
The following are the results from the TPM impact model. The final charges are a result of a netted vSPD approach for the benefit charges and the use of the anytime maximum demand (AMD) to allocate residual charges. The proposal also includes a price cap to protect customers from big price increases

Results are broken down in to indicative charges, capping results, and residential impacts.

Indicative charges

Customer Connection charge Benefit charge Residual charge Proposal Capped proposal
Alpine Energy $2,286,199 $1,303,669 $8,405,496 $9,709,165 $9,936,526
Aurora Energy $3,968,611 $2,159,365 $18,585,889 $20,745,253 $21,231,047
Buller Electricity $568,361 $103,532 $557,830 $661,362 $676,849
Centralines $655,359 $239,165 $1,086,141 $1,325,307 $1,356,342
Counties Power $862,525 $2,796,249 $6,842,587 $9,638,835 $9,864,549
Eastland Network $255,183 $386,760 $3,202,854 $3,589,614 $3,673,672
Electra $1,386,455 $1,057,257 $5,934,780 $6,992,037 $7,155,771
Electricity Ashburton $737,039 $812,746 $9,775,166 $10,587,911 $10,835,850
Electricity Invercargill $368,683 $847,752 $5,406,948 $6,254,701 $6,401,168
Electricity Southland $127,295 $46,392 $253,450 $299,842 $306,863
Horizon Energy $1,969,032 $303,711 $5,570,404 $5,874,116 $5,507,213
MainPower $2,456,951 $1,285,974 $8,350,593 $9,636,567 $9,862,228
Marlborough Lines $503,840 $716,540 $3,896,195 $4,612,735 $4,720,752
Nelson Electricity $69,661 $98,386 $743,417 $841,803 $861,516
Network Tasman $1,403,764 $1,084,232 $8,231,588 $9,315,820 $9,533,970
Network Waitaki $776,619 $557,815 $3,680,343 $4,238,158 $4,337,403
Northpower $2,117,121 $5,136,676 $9,254,694 $14,391,369 $14,728,373
Orion $3,557,036 $7,012,381 $40,791,004 $47,803,385 $48,922,802
OtagoNet JV $1,432,098 $647,432 $3,934,139 $4,581,571 $4,688,858
Powerco $14,317,797 $7,941,929 $55,764,892 $63,706,821 $65,198,651
Scanpower $542,279 $176,659 $807,440 $984,099 $1,007,143
The Lines Company $1,168,528 $517,810 $4,113,247 $4,631,057 $4,739,503
The Power Company $1,350,736 $745,503 $6,112,155 $6,857,658 $7,018,245
Top Energy $835,870 $939,978 $3,714,261 $4,654,239 $4,763,228
Unison Networks $4,766,691 $1,474,844 $19,349,438 $20,824,282 $21,311,926
Vector $10,963,181 $44,944,221 $111,245,910 $156,190,131 $159,847,652
Waipa Networks $997,452 $895,283 $3,967,204 $4,862,487 $4,976,352
WEL Networks $1,418,040 $2,064,272 $15,642,484 $17,706,755 $18,121,396
Wellington Electricity $7,028,709 $5,450,463 $30,663,515 $36,113,978 $36,959,663
Westpower $606,013 $146,496 $2,871,703 $3,018,199 $3,088,877
Contact Energy $3,467,061 $17,929,286 $1,626,372 $19,555,659 $20,013,596
Genesis Power $4,219,453 $6,014,453 $970,762 $6,985,215 $7,148,789
KCE (Mangahao) $0 $113,530 $0 $113,530 $116,188
Mercury $2,848,812 $4,739,343 $1,323,166 $6,062,508 $6,204,475
Meridian $14,173,127 $36,056,894 $1,578,989 $37,635,883 $38,517,207
Nga Awa Purua JV $347,637 $1,295,960 $284,248 $1,580,208 $1,617,212
Ngatamariki Geothermal $212,872 $785,484 $55,703 $841,187 $860,885
Nova $235,290 $23,948 $149,483 $173,432 $177,493
Southdown Generation $38,308 $6,102 $97,594 $103,696 $106,124
Tilt Renewables $62,076 $121,857 $57,116 $178,973 $183,164
Todd Gen. Taranaki $26,738 $260,409 $35,971 $296,380 $303,320
TrustPower $170,787 $799,680 $87,888 $887,567 $908,351
Tuaropaki (Mercury) $0 $491,456 $701,927 $1,193,382 $1,221,328
Whareroa Cogen. Ltd $140,519 $42,468 $395,574 $438,042 $448,300
B.E.R. (Kupe) Ltd $60,062 $97,504 $479,115 $576,619 $590,122
Daiken Southland $120,345 $151,556 $480,262 $631,817 $646,613
Methanex $412,053 $84,702 $487,008 $571,709 $585,097
New Zealand Rail $1,689,665 $206,950 $2,310,834 $2,517,784 $1,337,898
Norske Skog $965,586 $324,244 $6,083,010 $6,407,254 $1,350,900
NZ Steel $1,921,547 $2,170,710 $9,085,238 $11,255,948 $5,660,892
NZAS $1,100,473 $9,903,818 $31,151,376 $41,055,194 $42,016,588
Pan Pacific $888,356 $552,989 $4,191,429 $4,744,418 $2,764,089
Port Taranaki $20,036 $1,678 $13,386 $15,063 $15,230
Resolution Dev $4,178 $1,531 $15,359 $16,890 $5,370
Southpark Utilities $33,436 $0 $8,799 $8,799 $9,005
Winstone Pulp Int $971,592 $347,185 $1,942,111 $2,289,297 $2,342,906

Capping results

Customer Total bill Current charges Cap on increase Increase Cap breach Proposal Capped proposal Difference
Alpine Energy $124,643,806 $11,931,254 $4,362,533 -$2,222,089 $0 $9,709,165 $9,936,526 $227,361
Aurora Energy $206,373,456 $19,993,246 $7,223,071 $752,008 $0 $20,745,253 $21,231,047 $485,794
Buller Electricity $12,014,987 $601,608 $420,525 $59,754 $0 $661,362 $676,849 $15,487
Centralines $23,471,051 $1,957,884 $821,487 -$632,577 $0 $1,325,307 $1,356,342 $31,035
Counties Power $98,701,364 $10,929,294 $3,454,548 -$1,290,459 $0 $9,638,835 $9,864,549 $225,714
Eastland Network $61,137,307 $5,146,886 $2,139,806 -$1,557,272 $0 $3,589,614 $3,673,672 $84,058
Electra $77,998,025 $5,877,038 $2,729,931 $1,114,999 $0 $6,992,037 $7,155,771 $163,733
Electricity Ashburton $99,105,513 $13,634,477 $3,468,693 -$3,046,565 $0 $10,587,911 $10,835,850 $247,938
Electricity Invercargill $56,535,952 $8,498,361 $1,978,758 -$2,243,661 $0 $6,254,701 $6,401,168 $146,467
Electricity Southland $3,289,388 $554,132 $115,129 -$254,290 $0 $299,842 $306,863 $7,021
Horizon Energy $74,902,933 $2,885,610 $2,621,603 $2,988,505 $366,903 $5,874,116 $5,507,213 -$366,903
MainPower $110,102,202 $9,976,627 $3,853,577 -$340,060 $0 $9,636,567 $9,862,228 $225,661
Marlborough Lines $67,662,430 $6,196,134 $2,368,185 -$1,583,399 $0 $4,612,735 $4,720,752 $108,017
Nelson Electricity $14,268,946 $761,559 $499,413 $80,244 $0 $841,803 $861,516 $19,713
Network Tasman $104,119,185 $8,146,217 $3,644,171 $1,169,603 $0 $9,315,820 $9,533,970 $218,150
Network Waitaki $39,050,023 $3,121,263 $1,366,751 $1,116,895 $0 $4,238,158 $4,337,403 $99,245
Northpower $159,748,231 $15,003,429 $5,591,188 -$612,060 $0 $14,391,369 $14,728,373 $337,004
Orion $513,808,446 $49,456,067 $17,983,296 -$1,652,682 $0 $47,803,385 $48,922,802 $1,119,417
OtagoNet JV $71,171,461 $4,264,016 $2,491,001 $317,555 $0 $4,581,571 $4,688,858 $107,287
Powerco $795,046,365 $78,089,246 $27,826,623 -$14,382,424 $0 $63,706,821 $65,198,651 $1,491,829
Scanpower $16,185,157 $1,318,564 $566,480 -$334,466 $0 $984,099 $1,007,143 $23,045
The Lines Company $68,091,738 $3,526,983 $2,383,211 $1,104,075 $0 $4,631,057 $4,739,503 $108,446
The Power Company $104,511,865 $7,572,548 $3,657,915 -$714,890 $0 $6,857,658 $7,018,245 $160,587
Top Energy $79,668,009 $4,018,609 $2,788,380 $635,630 $0 $4,654,239 $4,763,228 $108,989
Unison Networks $285,611,746 $24,384,562 $9,996,411 -$3,560,280 $0 $20,824,282 $21,311,926 $487,644
Vector $1,325,950,413 $170,922,764 $46,408,264 -$14,732,634 $0 $156,190,131 $159,847,652 $3,657,521
Waipa Networks $58,640,269 $6,363,841 $2,052,409 -$1,501,354 $0 $4,862,487 $4,976,352 $113,865
WEL Networks $207,516,602 $18,848,378 $7,263,081 -$1,141,622 $0 $17,706,755 $18,121,396 $414,641
Wellington Electricity $369,978,192 $49,252,848 $12,949,237 -$13,138,870 $0 $36,113,978 $36,959,663 $845,685
Westpower $41,609,568 $1,789,898 $1,456,335 $1,228,302 $0 $3,018,199 $3,088,877 $70,677
Contact Energy $0 $29,031,009 $0 -$9,475,350 $0 $19,555,659 $20,013,596 $457,937
Genesis Power $0 $7,657,753 $0 -$672,538 $0 $6,985,215 $7,148,789 $163,574
KCE (Mangahao) $0 NA $0 NA $0 $113,530 $116,188 $2,659
Mercury $0 $0 $0 $6,062,508 $0 $6,062,508 $6,204,475 $141,966
Meridian $0 $95,426,670 $0 -$57,790,787 $0 $37,635,883 $38,517,207 $881,323
Nga Awa Purua JV $0 $0 $0 $1,580,208 $0 $1,580,208 $1,617,212 $37,004
Ngatamariki Geothermal $0 $0 $0 $841,187 $0 $841,187 $860,885 $19,698
Nova $0 $0 $0 $173,432 $0 $173,432 $177,493 $4,061
Southdown Generation $0 $6,158 $0 $97,538 $0 $103,696 $106,124 $2,428
Tilt Renewables $0 $4,927 $0 $174,046 $0 $178,973 $183,164 $4,191
Todd Gen. Taranaki $0 $1,334 $0 $295,046 $0 $296,380 $303,320 $6,940
TrustPower $0 $2,521,612 $0 -$1,634,045 $0 $887,567 $908,351 $20,784
Tuaropaki (Mercury) $0 $0 $0 $1,193,382 $0 $1,193,382 $1,221,328 $27,946
Whareroa Cogen. Ltd $0 $0 $0 $438,042 $0 $438,042 $448,300 $10,258
B.E.R. (Kupe) Ltd $5,615,310 $859,268 $196,536 -$282,649 $0 $576,619 $590,122 $13,503
Daiken Southland $5,378,881 $751,090 $188,261 -$119,273 $0 $631,817 $646,613 $14,795
Methanex $4,908,988 $504,764 $171,815 $66,946 $0 $571,709 $585,097 $13,388
New Zealand Rail $7,021,382 $1,092,149 $245,748 $1,425,635 $1,179,886 $2,517,784 $1,337,898 -$1,179,886
Norske Skog $38,327,352 $9,443 $1,341,457 $6,397,811 $5,056,354 $6,407,254 $1,350,900 -$5,056,354
NZ Steel $90,404,836 $2,496,723 $3,164,169 $8,759,225 $5,595,056 $11,255,948 $5,660,892 -$5,595,056
NZAS $459,029,699 $58,782,598 $16,066,039 -$17,727,404 $0 $41,055,194 $42,016,588 $961,394
Pan Pacific $42,840,246 $1,264,680 $1,499,409 $3,479,737 $1,980,329 $4,744,418 $2,764,089 -$1,980,329
Port Taranaki $109,637 $11,393 $3,837 $3,671 $0 $15,063 $15,230 $167
Resolution Dev $33,205 $4,208 $1,162 $12,682 $11,520 $16,890 $5,370 -$11,520
Southpark Utilities $75,432 $6,671 $2,640 $2,128 $0 $8,799 $9,005 $206
Winstone Pulp Int $22,601,271 $2,471,474 $791,044 -$182,177 $0 $2,289,297 $2,342,906 $53,609

Residential impacts

Customer Current charge ($/MWh) Capped proposal ($/MWh) Current impact ($/pa) Proposed impact ($/pa) Difference Difference (no ACOT)
Alpine Energy $12.35 $11.61 $103.03 $96.86 -$6.17 -$6.17
Aurora Energy $11.98 $14.42 $98.67 $118.71 $20.04 -$16.85
Buller Electricity $9.31 $11.79 $51.03 $64.65 $13.62 $13.62
Centralines $14.12 $11.01 $98.20 $76.59 -$21.61 -$21.61
Counties Power $15.68 $15.93 $125.37 $127.40 $2.03 -$4.27
Eastland Network $14.12 $11.34 $89.20 $71.68 -$17.52 -$30.11
Electra $11.20 $15.36 $72.42 $99.27 $26.85 -$6.35
Electricity Ashburton $17.96 $16.07 $156.67 $140.18 -$16.49 -$16.49
Electricity Invercargill $15.66 $13.28 $132.79 $112.61 -$20.18 -$20.18
Electricity Southland $25.31 $15.78 $208.37 $129.91 -$78.46 -$78.46
Horizon Energy $4.70 $10.09 $29.69 $63.78 $34.10 -$5.74
MainPower $12.96 $14.42 $115.17 $128.17 $13.01 $13.01
Marlborough Lines $13.00 $11.15 $93.77 $80.43 -$13.34 -$13.34
Nelson Electricity $12.28 $15.64 $85.71 $109.17 $23.45 $23.45
Network Tasman $9.19 $12.10 $64.11 $84.48 $20.36 $4.54
Network Waitaki $9.57 $14.98 $72.53 $113.48 $40.95 $40.95
Northpower $11.57 $12.79 $73.69 $81.45 $7.75 $0.57
Orion $12.57 $14.00 $110.52 $123.09 $12.57 $12.57
OtagoNet JV $8.33 $10.31 $58.14 $71.98 $13.84 -$6.68
Powerco $12.87 $12.10 $81.99 $77.07 -$4.92 -$13.42
Scanpower $13.36 $11.49 $94.97 $81.67 -$13.30 -$13.30
The Lines Company $9.12 $13.79 $73.24 $110.81 $37.57 -$3.17
The Power Company $10.68 $11.36 $90.96 $96.74 $5.78 $4.91
Top Energy $9.39 $12.53 $56.93 $75.98 $19.04 -$24.79
Unison Networks $12.23 $12.03 $86.83 $85.44 -$1.39 -$21.69
Vector $16.40 $17.27 $116.76 $122.93 $6.18 $5.39
Waipa Networks $13.40 $11.79 $102.45 $90.20 -$12.26 -$12.26
WEL Networks $12.40 $13.42 $87.12 $94.30 $7.18 -$10.69
Wellington Electricity $16.82 $14.21 $120.47 $101.78 -$18.69 -$25.64
Westpower $5.65 $11.10 $34.73 $68.29 $33.56 $3.50