree to which you agree or disagree with all / of the following statements:-The balance of nature is very delicate and easily upset. Household survey No NA
Q88_14 Please indicate the degree to which you agree or disagree with all / of the following statements:-Humans will eventually learn enough about how nature works to be able to control it. Household survey No NA
Q88_15 Please indicate the degree to which you agree or disagree with all / of the following statements:-If things continue on their present course, we will soon experience a major ecological catastrophe. Household survey No NA
Q88_2 Please indicate the degree to which you agree or disagree with all / of the following statements:-Humans have the right to modify the natural environment to suit their needs. Household survey No NA
Q88_3 Please indicate the degree to which you agree or disagree with all / of the following statements:-When humans interfere with nature it often produces disastrous consequences. Household survey No NA
Q88_4 Please indicate the degree to which you agree or disagree with all / of the following statements:-Human ingenuity will ensure that we do not make the Earth unlivable. Household survey No NA
Q88_5 Please indicate the degree to which you agree or disagree with all / of the following statements:-Humans are seriously abusing the environment. Household survey No NA
Q88_6 Please indicate the degree to which you agree or disagree with all / of the following statements:-The Earth has plenty of natural resources if we just learn how to develop them. Household survey No NA
Q88_7 Please indicate the degree to which you agree or disagree with all / of the following statements:-Plants and animals have as much right as humans to exist. Household survey No NA
Q88_8 Please indicate the degree to which you agree or disagree with all / of the following statements:-The balance of nature is strong enough to cope with the impacts of modern industrial nations. Household survey No NA
Q88_9 Please indicate the degree to which you agree or disagree with all / of the following statements:-Despite our special abilities, humans are still subject to the laws of nature. Household survey No NA
Q89_1 If the government is going to take a lead in order to improve / energy efficiency in NZ households, how do you feel about them / using the following measures?-Applying energy standards that require minimum levels of energy efficiency on most appliances Household survey No NA
Q89_2 If the government is going to take a lead in order to improve / energy efficiency in NZ households, how do you feel about them / using the following measures?-Ensuring energy information is provided by requiring labels on appliances that indicate typical energy usage Household survey No NA
Q89_3 If the government is going to take a lead in order to improve / energy efficiency in NZ households, how do you feel about them / using the following measures?-Providing customised energy advice: free or low-cost information about energy efficiency improvements Household survey No NA
Q89_4 If the government is going to take a lead in order to improve / energy efficiency in NZ households, how do you feel about them / using the following measures?-Providing financing at low or no-interest for energy efficiency improvements Household survey No NA
Q89_5 If the government is going to take a lead in order to improve / energy efficiency in NZ households, how do you feel about them / using the following measures?-Banning inefficient technologies, such as incandescent light bulbs where more energy effective options exist Household survey No NA
Q89_6 If the government is going to take a lead in order to improve / energy efficiency in NZ households, how do you feel about them / using the following measures?-Granting direct subsidies so that the cost of energy efficient technologies is shared Household survey No NA
Q9 What are the external walls of your house constructed from? Household survey No NA
Q91 Which statement best describes your attitude to electricity supply Household survey No NA
Q92_1 To what extent do you agree or disagree with each of the following / statements?-I am prepared to greatly reduce my energy use Household survey No NA
Q92_2 To what extent do you agree or disagree with each of the following / statements?-I am not able to reduce my energy use any further Household survey No NA
Q92_3 To what extent do you agree or disagree with each of the following / statements?-I want to reduce my energy use Household survey No NA
Q92_4 To what extent do you agree or disagree with each of the following / statements?-I am prepared to greatly reduce my energy use but only if I know others are doing the same Household survey No NA
Q92_5 To what extent do you agree or disagree with each of the following / statements?-I am prepared to greatly reduce my energy use if support is available to help me do this Household survey No NA
Q92_6 To what extent do you agree or disagree with each of the following / statements?-I am prepared to greatly reduce my energy use if that lowers my energy bills Household survey No NA
Q93_1 Please indicate whether you would be interested in obtaining any of / this information about your own electricity use. Please select as / many as you like.-Which appliance is using the most electricity Household survey No NA
Q93_2 Please indicate whether you would be interested in obtaining any of / this information about your own electricity use. Please select as / many as you like.-Electricity use by appliance Household survey No NA
Q93_3 Please indicate whether you would be interested in obtaining any of / this information about your own electricity use. Please select as / many as you like.-How much you are spending on electricity at a given time Household survey No NA
Q93_4 Please indicate whether you would be interested in obtaining any of / this information about your own electricity use. Please select as / many as you like.-Overall electricity use Household survey No NA
Q93_5 Please indicate whether you would be interested in obtaining any of / this information about your own electricity use. Please select as / many as you like.-Patterns of electricity use over a day, week, month, years Household survey No NA
Q93_6 Please indicate whether you would be interested in obtaining any of / this information about your own electricity use. Please select as / many as you like.-Electricity use by room Household survey No NA
Q93_7 Please indicate whether you would be interested in obtaining any of / this information about your own electricity use. Please select as / many as you like.-Information about how much electricity is used on average by people in homes like yours Household survey No NA
Q93_8 Please indicate whether you would be interested in obtaining any of / this information about your own electricity use. Please select as / many as you like.-None of these Household survey No NA
Q93_9 Please indicate whether you would be interested in obtaining any of / this information about your own electricity use. Please select as / many as you like.-Other Household survey No NA
Q94 How much, if at all, do you think having this kind of information / would help you reduce your electricity use? Household survey No NA
Q95 The information collected by smart meters would also be available / to your electricity supplier. How positively or negatively do you / feel about this? Household survey No NA
Q96_1 Here are some examples of how energy use could be managed / differently. Please indicate your view towards the acceptability of / each of the following situations. -Appliances such as digital boxes, TVs and computers automatically turning off if they are left on standby for a considerable amount of time Household survey No NA
Q96_2 Here are some examples of how energy use could be managed / differently. Please indicate your view towards the acceptability of / each of the following situations. -Your shower turning off after a set period of time each time you use it (e.g. 10 minutes). You would have to manually turn it on again if you wish to continue showering for longer Household survey No NA
Q96_3 Here are some examples of how energy use could be managed / differently. Please indicate your view towards the acceptability of / each of the following situations. -Setting your washing machine to wash clothes before a certain time rather than right away. For example, you would turn on your washing machine and set a time by when the cycle has to be finished, e.g. 10am the next morning. The electricity company would then determine the best time to turn the washing machine on, by sending a signal to the appliance Household survey No NA
Q96_4 Here are some examples of how energy use could be managed / differently. Please indicate your view towards the acceptability of / each of the following situations. -Allowing your fridge, or fridge-freezer to be switched off by your electricity company for short periods of time (provided the temperature of the fridge/fridge-freezer remains within a certain specified range Household survey No NA
Q96_5 Here are some examples of how energy use could be managed / differently. Please indicate your view towards the acceptability of / each of the following situations. -Allowing your electricity company to decide when to heat your hot water cylinder while maintaining hot water Household survey No NA
Q97 How positively or negatively do you feel about your electricity / company controlling some of your appliances for the purpose of / balancing the electricity grid (such as avoiding peaks in / electricity… Household survey No NA
linkID To link to grid spy data Meta-data No NA
EmailAddress EmailAddress NA No NA
EndDate EndDate NA No NA
ExternalDataReference ExternalDataReference NA No NA
Finished Finished NA No NA
HomeAddress HomeAddress NA No NA
HomeLat HomeLat NA No NA
HomeLng HomeLng NA No NA
IPAddress IPAddress NA No NA
IntSchoolAddress IntSchoolAddress NA No NA
IntSchoolLat IntSchoolLat NA No NA
IntSchoolLng IntSchoolLng NA No NA
IntSchoolName IntSchoolName NA No NA
IntSchoolNameSearched IntSchoolNameSearched NA No NA
LocationAccuracy LocationAccuracy NA No NA
LocationLatitude LocationLatitude NA No NA
LocationLongitude LocationLongitude NA No NA
Name Name NA No NA
PreSchoolAddress PreSchoolAddress NA No NA
PreSchoolLat PreSchoolLat NA No NA
PreSchoolLng PreSchoolLng NA No NA
PreSchoolName PreSchoolName NA No NA
PreSchoolNameSearched PreSchoolNameSearched NA No NA
PriSchoolAddress PriSchoolAddress NA No NA
PriSchoolLat PriSchoolLat NA No NA
PriSchoolLng PriSchoolLng NA No NA
PriSchoolName PriSchoolName NA No NA
PriSchoolNameSearched PriSchoolNameSearched NA No NA
RespondentID RespondentID NA No NA
ResponseID ResponseID NA No NA
ResponseSet ResponseSet NA No NA
SecSchoolAddress SecSchoolAddress NA No NA
SecSchoolLat SecSchoolLat NA No NA
SecSchoolLng SecSchoolLng NA No NA
SecSchoolName SecSchoolName NA No NA
SecSchoolNameSearched SecSchoolNameSearched NA No NA
ShopName ShopName NA No NA
ShopNameSearched ShopNameSearched NA No NA
Status Status NA No NA
WorkAddress WorkAddress NA No NA
WorkLat WorkLat NA No NA
WorkLng WorkLng NA No NA
WorkName WorkName NA No NA
WorkNameSearched WorkNameSearched NA No NA


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